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losers, creeps, whales
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File: 1705642161368.jpg (340.89 KB, 1696x2048, chen egret safe2 83de6aaca….jpg)

 No.20750[View All]

Seeing as american imperialist mod be oppressing us colored folks 'n sheet, we'll now use broken english and continue to shitpost about ru boards.
195 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Holy datamining


lois what will happen if I visit this


File: 1710483473431.jpg (1.35 MB, 1746x1872, goutokuji mike kaenbyou ri….jpg)

you'll get v&


> /misc/83219
uh-oh nice gay discord erp slash grooming general


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oh no not spooky deep web onion links


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what happened to the soyjak spammer? did he rope?


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>plebs ignoring the thread again


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He went to muenzuka


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and roped?


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tomorrow i'll start taking amphetamine and it will either break or make me.

Now master played with dick, cumming good with VAN and Billy and the spiders from ass… they played it so hard.



did you know you can fly?
jump out of window and see for yourself ;)


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i am manic not schizo. this is the first time i'm thinking mania can go too high.


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Кнопочки жмутся, бляди корёжатся. Двач правильно делает, что банит визгунов.


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Мда, только пиздить с тредов на дваче научился?


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i'm having so much fun! -ACK!


big grass


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does it mean youmu actually buys the mcdonald the children wants ?
why is the link dark and sinister like that


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PROBABLY. funny part is okuu cirno koishi etc are in the backseat yelling "MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!"


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well, amphetamine doesn't do much. at least the inside of my mind isn't fucked as much anymore. there aren't many competing narratives there now.


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новый 'хота


why do you know russian


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почему ты умеешь сосать чёрный хуй?


omg I understood everything!




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I like Ran and Chen


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they are the perfect waifu/daughterfu


File: 1715329127691.mp4 (16.02 MB, 640x360, 6th Touhou M-1 Grand Prix ….mp4)


my cat pissed in the potted plants and shoes and tried to beat up the other cat, he will be castrated tomorrow as his punishment


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you CANT do this to him…


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he should have thought of that before being a dick, and not only does he loses his, he will be forced the cone of shame


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cat status?


russians CANNOT STOP making the best music on the planet


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смыл в главную страницу


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damn straight


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bad macro


Instasamka bros… Did you hear that?


oh yeah its been a while he has been freed from the cone for some time
no longer pisses everywhere so thats good


My sister is like super into russia rn and listens to instasamka nonstop.
The other day I saw her googling something and "wagner group patch" was in her search history should I be concerned


she should listen to kino and grazhdanskaya oborona instead


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holy trvthnvke


what if instead of kpop and korea white women were obsessed with russia and slavs

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