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losers, creeps, whales
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File: 1705485137399.jpg (27.09 KB, 472x472, 278e7c4f1d2ba91305421d49e2….jpg)

 No.20157[View All]

There's not a single drawing of them that implies them having a nose.
Are they mouthbreathers?
73 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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File: 1710616217012.jpg (379.14 KB, 2048x1152, F8Lqx6AWgAAfZyp.jpg)

Hakutaku and sukusuku


bottom left passes


File: 1710703926102.webm (9.66 MB, 640x480, yu05.webm)

is this a whale?
fact check: i shat my pants


File: 1710704284648.gif (1.33 MB, 498x373, 21687846.gif)


slowburn atmospheric yume nikki inspired surreal rpg maker kino with no jumpscares


File: 1710708277172.png (288.6 KB, 721x709, 99456587_p0.png)

do you like this whale


File: 1710712444882.png (448.21 KB, 765x768, 1706853119107079.png)

I like this tsukasa yukari fat squirrel


it's called tSukusa




Wtf I thought this novel was over $100


maybe on ebay, i got one, looks like they have 1 left


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File: 1711295797237.webm (3.46 MB, 1300x1020, yu06.webm)




You are not a polish cow


yvp… it's lvdQ


I can't wait to be a whale and reproduce and start a family


What if Whale JRPG source code is made public after it comes out, and I make Doctor Whale: The Game


it will be made public because linuxtards are able to build shit themselves
thing though, i code this pile of crap without following any tutorials, which makes me doubt anyone will spend hours trying to understand what did my alcohol infused brain mean by all of this
i make map binaries without any gui


I'm not some freak who would expect a gui
Also otaku hivemind brain will allow me to understand the boozed gibberish


can you post the sprites for these new whales


I would like to make a javascript program where yukari wombat follows the cursor around in your style of walk animation, however if you >>43974 I will upgrade it to "whale train" and have a train of wombats that will start at 1 and grow to 4 hamsters, and it will be in the options menu so that all BBCers can use this assistant


File: 1712235854662.jpg (834.33 KB, 1920x1080, 20240403_104359.jpg)

I'm stopping development as for now because I'm highly unsatisfied with what it is becoming. Such projects should not take months to finish, but mere weeks, which made me realize some things have gone wrong. Good thing I can see every of such.
I'll go back to it when I have some actual plan what to do with it. Back in February it took me few days to design and code a huge chunk of technical stuff because I had a plan, now I don't. Today whale development evolved into me wasting my Sundays in front of a screen.
Also, I have recently found my drawings from year and a half ago. Comparing those with what I draw now, I can safely claim I have lost 10 to 15 points of my IQ arguing over hairlines with midwits instead of doing euclidian geometry and stereometry (and constant boozing).
I'll post'em when I get home.


>I have lost 10 to 15 points of my IQ […] constant boozing
This is so real


this but with seijababy land


this was just crazy


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File: 1715286065721-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.02 MB, 3156x4380, illust_98751249_20230205_0….jpg)

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File: 1715286065721-3.png (Spoiler Image, 1.58 MB, 1201x1800, illust_89678492_20220323_0….png)


what dose this jave to do with wjales


stop gooning



File: 1715297648398.jpg (43.52 KB, 800x430, scale_2400.jpg)

>Look at this NIGGA who thinks he's gonna GOON on MY watch. Not a chance nigga


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File: 1716763997831-1.png (4.69 KB, 256x256, paletteEnt_marisa.png)

File: 1716763997831-2.png (4.61 KB, 256x256, paletteEnt_reimu.png)



File: 1716766421460.png (226.65 KB, 430x471, reclining again.png)

>black hands on that last image
ruskie is a cuckfaggot confirmed!


File: 1716769934865.png (14.54 KB, 1702x339, file.png)

I'll take a crack


File: 1716907185124.png (13.93 KB, 800x600, 370 - komeiji_koishi subte….png)

take this little whaley with you to the psych ward




stop gooning


Wakeup georgedy


File: 1718397091929.png (91.25 KB, 2352x864, oc9gqqgs5vua1.png)

this yukari whale is aggressive


File: 1718397475543.jpg (36.07 KB, 720x713, baa.jpg)

she was sadly put down a few days after that picture was taken for aggressive behavior


File: 1718398100520.png (38.27 KB, 900x621, file.png)

>There's not a single drawing of them that implies them having a nose.
there is, now! :)


Thank you Toriyama




File: 1720196939644.png (119.25 KB, 736x832, 1628807368646.png)



Hey there Moshe


File: 1720207656159.png (1.42 MB, 1200x820, file.png)

this guy looks kind of sigma whats his story


I'm not actually a very adept nazi so I don't know who this is

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