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 No.2005[View All]

If we use science to create a guy with Jeremy Meeks' lower half and Sylvester Stallone's upper half he will be able to end incel culture and make them NTs
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>I was crying looking at myself for hours in the mirror, i attempted suicide twice, unfortunately my mother found my unconcious body and the stupid bitch cslled the hospital so they revived me, now i am still here i cant even look at the people in the eyes i feel so disgusted by myself, i har a friend, she was an aspie, she replaced me for a internet friend, i found out they do roleplay together and they match pfp, things i ask to her and she would never do i even betabuxxed for her i feel like shit qhen i found out, i went on a mental breakdown and threw my ipad to the floor of the bathroom while i was shitting, i tried everything, going er its my last option, but i dont wanna do a simple meh shooting, i wanna get rid of billions, i will study, i will find out how, i will cause it after that i will then attempt suicide again


>doood dont take finasteride it will make you not attracted to women which is the worst thing evvar!!!


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so true


Asian philosophy in general is far more down to earth, and realistic than western nonsense



I heckin love negative birth rates, women becoming cat ladies and men becoming beautiful ones from the rat experiment


This is all because of western influence.




How did Korea become such an extreme


I don't really know for sure because it's too complicated. My two sense is the modern soy liberal system was thrust upon them. It was created over centuries by the west for the west with cultural developments that took place to better adapt to modernity. Asian soycieties never developed these adjustments and the collectivist values Asians had are being used against them for the sake of capital. Some of it is leaking over here too with the infamous walmart dance being inspired by South Korean work culture. The soulless social landscape is due to anomie


koreans have always been like this doe. Their entire history is just a giant competition on who can buckbreak the Korean the most. Mongols, random Chinese warlords, Imperial Japan, America, Commie China, other western countries… They are like Russians or Chinese people but somehow even more docile and cattle-slave like.


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Man I wish I had a qt plastic Asian fleshlight


she is donating her hair to make wigs for kids with cancer


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it's not too late to save your hair or prevent this from happening in the first place


Maladjusted males, meanwhile, took to grooming all day—preening and licking themselves hour after hour. Calhoun called them “the beautiful ones.” And yet, even while obsessing over their appearance, these males had zero interest in courting females, zero interest in sex.


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Those are gymcels. Looksmaxxers and finny poppers actually try to get laid


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She's attacking touhou fans


what do the weab groypers think about this


probably something along the lines of
>it's da jooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos!
or something


and they wouldn't be wrong


How old is this woman


imposing your will on normaltrannies isnt a loser thing also she ugly ew



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babe, wake up
new white culture


how can you be this ecstatic over something like this


chad got back to her


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reminds me of a similar video but with her rapist instead


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It's white women wednesday


Shes right you know


she be cute doe


Берег is right about women




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She's ALREADY punching down on truecels (who's existence is already painful enough) and making fun of them for not getting whored out.
This is after she was grouping tranime with Dr. Fauci and Zuckerberg, who were Varsity Captains in their respective sports during High School, and have NEVER EVER consumed japslop ever, wtf?
But since this is a Moroccan posting this of course he's going to blindly agree with whatever the white woman is saying, because he CRAVES the BWG (big white gyatt), which he will never get due to living in a shithole! Many such failures. Mama Mia!


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That body is… No comment.


Masculine women bad even doe you can have Chad offspring with them and if you have an ugly girl it doesn't matter because easy mode difficulty


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Height doesn't matter when hedgehog rizz exists.


Implying he isn't being carried by that maxilla halo


you hate seeing Shadow rise


>broke ass niggas
>we don't give a fuck
what a rude language, despite the fact that she's posing as a traditional woman… She's speaking the way you would post on some anonymous web-forum.


Being represented by a HTN brother who secured the bag with a white female isnt him rising?


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Incelsco says he goes to the gym doe


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