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 No.26910[Last 50 Posts]

Blue Archive is kinda the LoGH of our generation


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To bad it's gatcha doe so I'll never play it.


I tried HOI4 again today. Holy shit, what a shit game.
Time to update Starsector I guess and reinstall the 100+ mods and hope it works


gaya sss archi8ve



blue archive is kinda like the lgbt of our generation


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It's LGBT free though.


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Lying SPIC.


i remember joining a blue archive cord and it was full of gays and bisexuals back then


latino ANGEL


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yes but only because you joined


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>yes but [OBSESSION]


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thats the ruderaqi doe since ever i dissed the charlatan


your argument was so convincing that I became a proud catholic christan now


my bad


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part of logical thought is the capability of removing the argument of the person that is making it
and i may just be the last person in the whole wide world capable of that
islam is a joke
everytime I read Surah 33:37 I can not help but laugh at the fact that some people think that the charlatan be a sinless prophet of god and not just some retard claiming that his opinions be from god


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surah al what?
i remember we first started arguing on the mortality of some christian religious figures but you quickly switched to "Judaism, islam, and orthodox christianity are only deniers of catholic faith something so catholicism is the one with the most faith" and the whole topic got derailed into why islam is a false religion of the charlatan.


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I am referring to this specific Surah in which islam abolishes adoption and remarrying the divorced wives of one's sons in favour of Mohammed in the accusal against him in which the tradition of the pre-islamic arabs forbids one of remarrying one's sons divroced wifes or whatever it is late.
>i remember we first started arguing on the mortality of some christian religious figures
I can not remember the figure you are talking, of, but considering all humans are mortal in the end I can understand why I would switch the topic to whatever I was triyng to emphasise in whatever argument you are thinking of.
>"Judaism, islam, and orthodox christianity are only deniers of catholic faith something so catholicism is the one with the most faith" and the whole topic got derailed into why islam is a false religion of the charlatan.
All these religions are making the same claim in the end, if you ignore liberal modernists that dont understand religion outside of their secularists informed opinon‌
To a true catholic being a true jew or a true muslim is the same thing, because it means to be a true follower of Abraham's religion. There is no room for all those sectarian differences.




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>I am referring to this specific Surah in which islam abolishes adoption and remarrying the divorced wives of one's sons in favour of Mohammed in the accusal against him in which the tradition of the pre-islamic arabs forbids one of remarrying one's sons divroced wifes or whatever it is late.
moral and immoral stuff are quite subjective. only when lots of people agree on it that it becomes sort of objective. because obviously not all people have the same moral compass, what is okay for you isn't okay for someone. Muhammad forbade poetry duels (which is an arabic tradition) between tribes because it often leads to fighting. so here's that, also it was his adopted son's wife. after thinking it through your argument was weak because catholics has done genocides in the name of God but it isn't considered immoral to you…


morality is objective and it came from God, its only subjective if you dont think there is a natural order or logos the God (if you atheist or agnostic or a new age version of anyu reliogined) catholics was immoral for committing killings and stuff thats why prQtestants are better


1. I don't agree that the C. Church ever did genocides in the name of God. Only individuals did gencocide in the name of cathoclisim. All the genocides were at most done in the name of personal opinions of few persons that claimed to be catholic but they were obvioulsy not authoratie for even the bishopric they came from‌
>Muhammad forbade poetry duels (which is an arabic tradition) between tribes because it often leads to fighting
I can agree with you that Mohammed did some stuff that was favourable and beneficial (in a christian sense) for Arabs, I just believe that where Mohammed claims it to be from God (his personal beliefs), that were the islamic religion is corrupted. We are all free to believe, Mohammed says that those who reject him have to be killed, I can understand why mohammed would say that, I can understasnd: but we Christians have to saay: the Christian God is more merciful than Mohammed; the Christian God is less easily offended by me or by you, you live by your own senses or obligations, but God is above it all, and mercifuller than it all.


muhammad was tuaght the aryan heresy when he was a little kid and then he did lots of drugs and thought gabriel came on him so why even take him ceriuosly


it wasnt gabreil, it was satan
bbut gods mercy is so great that it would even choose to forgive satan's sins should satan choose to repent.


he not going to do that




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fuck I feel so garbage about all the shitty posts i am making today but I cant help it because my psychodivergent neurology is forcing me to 'mirror' all these drunkards


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Do not worry about it:
I will take all the blame of drunk retards on myself anyway


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Protestants won??
>All the genocides were at most done in the name of personal opinions of few persons that claimed to be catholic but they were obvioulsy not authoratie for even the bishopric they came from‌
i will let that slide so i don't derail the conversation
>Mohammed says that those who reject him have to be killed
only wahabis say that. most scholars agree that the killing of non Muslims whether they're theists or atheists is haram as it counts as killing an innocent self. while it is rightful to kill people who cheat on their wife/husband and people who commit homosexual acts and of course having sex with animals is punished by being stoned to death. generally all people who have a hand in corrupting society can be rightfully killed. but men/women who act like the opposite gender are only damned by allah…
you should check major sins in Islam and their punishments to get an idea about it
he was nothing but an orphan illiterate shepherder throughout his life until his philosophical phase hits him and he starts questioning everything and boom Gabriel came to him
hxqhibiwbhdwihihwdexboeckhxeibexhiefihfbfwdowhdidhwod dwjidhwidhid hd ifh idh o hwdid bi dbiwbi h and DB the most d hididinwxbwhwihxwbwxibwdkbwxjbwixbwkbwibxiwxvixbwiwxbibxwkwbiwxbkwbwxkbwd


why do you call me ruderaqi anyways? i dont think im rude at all
i only respond negatively when im provoked sometimes but that doesnt mean im rude



also einjemand why do you think that i somehow started being rude to you after you dissed islam in some thread? we are just doing a little roleplaying aren't we? i mean the spic has been doing it all the time




you were making islam rage bait threads from the day i started posting on bant until now (2 years ago)


yup its all an act im definitely not actually retarded yup just like he says


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What happened to Soor


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>generally all people who have a hand in corrupting society can be rightfully killed. but men/women who act like the opposite gender are only damned by allah…
So muslims are still more moral than the instator of their religion? Good to hear.
Also my fucking brother uppelled a knife on me because I sang to loud about the murderers of his fucking grandfather: God, what a shame upon the family. Next time he will sing with me or I will beat him up again.


he called the police too, but I don't care, I can fzuck up the police too.


you ignored the important stuff



your faggot ass isn't allowed to assign names for me


yeah thats what he does



My brother left home to go to his gayass friends. I wonder what the Cuckraqi thinks about that.


My brother is such a libtard. He callef the police on me because I punched him ONECE. Why cant I Listen to nazi rock at 1am in peace?


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At least it confirms that my right arm isnt as crippled as I tought.
Maxbe i shoud make xir a makeup Gift.


At least I screamed enough at my brother that the police are National traitors that I think he understood that familiar bonds are the only valueable thing.


I puked out enough that i dont want to puke anymore but still feel like id if i stood
Also its ash wensday soon so no more alc. The libtard that made us won…




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i hope a bunch of homeless pakis finally realize how great prisons in germany are so they decide to gang up on the next person who is walking alone at night
and guess who is the fortunate guy that will get this treatment? you. while you're doing your frequent sigma lonely drunk walks at night in the middle of nowhere. they gang up on you and hit you with every hard object they could, breaking a lot of bones in the process. then they steal everything on you leaving you naked and passed out in the middle of the street. your brother stumbles around this scenery and sees a naked beaten up guy, when he approaches closer he notices that this is actually his faggotass younger brother so he quickly calls the ambulance. "His intestines were severely damaged, and he will need to live with a bag attached to his stomach for the rest of his life" "And his testicles are missing" said the doctor.
Only then you will learn how to stop being a sassy annoying faggot


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They aren't chúdbaby pisscels like you so in reality they would drink some with me talk some have some fun and everyone would go home with extra life lessons. Plus, who is afraid of Indians? No wonder you would need a bunch of them since they can't even reach above my guts.


>everyone would go home
but they're homeless


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he meant to say to his home….


doesn't he live with his parents?


I haven't lived with my parents since I was 19


so your brother comes to visit you from day to day?


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no he lives with me


you split the rent between each other right? if so he doesn't have a right to threaten you with a knife for blasting nazi music


no my parents pay for everything


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so you're like a baby but an adult?


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I'm just poor because I don't want to have a ZOG cattle job.


>im incompetent because i dont want to be competent
do you save any money or you're just wasting money? how do you plan on marrying someone and raising children if not? are you human or a robot?


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I have a moral obligation to make my children be a burden on the taxpayer.


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he is nothing
berate him more


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no wonder your brother threatens you and chooses to spend time with his turkish friends rather than spend a minute with you
may god(Christian god) guide you




Hello moshe


Hello Juan Bautista


What a shit language


all the dots are basically training wheels for non arabs anyway


Still a shit script. I had to learn it to be able to read Persian. Persian with Cyrillic (like used in Tajikistan) already makes far more sense than Ar*p.


Maybe it makes more sense is Arabic since semites somehow only think in consonants.


Yeah they should learn English and abandon their traditions, religion and culture


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Mecca is just the old Hollywood. Just think of the various illiterate tribes all around the world claiming descent of one of the Grand Charlatan's relatives to share in his supposed glory. They are just as fraudulent as their Ishmael. Nothing new under the sun.


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you copied this from twitter


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BluAka artists have been cooking with the evening dresses lately 🔥🔥🔥




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Bruh they have an entire highway for bantbluds 💀💀💀



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top 9 pieces of equipment that every gooncave needs




How do you live with yourself


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By being an epic alcmaxxed gamer


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If Reisa had Roblox 😂😂😂




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cause my style is ridiculous ulous ulous ulous


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Yappers have been real quiet after this one.


erm why are the hands brown?


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So Okinawans can self insert too.


Aya if mid




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I wish they released more dark fucked up emo versions of the students already.
That would be so fucked, and I would be so in love with it.


i went to the blue archive cord and the first username i see is “skibidi is my life”
so f*cking aryan


It was a malaysian 12 year old


this is cutecringe


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extremely mid feet


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I must lay off the booze for as long it is fastingtide



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every time my brain tries to have blasphemous thoughts it says stuff like “I hate Hitler”


RJIB got mogged. It's over.


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what is she doing?


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>Words words words
Red Winter can't meme


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if sonic adventure had chao breeding in 1998 why can't we have student breeding in 2024


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Iku and Orin in Ohio


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This is Orin




Youmu Shinki fusion (Yinki) in Ohio


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the cia uses this video to torture people


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God I hate being sick.


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Looks like CHAD winter won after all…


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Do you know when the railgun banner is coming to global


3 more weeks


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new 'foom


Been doing some thinking. I think the world of Skibidi Toilet could unironically obliterate kivotos, especially with the lore from skibidi toilet we have now.
Firstly, durability: the toilets are incredibly resilient, with only a single weakness, and possess the numbers to make that weakness completely irrelevant. While it's no contest that each student is infinitely more durable than everything up to the most recent units we've seen, or the titans, I think the toilets numbers, speed, and stealth capabilities are able to allow them to force Kivotos into a guerilla campaign.
Not to mention, the weapons the larger toilets possess are routinely WMD tier, with an energy yield capable of flattening buildings easily, and are cheap enough for them to mass produce a suicide unit in large quantities, turning Kivotos into an irradiated hellhole within weeks.
But all of this pales in comparison to the deadliest capability of the toilets: their adaptability. No strategy against them works for long, due to them learning quickly and shifting their units to counter that strategy within days of a defeat. Their control over technology means that, with a toilet parasite, they could easily control sensei, if not just clone him with a toilet head, and use the Shittim Chest to control the entire city if every student doesn't just sit on top of the man. And of course, if that fails, there's still the capability to simply flatten everything as mentioned earlier. Skibidi toilet is unironically able to destroy kivotos.


They have comparable AP/DC and speed but that doesn't matter because skibidi toilet is 3D BA is 4D


Kys nigger hidden bread


Why even announce it then


best post of your life


>Been doing some thinking. I think the world of Skibidi Toilet
the introduction which filters the brainlets


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is this you


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Enter KaiserCHADs





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new asanagi


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Bruhhhh TF2 but cissed up just nvked


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its never been more over


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I feel strangely alive today in a way I have not for like 4-7 years now.


i heard mid archive is probably going to become irrelevant soon and everyone will hop on over to the next FOTM gacha slop, is this real chat???


FOTM even though I've been playing it for 2 years now.
I started watching LoGH a couple weeks ago, messed up the order, great show still.


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There is something cozy about LoGH
Reminds me of the good old days when we lived not in a complete shithole society.


Yeah before moeblobs and gachatrash


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No I mean before the utterly loathsome 68er Generation made all their perversions commonplace.


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I haven't been able to stay awake for more than 20 hours since years
But I'm going to need to stay awake for 30 hours now.


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Blue Archive just overtook Hololive on Danbooru
Genshin's next.


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mind blowing that they turned doomer wojak into an anime girl


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hate mong ass sleep so much


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my body is producing serotonin again after like 4 years


Not peaty


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this would be Not peaty, but her butthole saves…


This implies that you were carefree and happy for the last 4 years and that suddenly you got into a slog of learned helplessness and misery


Also stop posting pervert stuff because you are making a fool out of the entire Catholic faith


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he meant dopamine!


How do you know he didn't mean allopregnanolone tho


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Imma take Zoloft from now on.


This will make you less nazipisscel then you will come to touhoufest3 as koishi


>Imma take Zoloft from now on.


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I wish I could find new music easier my coworkers have the most generic taste ever (at least when it comes to international music)


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Zoloft makes you more homicidal though
Also I really don't want to cross the pond as long Bidenist-Leninist government is in charge.


The joke was that you would react negatively to this concept and stop taking zoloft


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Maybe I will if I realise that it's just poisoning me.
Going to the psychiatry with a bunch of women in the waiting room has the same vibes as being in a brothel.


Eat more zinc and magnesium rich organic foods.


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Not continuing to take anti depressants as late teen was a huge mistake.
Should have trusted the science & experts…


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Also I'm tired of my mong ass brother so I will live alone soon‌


are you going to assassinate him


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I already brutalised him a lot throughout my youth.


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Anyway I hope Bergoglio will finally be deposed


Sedevacantism is retarded


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If Francis and V.II. are deposed then Sedisvacantists and the Vatican can reconcile.


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so thats a no?


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Aside of the immense and real curse that killing ones own brother would cause, I'd still live with my grandmother.
I need to live alone, because the rest of my family is keeping me stunted.


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I took my contact lenses off and put on my old glasses just right before sleep and suddenly see extremely sharply through them
Of course eye sight correction was a edomite scam too


just become homeless silly


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No I'll just ask the government to provide me with a 1-room apartment


but the government gives housing because of democracy and democracy bad


Fr. Ripperger says that we get the leaders we deserve so we should focus on correcting our own interior lives and stop focusing so much on the stupid stuff that the Pope does


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SSP if he joined the cartel


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And how can we better our interior lives if no one takes action for it?
An isolate saint can't be a beacon for grace to anyone. Heretical and disobedient bishops perpetuate the spiritual darkness of the folk.


Recognize that you yourself can't do anything. Pray for each heretical bishop and for the Pope, and realize that God is allowing bad elements in His church for a reason


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Magabros care to explain?


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Bach is massage for the soul


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based koreans being based again


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Yet touhouGODS still mog both combined. remember when people thought kancolle was the 2hu killer


touhou release - 1996 - 30k art per year
blue archive release - 2021 - 60k art per year


File: 1715103035515.png (7.09 MB, 2234x4096, cc0b705ce6682838429260f0b9….png)

You are not gonna win beta male


That was years before social media was a thing


File: 1715116511062.png (3.19 MB, 1875x2000, __izayoi_sakuya_and_toki_t….png)

Yeah, because Touhou is like a million years old…


File: 1715128645126.png (1.1 MB, 1175x885, __nozomi_and_hikari_blue_a….png)

Another sleepless night.


its ok stay up with me


File: 1715130648275.jpeg (210.58 KB, 2048x1448, vjumz3ggiyyc1.jpeg)

I would have went ages ago but I'm too lazy to take the contact lenses off


Why do you keep posting this types of images


File: 1715182544803.jpg (1.15 MB, 1920x1267, __mika_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

Tomorrow is ascension. Free day.




File: 1715183958458.png (882.18 KB, 843x1149, 1715086677369.png)

Teen girls can never be foul.




File: 1715208834493.png (17.9 KB, 598x628, mutt.png)

>bluaka? shit's faux albeit appears as the first result if you type in "LoGH" on the otaku board catalogue


File: 1715209728114-0.png (908.47 KB, 900x6258, 1685278915864010.png)

File: 1715209728114-1.png (1.53 MB, 598x10000, 1713244035101412.png)

File: 1715209728114-2.jpg (1.33 MB, 718x9547, 5B5C62F2-A0BD-4EEC-B611-03….jpg)


File: 1715272095181.jpg (284.69 KB, 720x1080, 116583703_p0.jpg)


File: 1715273758559.png (3.05 MB, 2941x2941, 1709075665474.png)

Maybe cortisol is the problem. I should do no politics for a month. And no other stress sources


You did tell me that one time that your default state of emotion is being angry


this is healthy and im happy for you


File: 1715275068611.jpg (2.09 MB, 1500x2109, __aris_and_aris_blue_archi….jpg)

Well I'm not sure how much of it relates to living in Clownland. But it has been that way since ever I realised that I was growing up in a shithole district.


File: 1715275082792.png (46.44 KB, 800x600, 2389 - alice_margatroid al….png)



File: 1715275729049.jpg (857.34 KB, 1800x1800, __midori_blue_archive_draw….jpg)

Bist du auch geblackpillt?


Treat yourself to some ice cream :)


ascension is a holyday here so tomorrow


File: 1715337132208.jpg (1.04 MB, 1721x2000, __nozomi_and_hikari_blue_a….jpg)




File: 1715338717888.jpg (281.16 KB, 1240x2048, __midori_and_midori_blue_a….jpg)



File: 1715345238027.jpg (4.52 MB, 3553x4864, __mika_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)


File: 1715347713418.jpg (686.61 KB, 1450x2048, __azusa_blue_archive_drawn….jpg)

I'm hoping that the cardinal/patriarch of jerusalem will be the next Pope.


File: 1715468916653.jpg (550.27 KB, 1096x1370, 0240409_100350349.jpg)

emptyness is all that remains


caca of the blue variety


File: 1715509624546.jpg (1.95 MB, 2480x3508, __aris_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

just found out soyteens are still obsessed with goonclown


that guy is weird but far from the worst desu, but i forget the details who cares he is irrelevant as you implied


File: 1715530916943.gif (2.14 MB, 408x286, koharu michael.gif)


no arrow


File: 1715616198101.jpg (333.34 KB, 2048x1193, 1685278484565266.jpg)


File: 1715616565260.jpg (66.75 KB, 946x850, 2830 - blue_shirt cyclops ….jpg)

Aryanchad and the Moroccan created gyates, I bet they are some kind of pedos or something


File: 1715617150998.jpg (947.31 KB, 957x1471, __azusa_blue_archive_drawn….jpg)

Shut up.
Please shut up.
Please just shut the fuck up already.
I get it, you’re horny. But nobody wants to hear about all the times you’ve masturbated to your waifus, and nobody especially wants to hear about how your microdick and porn addiction got in the way of something.
Nobody wants to hear your played out and excessive “pwease be my friend uwu” drivel either, especially when posting stuff like this is exactly the reason why you have no friends. You complain about not having a bf/gf and yet you post this garbage with zero self awareness. Could you be any more dense?
“Boobs tits and ass"? How about you go touch grass you cum stained landwhale.
Go outside and touch grass.
Get some vitamin D.
Get some real friends that aren't just nobodies on a friends list in a fucking mobile game.
Get something other than an erection every time you see anything that even looks remotely feminine.
And stay the fuck away from me until you fix yourself and cure your porn addiction, you subhuman mouthbreather.


oh my gtma[t]


File: 1715701600177.jpg (1.62 MB, 2750x2000, __kisaki_and_mina_blue_arc….jpg)

my depressive episode is over (for now)


File: 1715703384122-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 2.06 MB, 3541x5000, hHLD2z4N6FF1LYuSjPT9x0e7.jpeg)

File: 1715703384122-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 2.25 MB, 3541x5000, qJyFy28Yp9ZznNahUmyT3mtv.jpeg)


What is it about these goddamn elves that makes germans go crazy







File: 1715718879025.jpg (186.35 KB, 849x1200, __hifumi_blue_archive_draw….jpg)

My real life shall soon be.


File: 1715780777752-0.jpg (63.61 KB, 679x1024, 1714798773793314m.jpg)

File: 1715780777752-1.jpg (439.66 KB, 1448x2048, GNnEG3HaUAAPIRd.jpg)


File: 1715881282683.png (5.45 MB, 2894x4093, __nozomi_and_hikari_blue_a….png)


File: 1715894354967.jpg (2.66 MB, 2655x3647, __sensei_doodle_sensei_noz….jpg)

I wish my coworker knew how large my cock was.


how large is it?


File: 1715894542584.png (326.52 KB, 721x1750, D38C6FC7-7EA7-41C2-8DC7-0D….png)

Large enough to have a little bit of space in the cage while erected


File: 1715894764988.jpg (670.92 KB, 1200x900, __nozomi_and_hikari_blue_a….jpg)

>slav'd even doe germany is being flooded by breeding age ukrainian women


File: 1715895729822.jpg (149.11 KB, 1125x1038, __momoi_and_midori_blue_ar….jpg)

I can't even goon to tranime because I have too many hots for her.


>that subtle queen of spades


File: 1715898650220.jpg (1.97 MB, 1447x1929, 1715898310734.jpg)

I think you should wipe that cum stain off the monitor, rabbi.


File: 1715898707039.png (360.9 KB, 780x1170, gachafag.png)


File: 1715922778622.jpg (153.56 KB, 1174x1733, __mika_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

I gooned twice today.


File: 1715952900868.png (2.47 MB, 3508x2480, __azusa_and_azusa_blue_arc….png)

No solace for pentecost, aside of God.



File: 1715980744181.png (485.8 KB, 843x843, 1688102595081006.png)


File: 1715982301266.jpg (220.02 KB, 600x900, __haruka_and_haruka_blue_a….jpg)

I wonder how the west will react when Russia starts to roll over the Ukraine
These worthless 80 years of peace were worse than any war. Anything to tear the enemy system down.


File: 1715982775983.jpg (24.14 MB, 4776x6408, __nozomi_and_hikari_blue_a….jpg)

What happened to the Ukraine is absolutely heartbreaking
Zelensky has squandered the future of Ukraine in the name of globalism.
Thousands of broken families in the name of the most worthless ideas humanity has come up with.


File: 1715983759292.jpg (395 KB, 2480x1748, __mika_and_nagisa_blue_arc….jpg)

God loves National Socialism


god has a twp confirmed??



File: 1715992561281.jpg (865.36 KB, 2544x4000, 1491056376336.jpg)



you found op's twitter congrats


File: 1716055629693.png (2.27 MB, 2000x1422, __momoi_and_midori_blue_ar….png)

Turns out the post-war economic miracle is just a huge bubble financed by America.


What a proper bowser



File: 1716302420522.jpg (303.18 KB, 1247x1758, F8Cwgm4aUAAdHVE.jpg)



blue poopoo


File: 1716322935526.png (1.31 MB, 1800x2000, __sensei_doodle_sensei_and….png)

Oh I'm a Jartytranny
Yes I'm a Jartytranny
If you're mad about me
You can kiss my fat black fanny
Oh I'm a Jartycaca
Yes I'm a Jartycaca
Skin like shit
I'm obsessed
Oh I'm a Jartycaca
Yes I'm a Jartycaca
I'll never be white
I'll never be a woman either


File: 1716323616457.png (365.08 KB, 467x697, wriggle_drink.png)

that song is very funny but the video is painful to watch basically


This is what happens when you mix methylene blue into your carrot salad #JustPeatThings


File: 1716331251783.jpg (109.05 KB, 600x1388, 1716268816250592.jpg)

Tomorrow is the day I stop being a K.
I can feel it in my bones.


File: 1716480365695.jpg (1.01 MB, 1580x2100, __phrenapates_blue_archive….jpg)

come the fuck UP


File: 1716488264283.gif (1.71 MB, 500x500, ezgif-6-ad109074d5.gif)

I can not wait for the next day.
Life is only getting better


You don't look like that doe


have soitrannys actually dox'd u??




File: 1716558487494.jpg (475.21 KB, 2508x3541, __mari_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

Obviously not.


File: 1716559225667.png (15.39 MB, 4500x2950, __seia_blue_archive_drawn_….png)

They did trick the mong mods into banning me for ban evasion doe.


File: 1716559478110.jpeg (5.58 KB, 228x221, pepe blowing smoke.jpeg)

Maybe it was because of pedofaggotry


File: 1716560060226.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.91 MB, 3600x3600, __highlander_twintails_con….jpg)

I only post straight pedo material though.


File: 1716560152167.png (235.3 KB, 960x540, anatomy of a jartycuck.png)


German troon thinks jartycuck maymay is nazi and based


He thinks the same about bint too doe.


File: 1716562417249.png (331.89 KB, 849x1200, file.png)

Even FGO is kneeling to the power of the Sublime Archive.


File: 1716574147664.png (23.48 KB, 800x500, 9507 - eyes_closed konpaku….png)

I'm a jartyn*gger yes I'm a jartyn*gger gooning day and night, my 'p folder getting bigger
oh i'm a sh*tskin spamming obsessed tranny jartyn*gger, if you think it's coally now wait until you see
my tiny pecker
oooooh i'm a jarty tranny, yes i'm a jarty tranny, I do it every day, more devoted than the janny


File: 1716575522755.gif (317.46 KB, 500x500, BA_shupo_019.gif)


File: 1716575781960.gif (412.34 KB, 320x240, sike.gif)

>oh i'm a sh*tskin spamming obsessed tranny jartyn*gger, if you think it's coally now wait until you see
>my tiny pecker
bars unironically. that part went harder than it had any business doing. have shartybabas finally become funny?


AI did the heavy lifting
I checked the soy board because the jartycuck song was funny but it was still completely unusable, not that any quality level would alter my browsing habits


Nusoycluckas will make it out of the hood with their rap game.


File: 1716578762728.png (481.18 KB, 750x700, __aris_momoi_midori_and_yu….png)

Ugh, not weekend again…


that IS youmu


File: 1716617239753.mp4 (27.55 MB, 1280x720, 71502 - SoyBooru.mp4)

>I only post straight pedo material though.


File: 1716641155138.jpg (350.11 KB, 1044x2048, __aris_momoi_midori_yuzu_a….jpg)

Representative democracy is neither representative nor democratic - Voltaire or something


File: 1716648692237.png (5.01 MB, 2480x1754, __haruna_and_haruna_blue_a….png)

mongoloid-caucasian couples are only slightly less disgusting than Homo Sapiens Sapiens - Homo Sapiens Africanus couples
Thankfully they don't occur as much in the Old World.


Im convinced people only like blue archive to the capacity that it functions as a loli dog whistle. Like you never hear them talk about the riveting gameplay or story and when you see a nigga posting about bluaka 99% of the time its loli garbage


when a blucloaca fantranny speaks it's always about muh dorontabi lolipedo seggs with plap plap childs and thats it.


File: 1716657206740.jpg (1.19 MB, 2601x2571, __yuuka_toki_aris_momoi_mi….jpg)

Why would I talk about Bluaka to people that dismiss it from the get-go anyway.


File: 1716657350214.jpg (3.11 MB, 2000x3282, __mika_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

I would be talking about Bluaka like on legacy bant if the general there had moved hither.




File: 1716667782306.jpg (857.52 KB, 1498x1200, 1693351059337214.jpg)

church tomorrow
only one more day until work day…


Will you repent for your cunny folder? Or will you continue to wallow like a pig in sin?


You also post pornography though so you have no right to cast stones


Akthually I potht it purely as an exthprethion of apprethiation of the themale thorm. The thact ith pornorathical in nature hath nothing to do with anything. Hentai ITH ART! george!



In retrospect this post is embarrassing and schizotypical so my actual rebuttal to >>57926 is that pornography is a human impulse and while still sinful is forgivable but cunny specifically involves knowing you're going over a line and is thus more sinful inherently as it is not just the act of the sin but the conscious acceptance and celebration of it and in this way being a "cunny enjoyer" is tantamount to being lgbt


I don't think the sin is increased merely because the girl is petite


File: 1716751723068.jpg (125.45 KB, 920x1024, 1716668617206107.jpg)

(((weekend))) will be over soon… cant wait to see my future wife tomorrow


Since when are you meeting Austrian reimu?


File: 1716752518268.jpg (101.67 KB, 850x1133, 1000018217.jpg)

Haha, nice billionaire funded subversive fake-racialist boomer lie.


File: 1716764724794.jpg (173.94 KB, 1024x809, 1715582105269226m.jpg)



File: 1716835281193.jpg (182.66 KB, 1324x1852, FSOsGt1akAEahkg.jpeg.jpg)

cant stop bingewatching speculative evolution youtube vids




did not watch


File: 1716840087141.png (992.77 KB, 768x1024, IMG_5769.png)

new reaction image


File: 1716848120634.jpg (2.38 MB, 2539x1482, __karin_blue_archive_drawn….jpg)

Wish me luck for tomorrow chat


She'll be begging



Make sure to green text your rejection story. Also drink before work so you don't pussy


Good luck brotha


gl, chad


File: 1716852247108.jpeg (284.87 KB, 2048x1556, GOE-iisbkAAKzFB.jpeg)



File: 1716853709903.png (80.76 KB, 256x256, 1700768007160.png)

german rejection arc inbound


Stop not circlejerking


File: 1716857384400.jpg (149.71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg)

>this entire thread


File: 1716857991499.jpg (15.89 KB, 300x300, 1652071979555.jpg)

Everywhere I go I see people talking about finasteride. I looked it up and some anti-norwood medicine. Are zoomers all balding or something? I'm an elder zoomARYAN and I still got a full set of hair so it perplexes me.

Anyways Blu Kaka is shit. Imagine blowing your budget on character designs and you still can't make even a decent attempt at a game. Total gacha death


File: 1716919625564.png (4.64 MB, 3000x4000, __midori_and_midori_blue_a….png)

it's over.


File: 1716919739434.jpeg (84.02 KB, 1080x751, GN77C1kXUAA06xY.jpeg)

Well you found another cutie really fast after the first one so logically the next one will show up pretty quick


as if I am norm-coded enough to even fathom how to create a greentext story


Do you really want him to keep creepily gawking at women and getting rejected by them for the rest of his life?


File: 1716921938959.png (202.57 KB, 646x646, 1698908662387766.png)

another ok looking girl winked at me a few days ago though


This is a neurotic thought process


I'm just thinking practically. He needs to beg and grovel and run beta male game on an ugly/ethnic chick or put his money where his mouth is and groom a mentally vulnerable 14 year old
Yeah yeah I'll believe it when you pull


File: 1716923992848.jpg (363.26 KB, 1102x1392, 1673109761453691.jpg)

>Yeah yeah I'll believe it when you pull
>put his money where his mouth is and groom a mentally vulnerable 14 year old
I could also alternative groom (another) mentally vulnerable 19yo


Usually by that age they realize they can fuck chad or extract lots of money from people like u so theyre non compliant. But if you can find one and dont mind being the pillow she cries on then youre set


File: 1716927611289.jpg (79.89 KB, 1024x884, 1714944586663957.jpg)

there are no chads
every living being is one generation away from a successful one


Yes and with millions of failed uncles.


File: 1716927851383.jpg (176.43 KB, 850x1489, 1711560774893199.jpg)

so I'll just have to try n times until I succeed
I mean all my uncles did successfully reproduce anyway


Because they followed my prescriptions


File: 1716928027846.png (260.54 KB, 464x683, 1703774064770223.png)

no they just didnt waste there lives on are computers


They did but instead of going on imageboards they grinded it out in the wagie cage


File: 1716928336443.jpg (1.04 MB, 2433x3552, __maki_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

in the cagie you have a nonzero chance of getting tail, as this whole ordeal is an indication of


File: 1716928368350.jpg (50.6 KB, 400x400, 1706420828680.jpg)

it never even started
yes that would be epic


I dunno anything about blue archive other than your some teacher who ends up with a harem of teachers and you fight leviathans or whatever. Honestly sounds pretty dope if not for the fact that it's Gatcha slop.
I just enjoy the cute an funny lewds of the archives.



File: 1716943915667.png (289.47 KB, 800x614, 1695785326440152.png)

You rat poison bastard face


File: 1717009476326.jpg (51.85 KB, 481x397, 1691017405157524.jpg)

I fixed my shoulder pains so I'm going to start lifting again




File: 1717187953644.png (4.03 MB, 2304x3072, __iroha_and_takane_blue_ar….png)

what the fuck where did my posts go


the whale dude got them I think


File: 1717188289786.jpg (656.04 KB, 808x1200, __midori_and_midori_blue_a….jpg)

Anyway. The last two weeks were the biggest failure yet.


wait no i just didn't open my pc for 2 days


File: 1717188649010.png (808.14 KB, 1447x1465, 1716606784309.png)

Guess I'll have to settle for the Flemish Femcel.


new arc announced


Biggest failure even doe you took initiative asked out a girl and got rejected like a man, and better learned your place in the social hierarchy.


File: 1717194134444.jpg (318.76 KB, 1468x2048, __nagusa_blue_archive_draw….jpg)

I'll ask her out again next week.


File: 1717351656499.jpg (151.21 KB, 1154x1451, __mika_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

failure of a weekend with me not staying bored at home all the time being the only redeemable feature.
fuck wagies.


File: 1717357529402.mp4 (148.93 KB, 480x360, 436483635_462606336183582_….mp4)

Only one day until I get unrejected


File: 1717362614934.jpeg (7.28 KB, 179x282, images (7).jpeg)


File: 1717437774012-0.jpg (619.19 KB, 1768x2500, __momoi_blue_archive_drawn….jpg)

File: 1717437774012-1.jpg (583.38 KB, 1768x2500, __midori_blue_archive_draw….jpg)

another shitty eventless day


File: 1717457493204.jpg (443.29 KB, 1458x1161, 116163248_p0.jpg)

what happened?


File: 1717467504251.png (145.12 KB, 500x500, EghHusKU0AAOY8j.png)

make shit happen


File: 1717530489600.jpg (289.86 KB, 1418x2529, __yume_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

just another day of pretending to hate shit on the internet to cope with being temporarily rejected by my future wife
patamushta nada


File: 1717531129417-0.png (Spoiler Image, 1.12 MB, 849x1200, __shuro_blue_archive_drawn….png)

File: 1717531129417-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.08 MB, 849x1200, __shuro_blue_archive_drawn….png)

File: 1717531129417-2.png (Spoiler Image, 1.14 MB, 848x1200, __shuro_blue_archive_drawn….png)

>what happened?
what part of “another shitty eventless day” does blud not understand?


File: 1717537109422.png (3.52 MB, 2787x4353, __miyako_and_miyako_blue_a….png)

kind of crazy to go to oldfag imageboards like kcint and find a bunch of fossils that consider asuka from eva still their “waifu”.


File: 1717595835673.png (2.22 MB, 2500x1720, __miyako_blue_archive_draw….png)

crazy sperm quality today
thank god for work


File: 1717605873689.png (523.63 KB, 507x757, __hare_and_hare_blue_archi….png)

eye locked with a pretty girl at the supermarket… wagmi fellow chad lites


pepe laughing and crying jpg


goku black becoming afraid of broly's zenkai boost png


File: 1717608040653.png (47.98 KB, 800x650, 10090 - crying laughing mo….png)

>remember when people thought kancolle was the 2hu killer
yeah geeeeeeeeeg


File: 1717609654279.jpg (501.17 KB, 697x1216, 3.jpg)


File: 1717616704429-0.webm (938.77 KB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_7324820645953….webm)

File: 1717616704429-1.webm (2.39 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_7356948446307….webm)


File: 1717713924234-0.jpg (158.32 KB, 750x800, FIGURE-171326_02.jpg)

File: 1717713924234-1.jpg (150.14 KB, 750x800, FIGURE-171326_05.jpg)

hmm tempting


stop gooning to depictions of children NOW


so you want him to goon to actual children instead?!??? 🗿🗿🗿



File: 1717725730858-0.png (1.47 MB, 1458x2064, file.png)

File: 1717725730858-1.png (6.69 MB, 2984x3795, file.png)



File: 1717843053179.webm (2.48 MB, 480x720, 1686545563643570.webm)

I should become a teacher.
The teen pussy is worth the asocial wogs.


File: 1717846259497.jpg (5.55 MB, 4000x6124, __yuuka_and_yuuka_blue_arc….jpg)

I've been thinking about why homosexuality still exists
It's a gene defect that still hasn't been selected out
But why would it have not been selected out?
In the past humans were always telling people to if they have such tendencies to reject them. I think they did that to keep the genetic diversity up while homosexual tendencies are not defective enough that they can not be swept under the rug of human self discipline. but thanks to the civilisational decline that is rooted in the dysgenical memetic disease known as liberalism this has not been possible, where in the past peoeple would have been set undercapital punishment to complete the eugenical selection progress where the specimen is unable to sweep his defect under his rationality.
But humanity will continue to evolve alongside with liberalism like africans have evolved alongside Malaria. So I assume that those homosexual genes will eventually be selected out until they become a rare hereditary disease provided they are not polygenic enough.


Jail speedrun, 100% completion


I guess you can consult ssp on how to avoid jailtime actually so ganbatte koishigod


well if you consider it a gene defect then you already answered yourself, it's like asking what's evolutionary advantage of cancer



/jp/ just wanna have fun


File: 1717854258738.jpg (256.5 KB, 1294x2048, [twitter] papomilk—2024.05….jpg)

>I've been thinking about why homosexuality still exists
What is this stupid wording, as if it ever needed to exist as if there was a demand for it in the past as if it's not a brain fartie but a necessary evolutional process like a stinky chocolate procedure to ensure the survival of human species


Human beings are too complex to waste time wondering


I don't think it's a gene defect, but rather a physiology formed by traumatic stress during childhood which forms a lifelong estrogen dominance. I've seen an anecdote of a guy who cured his homosexuality with large doses of progesterone among other things


File: 1717862729386.jpg (397.2 KB, 2508x3541, __koyuki_blue_archive_draw….jpg)

Tomorrow are votes again so I want to remind you all how freedom and democracy are two completely unrelated concepts
It doesn't matter if you have a parliament if all the parties media and schools are practically in a cartel. Nazi Germany was more free than modern democratic Germany.


considering that not all men with estrogen exposure become homosexuals the gene defect would be that they are not estrogen resistant enough
homosexuality could have a variety of causes though like autism, that are even polygenic so a result of the interaction of a variety of genes


File: 1717863769479.png (68.64 KB, 462x425, yaziwi7lxmg91.png)

>Let ME tell you who is and isn't dysgenic


File: 1718039770188-0.png (1 MB, 658x736, 1684512062177345.png)

File: 1718039770188-1.jpg (63.5 KB, 725x1024, 1684509138544570.jpg)

>>Let ME tell you who is and isn't dysgenic


File: 1718039835001-0.jpg (669.99 KB, 2900x4096, __mari_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

File: 1718039835001-1.jpg (4.6 MB, 3508x2480, __kisaki_blue_archive_draw….jpg)


File: 1718040017668.webp (174.69 KB, 1331x2048, __hikari_blue_archive_dra….webp)


File: 1718133756389.jpg (788.83 KB, 2900x4096, __sensei_doodle_sensei_and….jpg)

Fuck. I'm an incel.


Ok that guy is a Chad. So what


Finny would've saved you


even doe the “chad” in the previous reply of yours has the same hairline as i


What's the largest object you've inserted in your bum


A suppository against constipation


Realistically speaking balding doesnt matter until nw3


Do Germans wash their butts or they just wipe


they dont


File: 1718180293497-0.webm (2.18 MB, 720x1280, Olaf Abi, der Rizzlord sp….webm)

File: 1718180293497-1.webm (1.75 MB, 720x1280, OLAF ABI blockiert Bahnei….webm)




File: 1718183537874.webm (865.87 KB, 574x1020, Unterschätzt niemals Olaf….webm)

>Abi Scholz bereitet sich auf dem Kampf keken AFD




File: 1718311029002.png (762.15 KB, 1521x1634, __toki_and_toki_blue_archi….png)

I am so blessed for having a job I love
Now I only need a wife to be complete.


You are improving as a person. Go out and find a cute girl and keep us posted


File: 1718312427962.gif (79.36 KB, 666x666, spikeover.gif)


Is this Pedo Content?


File: 1718316849384.png (32.1 KB, 800x600, 9689 - heart niwatari_kuta….png)

as per human nature you will never feel complete


File: 1718349595042.jpg (7.51 KB, 236x213, images.jpg)

What if lossy doesn't open bbc in time to wish me happy birthday


File: 1718640755011.png (3.4 MB, 2990x3720, __kayoko_and_kayoko_blue_a….png)

I want to go to the old town but it's 6PM already and papa needs to sleep


but i can wish you a happy birthday belatedly at some point before your next one


File: 1718642072522.gif (127.97 KB, 606x518, dosooaoa.gif)



Did you finish A levels


File: 1718655019993.png (1.4 MB, 2048x1256, file.png)


File: 1718725178553.png (1.27 MB, 2208x3106, __seia_blue_archive_drawn_….png)

poor albanian man sings traditional song to feed his family


File: 1718725943730.png (627.32 KB, 1700x1900, __nagisa_blue_archive_draw….png)

Pool's closed but I keep swimming


That video is a banger


File: 1718810869029.png (10.07 MB, 2480x3508, __kuzunoha_blue_archive_dr….png)

imma buy a gromit mug


File: 1719025033524.jpg (15.69 MB, 5000x8000, __toki_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

clubbed and danced with my onenitis today


Thank you for making this post


File: 1719032397273.jpg (110.78 KB, 699x525, 1627422317917.jpg)

How did you become so NT so quickly


He was only hamstrung by high iq and suicidal levels of altruism


gtmat but take alutrism, remove the l and r, and put the u in front of the t


>it creates "kiss magnet"


tsmt but replace magnet with repellent



File: 1719238985715.jpg (257.06 KB, 2048x4096, __shigure_blue_archive_dra….jpg)

no palestinian ever called me fakecel


You misspelled atruism
Massive kraut win


File: 1719241075336.png (123.06 KB, 1366x688, file.png)

new autism award dropped


File: 1719330660005.jpg (201.11 KB, 1169x1360, __shigure_blue_archive_dra….jpg)

kohlchan has been awesome recently


File: 1719333176764.gif (4.96 MB, 500x650, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_….gif)

THE JOKE EXPLAINED TO NEW PEOPLE he's talking about child models


File: 1719640843680.png (1.11 MB, 2048x1850, GRJoh2ya4AEVDMk.png)



I tried to start posting in that imageboard only to realize that all good discussion threads are overshadowed by CP, like half of /int/ is just pictures or drawings of children


File: 1719688190624.jpg (3.63 MB, 2894x4093, __azusa_blue_archive_drawn….jpg)

eyelocked with a really pretty girl at the shopping centre but just decided to walk past her


pretty girl (12)


>just decided to walk past her
…and her father





File: 1719698313313.png (1.12 MB, 1091x1541, file.png)

good night i love twintails


File: 1719892130189.jpg (401.52 KB, 1700x2200, __mutsuki_blue_archive_dra….jpg)

no it was her friend or smth


File: 1719943677133.png (2.09 MB, 2800x1575, __aris_momoi_midori_aris_m….png)

past weeks have been boring.


File: 1720027338831.jpg (342.06 KB, 1280x1024, __saori_and_atsuko_blue_ar….jpg)

took a dance course and bought a beard comb


File: 1720027490692.jpg (445.8 KB, 647x801, EsSmW-kUUAAHi-n.jpg)

make a mating dance like birds or some




this could have been Kaguya and Mokou


Actually my brain saw the left hoe as Kasen from the thumbnail at first.


you mean sanae and reimu


File: 1720122106180.jpg (1.04 MB, 2956x4710, __kisaki_blue_archive_draw….jpg)

200k Danbooru Posts.


File: 1720198722989.png (2.43 MB, 2000x3000, __miyako_blue_archive_and_….png)

guess which chadlite got approached by a girl in the old town today


File: 1720202451421.mp4 (1.36 MB, 640x360, eyes.mp4)


what the sigma


File: 1720214451270.jpg (2.53 MB, 1434x1012, __mika_blue_archive_drawn_….jpg)

where did 25 pages of /r/trans go


Threads under 5 replies got acked


File: 1720215534131.jpg (587.43 KB, 2508x3541, __ibuki_blue_archive_drawn….jpg)

holy shit Vigoato got excomuminated by Fraudtrans


the african immigrants right


File: 1720220318135-0.jpg (156.2 KB, 898x2048, __haruka_and_haruka_blue_a….jpg)

File: 1720220318135-1.jpg (273.66 KB, 640x1025, Germs2.jpg)

saw ton of norms watching zogball in the town

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