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 No.39659[Last 50 Posts]

skibidi toilet thread for discussing latest episodes, favorite characters, lore theories, skibidiverse powerscaling, skibidi toilet fanworks, etc.

sincere posts only – ironyllenials need not apply


Are there any cute skibidi girls?


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Imagine the state of inceldom…


skibidi toilet society just puts women in their place


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Even Half-Life's writer is a simp for TV woman, skibidi rizz is real


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trvke, all toilets are sigmas who don't simp


speaking of the mutants, new ep which just dropped has a lot of them


They're so beast


have we ever seen what the perspective of a cameraman that was taken over by a skibidi parasite looks like


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we haven't

possible explanation for this is that since many of the episodes end with revealing that we were viewing what another cameraman was viewing on a tv man or on his ipad, this was also the case for all the episodes where that didnt happen, and the skibidi parasites disable the transmitting and recording abilities (also tracks with the way that cured cameramen have to take in their surroundings rather than knowing what was happening)

on the other hand this would bring into question how we see the sequences where the secret agent causes a transmission error and recording error, but the way scientist cameraman angrily hits his fist on his mech's dashboard after plunger man's feed goes offline makes me wonder if maybe the secret agent's measures aren't up to the skibidi standard


you know what
i think skidi toilet thingy is cringe


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gman's backup that rolled in at 1:03 took april fool's day to a whole new level that it turned into september fool's day


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Skibidishit sucks


nice april fools jake lol




Doxxing is illegal


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this mf is insanae, g-toilet 4.0's shield was able to flawlessly block:
-a direct hit from Upgraded Titan Speakerman's plasma core beam
-a beam that astro scorpion redirected back at him which was energized by SEVEN of gmans OWN beams
but blud's sinister red energy ball which only took 1 second to charge up ONE SHOT the shield and knocked gman back as well as leaving red lightning on him, then he fires another one at titan speakerman which misses but the far edge of the shockwave is still powerful enough to absolutely slam TSM to the ground
on top of that, he still has astro toilet warp speed himself and a cool ass shield which is probably more powerful than g-toilet's


GOAT-Toilet's score? 2-0.


I cannot fucking believe the line that breaks my virginity on this series is "Yeah that's it, I'm going to use my rizz power on TV women"


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its from a fan series called skibidi toilet multiverse, the official skibidi toilet doesnt have lines like that


ever since i saw it i have been visualizing that one scene in my head where astro toilet is like the devil tempting me to do sinful things the spinning knife closing in but im like the gtoilet screaming my lungs on him "I WONT DO THAT" every sintle time santa does this to me


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the skibidis and cameramen will become planet-sized in the future episodes
screencap this


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shit's serious 😰


why is gman toilet so evil


this became so boring



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Look what SSRIs are doing to my boy


there is nearly 100% possibility that in the future some teenager will feel like playing retro games, get half life 2 and think "holy shit, these characters are from skibidi toilet"


I used to think valve characters were from gmod


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>skibidi toliet is ruining gen alpha even doe I watch Jeff the killer yaoi and my little pony goru as a kid and cut myself


skibidi toilet lost its soul when the toilets stopped singing


yes but i'm too skibideyed to stop watching

The compiled version of episode 73 adds many new things, most importantly the last 2 minutes


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Political satire just peaked.


Otaku humor


damn US TV looks fun


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this one was paid for with my tax dollars btw


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this could be huge


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nobody comes into a skibidi toilet thread just to complain anon






apparently lots of little kids are afraid to use toilet and shit their pants because of skibidi


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gtfo my thread millenials/earlyzoomers putting random niggers heads in toilets and calling it skibidi toilet isnt funny it just shows that your a secondary who only saw first couple of episodes which arent even relevant to the plot, I guess they did serve the purpose of filtering you though GNARF



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basically this is the most badass image we've found to date


imagine if yukari opened one of her boundaries right above a toilet and only stuck her head and neck out and then you would have yukari toilet and she would go "yukari toilet yes yes yukari toilet dap dap"




I'm about to be a white boy licking a toilet then


idea: make a video about cameramen defeating skibidis and restoring peace so parents can show it to their kids afraid to use toilet


The point of skibidi toilet is that it will never end until people get bored of it


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>imagine if yukari opened one of her boundaries right above a toilet and only stuck her head and neck out and then you would have yukari toilet and she would go "yukari toilet yes yes yukari toilet dap dap"


its peak


DJ toilet is alive🙏


Look what they have turned my tummy shaking overweight turkish man meme into johnny


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of course the iraqi tranny loves being cucked by turoaches. fucking faggot nigger monkey


watching titan speakerman try to do the dance is heart breaking…


premiere in 24 minutes


That's because you're a chinless contrarian. For months I skipped it because I always hated "le randum Valve game faces XDDD" shit like TF2 and gmod meme videos, and skibidi toilet was exactly that for like the first 7 shorts. Then for some reason it decides to become KINO.


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I think this reintroduction of simp cameraman as a rescued hostage is more realistic and logical than what most people wanted to happen of him having incel rage and joining skibidi army, but I still think that would've been kino


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something i noticed on my second watch through is this part where elite tv man resentfully knocks aside a pencils, a drill, and a clock from the desk, this definitely represents dafuq?!boom's hatred of dom studio (hes stated in discord interview that he thinks skibidi toilet multiverse is "goofy ahh"), the swarthoid who made the ohio ass video in the thread OP, since his series skibidi toilet multiverse introduces three new races, clockmen drillmen and pencilmen


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I think this part was lowkey put there to satisfy ttvm x tsm shippers since tcm x tsm shippers ate so good at the skibidi toilet 73 secret scene


season 1 was the only good one


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I guess on the bright side for those kind of people who like to come up with whats happening next the scientist tv man and ttvm dialogue 100% confirmed what they thought about the skibidi toilets and alliance teaming up to take on the astro toilets, who might I add look hard as fuck ngl
go slit your wrists im tired of your existence


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this new miniature tcm looking character with detachable cameras he can put on other races is really cool looking too, i hope we see more from him soon


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i like skibidi toilet kind of…


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isn't the guy who made skibidi toilet Georgian? amerigolems i swear


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add these or I'll kill myself


Who is utsm and uttvm if utcm is upgraded titan camera man


Upgraded titan speakerman and Upgraded titan tvman


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cried over the smallest shit award



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fake dafuqboom, doesn't talk like him in text or voice


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blud sephirothified titan tv man's name 💀 thanks though



they found lucky cameraman's 'p stashe


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kys domstudiokike


kys yurikike


lys virlancegoyim


lys yaoigoy


ummm stop using my flags or something


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>ummm stop using my flags or something


there is now


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blud really confirmed the astro juggernaut = skibidi cat schizobabble by making xer baby a dog…
im killing myself this is going to attract so many wholseom chungus kiwifarmers to skibidi toilet


at least the dog died I guess


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*πεθαίνει από πικ*


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tfw im the only one who gives a shit


my skibideyed stalker died sorry

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