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 No.336[View All]

/hood/ - shit i really care about
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>Sonicfans can be creepo-freako tier weird too


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>>Sonicfans can be creepo-freako tier weird too


Somehow this wasn't in my flac sonic archive, 1:16 is actually crazy


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Never take this mans guitar away



okay I finished the video and um it doesn't actually confirm the theory and could be anti-theory judging by the excerpt available but at least the book is cool so Sonic Fans won


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Ian flynn loves making fan theories canon, he's the one in charge of writing this.
Let's see if he'll make the "Time Eater is a fragment of Solaris" thing canon as well.


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I will king, don't worry about it


Sanicbros… I…


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cant he just like
hide his sexuality


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Vgh, what could've been


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Happy birthday CHAAAAAAAADdow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…and Lambda too I guess.


I understood that!!



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>THREATTODEMOCRACYrio is out here making a mockery of American tragedies
This is someone's hero.


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Mario doesn't care about democracy, he serves a kingdom. Everyone knows dis


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Giga Truke Article about CHADnic and MariBRO just dropped: https://sectionalismnotes.substack.com/p/mini-stacks-collection-1-sonicsoblack


this is worth reading


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Stopped reading this crackerbrim as soon as it said Sonic is "white" when he's the most black-coded character in platforming, and was inspired by Michael Jackson, also his first and recent voice actors were black, you retard.
Stop talking about franchises you don't know and consider blowing your brains out, "billions must die" twitter immigrant.


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"Meanwhile Black people are loud, impatient," Welp, you proved his point, SAD!
And Sonic has had 2 black voice actors, only in TV shows. How many white voice actors for every other piece of Sonic-related media? Idiot.


you are media illiterate


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>And Sonic has had 2 black voice actors, only in TV shows
Irrelevant argument, especially when they are part of the main canon.
Sonic is still black-coded through his style, manner of speech, Michael Jackson's influence, his entire style revolving around breakdancing (a Black art form), his origin story where he was literally brown, and the audience to which he was advertised.
No franchise that samples Malcom X can ever be white.
Not an argument + projection, please try to keep up lil nigga.


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>Sonic is black coded
Not with those shoes


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Soap shoes are hood


His shoes in the adventure era were passable but modern and retro sonic aren't going to any hood looking like they do without getting some serious shit for it


adventure era occupies a gigantic percentage of scholarly Sonic interest and Sonic's shoes in S3 were somehow related to michael jeyed to my knowledge


Okay I checked to be more gentlemanly, Sonic's original shoes are based off of a pair that michael jeyed wore


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Hop off classicnic (the real one, not post-generations), he had that sauce.



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CHADnic shorts are coming back after more than a decade?
This is huge.


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I had a dream that a friend of Mark Heynes continued Mario Bro Z, and it had the same quality of writing as the original. It was the happiest dream I've had in a while


Super all-star bros surpassed it anyways


It fucking dropped!!!!111!


too fanfictiony. The thing I loved about mario bro z is that it was pretty restrained outside the fight And the writing was something that would come out of sonic team or intelligent systems


for me it's the contacts


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Literally me


SMBZ was fanfictiony as well, all of the classics of that day (Final Fantasy Sonic X, Sonic RPG, Nazo) were fanfictiony, not that there's anything with that, if anything I want that more.
All star bros so far has better world building and choreography.


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Godzilla is about to get no diffed


those sonic battle vibes at 0:03


sauce ?


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