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 No.4462[Last 50 Posts]

Anything related to dreams
This is apparently the area from a dream I had on January 29th


My last dream was of me at a barber, trying to get a fresh haircut, barber trims over my head and boom, the upper side of my skull is missing and the Brain is only protected by a thin layer of skin that is a bit transparent


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Here's layout of a TF2 map I once had a dream about. It's a halloween map called koth_saucer, added in 2013 or 2014
once every 3 minutes, a ufo appears above the control point and spawns a random halloween boss


correction, the buildings on the sides of spawnrooms were on the other side so the pic should be mirrored


I had a dream I was a kid living in an underwater city and that everyone could breathe in because everyone had a lung device thingy on land that let them breathe
but mine got buster or something and it sort of looked like a heart exploding


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AI recreations of some of my old dreams
>My last dream was of me at a barber
Same wtf except I can't recall the details


I dreamt about having sex on top of a train but I woke up before the good part


I once had a dream of accidentally discovering secret CIA plan to drop a load of radioactive waste from a baloon onto a festival held in my city so that they could blame it on terrorism to wage a war and then I tried to stop it but it ended too early sadly


I once had a dream with the best plot humanly possible, about assasins and a huge sprawling desert temple

I specifically remember that its plot was mind-blowing; I woke up and told everyone I just had an amazing dream, however, I didn't actually remember anything about it, and still don't.


I was in my hometown and something very weird started happening - fruits and vegetables were randomly teleporting when people weren't watching. Turns out all of them came from just one store. After doing some exploration on the outskirts of the town which looked like a medieval fantasy landscape, I found a hideout of some alchemist witch (no wordfilter here). Asked her about the recent incident and it turns out she struck a deal with that one grocery store. She cast a spell on the fruits/vegetables so they would teleport back to the store and people would buy the same thing multiple times, unfortunately something went wrong with the spell and they would just teleport anywhere. Don't remember the rest


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That's pretty funny actually
Sounds like it could be the plot of a TV show or something


the other day i had a dream where ran and satori were both running for president and their supporters started off just wearing buttons on their shirts but over the course of the dream they gradually devolved into armed militias and started engaging in house to house urban warfare with one another.

no i dont know who won and i did not take a side in the conflict


This is not an acceptable halloween costume


these were fumo buttons


I have a reoccurring dream where I must murder a large slug with a fork but it has a regeneration ability


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I once had a dream where I was on a cruise ship at sea and I was alone with a bald child covered in red lines like pic related with red eyes. The child asked me if wanted to see the face of God and before I knew it I was having horrible visions that I couldn't even describe. These visions would occasionally be interrupted by the silhouette of a mans face in an empty white void covered by static. I was terrified and I didn't wake up from the dream until I started praying to God for help.


I had a dream I was hanging out with all of the alphas from my childhood but I had become diminutive and weak compared to them as the years passed and I had to reclaim my masculinity by challenging my old friend to a boxing match


Thats a quest in Morrowind


I wish I had dreams like these
I just want any dreams honestly, the amount of dreams I have per year can be counted on my hands


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Anyone else get dreams where you get back together with your old friend group, I have those constantly and wake up the moment I start feeling happy again. The other night I had a dream where I was at a party with all my old friends and as I looked around and realized that things were going back to the way they were I said "looks like the group's back together again!" And then immediately woke up.
>Pic unrelated


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similar situation with me except I have dreams every few weeks or so, I just can’t be bothered to remember anything from them. maybe a dream journal or something would be neat to keep but I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to get everything right and frustrate myself that I can’t get everything down. I have also toyed with the idea of lucid dreaming via sleep paralysis, heard a method for causing the latter was to count down from 1,000 but whenever I try it I can’t do it without moving my body instinctively near the end.


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No, but I get car driving related minor nightmares (they are not scary, just anxiety horror)
I have written down a third or a fourth of the dreams I've had this year, and that is 2. The vast majority of my dreams were lucid dreams, where I realise that I am in a dream but I still can't control it anyway. Like, I can't just materialise anything in them and still have to follow some loose script
>sleep paralysis
I have never had sleep paralysis, and apparently thats because I don't sleep on my back.




I had a dream today about a dichotomous birch and sunset at 08:23
I have had 3 dreams this week this is insanae


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post kaguyabald.gif for reference reasons please


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thank you, now it is clear


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i just had a dream they added the gooner board but everyone just used it to ironically blog post and j got wiped because the drives got destroyed or something


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i had a dream where my closest friend admitted to manipulating me and actually hated me and i had a mental breakdown over it and they got mad about that and started hitting me with a hammer it tore chunks out of my arm and then i woke up


holy shit your dreams are crazy


I sometimes have dreams about someone stabbing me in the stomach with a knife


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Had a dream about shadow 2, it was on the ark and the bosses were somehow more gerald creations
>A giant docile flower that was also a satellite and functioned as an obstacle to platform through
>a plant kiaju that was mostly in space and was psychically controlled by a defeated boss from earlier
It was scary but there was a cutscene with a boss having funny dmc esque dialogue so it canceled out


I was at my old elementary school attending some lecture or presentation. It could've been about programming but i'm not sure. Only things a remember from this part of the dream was that I brought a pistol with me and a few minutes in the presentation, an autist that was infamous in the school pulled out an assault rifle and stared at the crowd near me. I was hit in the upper chest and I was going to die very soon, but I managed to "Alt F4" out of it. I reloaded the moment before he started firing and now I was prepared for it.
>inb4 American flag


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I had a dream where I was reimu in early 2000s america and I was just hanging out in fancy old hotels.


had a dream where I was about to have sex with 3dpd but got too disgusted and left because she wasn't 2d




i had a dream i was an australian anime convention that was in dentists office or a hospital or some shit. i was cosplaying trump in knight armor but then everyone started laughing at my thin wrists


i also had a dream my bathroom was filled with severed arms and i had to get them all out because i had guests coming over


Do you dream about arms often?


No those two dreams are like months separated


Trump's tiny hands


i had a dream
i just forgot what it was


i had a dream i was walking around town with todd howard and a few other people and i was tasked with figuring out how to make starfield into a good game. I walked around town with a journal and wrote down how to make starfield a good game. Then when i filled in the entire journal i got the news that russia won the war and annexed all of eastern ukraine


had a dream i had to fight a giant brain teddy bear


I think an important part of dreaming is fear or passion, or love. The more of these you have and the stronger they are, the more you dream.
Obviously, fear causes nightmares, while passion- fascinating and nonsensical, almost manic dreams. From my observation, love causes dreams of dialogue.

As I free myself of these emotions, I dream less and less. What's more, my past few dreams have been completely auditory and very short, and even those preceding had faded imagery.


I had a dream I had to defeather and butcher a duck for some kind of alpha male school but the duck was very beautiful so I refused


Today I dreamt of a medieval city, where the main character was chasing some kid for a reason I forgot.


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Today I had a sexual dream for the first time in years. Embarassing…


was inside some fantasy game, the landscapes were breathtaking


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I had a dream where I was at JCPenney with power from chainsaw man and at some point she dropped one of her socks. I picked it up for her and near the end of the dream I started sniffing it really hard. This is weird cause I don't have a foot fetish however and I've never watched or read chainsaw man.


I had a dream where I saw some blond dude shit on a hockey table to piss off the owner


did you wet your pants


I did not piss myself, no.


I had a dream my mom's boyfriend said I have Microcephaly


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Saw her in a dream last night. Satoko and Hanyuu were also there. I was in class with them while nonsensical things happened around us. When we left for home it was the dead of night and we were all walking through a forest. She split from everyone to take a different path where it was darker. I caught up with her to tell her to be careful. She smiled and sorta went "sure, sure" like she really wasn't concerned. Afterwards we drifted apart and the content of the dream shifted, but despite its short length I will keep this among my treasured memories.


Haven't had dreams in a week or so.




>7/24/22: I went on a long bike ride along Interstate XX. Along the way, I kept hearing strange noises. I don’t remember that much cars along the highway. I think I arrived at this soccer field and I think I saw XXXXXXX on it. Then later at night, XXXX, XXXXXXX, and YYYY went on a bike ride at night. I kept hearing the same whispering and other noises and kept feeling like I was getting followed. Then I went back home. I forgot most of it.
Old Stonetoss


I had a dream that I was Goku and in my dreams there's a headcanon that saiyans on earth have stomach parasites that make them weaker and suddenly one of the parasites started poking out of my side and I was like "woah" and started tugging on it but I eventually ripped out all of my guts


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Had a brief dream about armour designs against greek fire.


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oh my god i just woke up its 12:22 am i went to sleep at 7 because i was tired and i remember next to nothing in that timespan except two things:

1: For a significant portion of the dream, I was talking to a furry who played on /bant/ - and it was specifically this server - who was allowed to play here because he literally sent people, including me, firearms. In my case, the guy shipped me a USP 45 and ammo for it

2: At the end of the dream, a monkey came out of the hallway into my room, stood on my chest, and did the same pose as mr burns from the simpsons, growled, and summarily left. I then woke up.


Had a dream today again. I think it was some kind of third person game I dreamed up - and it was quite long and remarkable. Sadly, I was woken up.


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ok dreams are cool n shit
BUT what about nightmares??
when i was big sad a couple years back i had a lot of nightmares involving just the weirdest shit my mind would come up with
one of the ones that stuck with me is this thing, my shitty drawing doesnt really do it justice
it was actually similar in texure to a gorilla with the same black hair and the hands and feet exactly like gorillas, it did have white fur on its face kinda resembling a skull with black beady eyes and it walked like penguin
so in this nightmare i was walking towards a park when i see this thing in the distance waddling over to a dog and it bends its whole neck thing downwards and just picks up the dog with its mouth, bites a chunk out and flings the rest away, and then it looks at me and starts speed waddling towards super fast and there happens to be a gate that i close right before it gets near me, its that split second where i remember its face and hands, the way its mouth was agape with a tongue out, it had human lips too
after i close the gate on it i just remember hearing a nasty crunching noise behind it, the gate wasnt see through, like it was eating something
i had other dreams too like when i was in school and they were doing a ritual and they summoned what i can best describe as the rake creepypasta image and it starts to chase me through the school literally bursting out of the walls before i run off into the woods


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>a monkey came out of the hallway into my room, stood on my chest


I had a dream there were bantoid girls and I kissed one


last night I had a dream where I was playing an sm64-like videogame with five night's at freddies influences. There was a massive theater area in the hubworld(?) and I managed to get into the upper VIP seating built into the back wall of the theater using a well-placed sideflip, but the owner of the theater was a crazy madman villain and started spewing some monologue about this seating that I don't remember, but then the medium of the narrative shifted from sm64-like videogame to being the OFFICIAL TOUHOU MOVIE, and there was this epic scene where remilia was getting really mad at the protagonist because he had rizzed flandre away from her but I was watching the movie with my family in the living room so I had to explain touhou stuff to them


Nightmares are dreams too.

Today I had a dream about traveling down the road of an industrial district in summer, holding an office chair in one arm. At some point it was evening and I decided to stop and wait for the bus, so I put down the office chairm sat there and read manga on my phone. The bus wouldn't come soon, so I dozed off a little, only to wake up the next day. Then I got my chair and went.
On the way, I met a school classmate I had a fight with in the past, and his voice was distorted and inconsistent. We had a friendly chat and I went further. Next I briefly met a friend, but an idealised version of my girlfriend approached and took me further by the hand. We talked as well, until we almost arrived.
Then I met my mother and also talked to her, although rather briefly; and lastly, the friend I met along the way was already waiting by the stairs to the door of the red brick building that was the destination, with another friend, among a crowd of other young people. We greeted again and soon before entering, the dream ended.


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i woke up like a an hour ago from an epic dream where i was barraging people with terrible words and i was enjoying it so much cause they would make the funniest faces in response
its always so bizarre waking up in the middle of the night, it was dead quiet which was weird because theres usually always some ambient noise
eventually my brain started registering sounds again but it felt like the whole word was gone for a minute
ive been rolling around trying to sleep again but i just cant which is fucking ANNOYING


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I insulted someone for being brachycephalic


I try to have the right atmosphere for lucid dreams all the time but it just won’t happen… you do have to be in RAM sleep in order for it to happen, right? Does lucid happen when you’re in deeper or more restless sleep? Help me bros, I want to summon a PAWG trad wife when I’m asleep.


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There is no right atmosphere. You just have to realise you're in a dream, and that is called having a lucid dream.
Almost all of my dreams are lucid.


I don't know why the "File deleted" image got posted


I had a dream a demon visited our home thrice, the first time he bruised my father, the second time he whiplashed him, and the third time he was killed


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kill any new people that visit your home


Just had a dream I was worried a pajeet lived in our attic but we opened it up and it was actually a hedgehog and I decided to raise it but it was fairly retarded from growing up stray


you clicked the file deleted image of the other post for a microsecond which it then interpreted as you click and dragging it onto the page so you could attach it with your post because for whatever reason dragging images to anywhere on the page attaches them rather than just to the dashed rectangle


Guinea chads won


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I haven't been remembering my dreams lately


Had a single, extremely short dream that woke me up during today's afternoon nap. It was just a dark thing flying towards my face at incredible speeds for less than a second.
Woke up with a scream. This is the first time in years I have been scared.


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Holy shit you're right, and the 'quick reply' menu doesn't even have to be on for it to attach at the top
Is this a mocking face or a licking-your-lips face? What do you mean by this.


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wow moldova mentioned


Moldova (specifically a mine in Transnistria) is in Cruelty Squad too


Why would moldova host a neo un (antichrist forces) base though


If I ruled the UN I could fix it.


I have discovered the secret to consistently dreaming, by way of experimentation.
You just need to overheat during sleep. I slept clothed under a thick feather blanket with the heating on a few times and it produced results consistently.


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Eating yoghurt or something else with bacteria 'slop before bed gives me crazy dreams


I dreamt that a sum of money has been stolen from the town hall by the mafia and me an my friend(or brother) had to either go to a local gas station and pay the workers to let us into a building site nearby where they held out, or to sneak inside ourselves from the front entrance. I wanted to postpone that and go to university, but I checked the time and realised that I was already late.
It was sunset when we arrived. The gas station was on a cliffed hilltop overlooking the construction site and had a small grassy lawn. The paths within were lined with some kind of herbaceous plant with thick, dark green stems and red, spiky fruit.
We asked the employees, who were a fat middle-aged man and a 30-or-so year old hunk if they could open the locked side entrance for us, but they said that they were sorry, but couldn't risk it without us paying. Then I asked if the fruit here was edible and if I could come some day to eat it with them. The fat guy who I was talking to said that yes, it is edible, but we can't eat it because it's mildly hallucinogenic and most importantly, makes you lose your mind. Afterwards we left the gas station and came down the dirt road to the site's front entrance.


I had a dream my pecker was small and I posted it here because I'm based


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>What do you mean by this.


At night, some random electrical maintained worker was watching me, my brother, and his friend through a van while we did something maybe illegal. I noticed the van and told them to run, but we couldn’t outpace him and we were eventually confronted. A police officer came and brought us to a school where he bashed My brother’s face into a window. Through the window, you could see a classroom full of people watching in awe.


Four sleep paralysis episodes is a row - sleeping on my belly, it felt like someone was tickling and later violently prodding my sides from above while I couldn't move. I didn't move even after each ended, out of morbid curiosity, so it just repeated after a very short dream focused on either the door or window, such as certain people or a black, horned goat-demon entering the room, or beastly cries outside and something climbing in. Successful sleep after 4 repetitions.


The lyrics of a song I like floating while it plays - on a red background with golden text and weird dark gold and crimson lines all over the screen, with hints of green. The text shifts, appears, disappears and chaotically moves upward on the screen. Lyrics start in nonsense German fake words but slowly shift to English, all to the rhythm and melody of the original song, culminating in saying my firstborn will die a toddler.


People walking in the air outside the window with shovels smirking at me.
I wake up and go to tell my family about what happened; they are awake, watching TV in bed, and my brother is in their bedroom playing piano. Father is angry that I disturbed them and increases the volume. Mom says it's fine and we can continue talking over the TV, but when I do, she tells me that my story sounds like a game plot, then points out that this is odd, since I never liked video games. I scream and desperately struggle to wake up for real. I succeed.


I could have realised it was fake, considering when the left side wall was all a giant wardrobe, blocking the window, and the piano that has been in brother's room for years was now back, blocking the door to the study no less.
This all happened from 4AM to 5AM.


isn't it strange how the more similar a dream is to real life, the more likely you are to realize that it's a dream, whereas a dream where existence is so fundamentally different from the waking world that you don't even have any language capable of describing the qualia you experienced are just swallowed hook line and skiner


I had a dream that I was in Hungary and there was a demonically possessed pitbull and gohan was there but the pibble defeated him but I managed to dislocate it's jaw and start dismantling the pibble by crushing it with weights and prying it apart. Eventually the pibble was just chunks of wriggling angry meat that looked like roast beef so I was taking it apart further with a fork and because it was a demon it was posting on bc.com to hurl insults


my last cool dream was where i became lucid and did all the crazy shit but then i got bored and i tried to wake up, woke up in my home on my bed did my daily routine and went to sleep and i woke up in a different house at a different spot sleeping then i realized that i was asleep all along so i went outside talked with the local fellas because i thought that i got into afterlife and i died in my asleep, i asked someone "what is going on? is this the afterlife?" he replied "you haven't seen anything yet". i went to sleep in that house i woke up in again just to wake up at the same house in the same spot. so i realized that this is just my life now or more specifically my afterlife. i went outside again wanted to buy some snacks from a grocery store but i had no money on me so i just stole some snacks and with my magic brain powers, i made myself the owner of this grocery store. I don't remember what happened later but i woke up from bed, and started checking if I'm dreaming or not. i went to check the time and found out i only slept for one hour
crazy that all of this happened in one hour, it had more details and the vision was very clear in that dream i would say it was clearer than real life


one time I had a dream where I got married to a anime catgirl and had a litter of kittens with her and then raised them it lasted an entire lifetime and I cried when I woke up


>in one hour
Just like my dream there. Other times I have dreams that are barely a few minutes of dialogue with no imagery that I wake in 10 hours from.

And I've also had a few dreams that were barely two seconds long, of me falling. I always wake up startled from these.
Did anyone else experience something similar?


>And I've also had a few dreams that were barely two seconds long, of me falling. I always wake up startled from these.
Did anyone else experience something similar?
back then yeah but now i never get these dreams
and it is more like falling into beds then rolling over just to fall into another bed type of dreams


yeah I used to have falling -> wake up dreams often


Anyone else have "Go to school naked" dreams?


I never had any dreams of either being naked in public or even being at school


Jung said its about confidence/shamelessness


Freud said its about sexual perversion


One morning, Freud's daughter enters his study and tells him about her dream:

Daughter: Daddy, today I dreamed of eating bananas one after another, again and again until I woke up. What does that mean?

Freud: …
You know, sometimes dreams don't have any meaning, and are just dreams.



I only remember that I was on some large British Overseas Territory that was in the middle in the ocean. There were 2 island that were smiler in shape but different sizes. One of them was famous for a meteor impact site where the largest city on the archipelago was. Otherwise, my experience was just like at home. Same people, same locations, etc.


I want to have the mech that transformed into a kickass sport car from one of my dreams irl
it was red and white (cool color combination)


I think I almost achieved a lucid dream state when I check a gps and the island was located very close to the southern tip of Patagonia, which was impossible due to its apparent tropical setting. But I think I was waken up by an alarm right after.


in 95% of my dreams I am lucid
I've only ever had 1 or 2 where I actually decided what happens in it, though


last night i had a nightmare where a gay guy of jewish ethnicity stalked me and whenever i would go to the bathroom in a public bathroom he would wait until im leaned forward and shitting to crawl under the stall wall behind me and to the right where i cant see and then he would jack off while touching his penis into my hair this happened for iver a week without me knowing but then one day he accidentally ejaculated it got on my hair so i whipped around and i tried to get picture of him for evidence but (in real life) i made my pin realky long which prevented me from getting to camera fast enough to document the crime so my suong of him would be a uphill battle because ges jewish and ibhave no evidence


i only had 2 dreams of going to school
both of them ended with me getting bombed


levitating 1cm above ground is so much cooler than walking
I'm becoming Patchouli


does flying in dreams symbolize wanting to break free from this world


Is that what you think? I never had any dreams of flying, so I can't tell. I had one dream of jumping really high, but thats as close as it gets.


start farting


dreams are so cool i will go have a dream now


Did you have a dream
What was it about


i didnt remember upon waking up but today i had many random dreams
like i was running at 40km/h and i had the ability to double jump with slow fall. i was running around and jumping in a semi-desert arabic city, there was a lot of animals, and a narrator in my head was talking about animals and their diets and how can you implement their techniques to have a healthy diet


my high jump+slow fall would put your double jump+slow fall to shame


i had a high jump too


i can decide how high my jump will be to a limit of 200m (because that's the highest i jumped in my dream so i assume it is the limit)


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does anyone else just suddenly remember a random dream from years ago and then forget about it again


I keep having dreams about fucking my mom, the most recent one was about a threesome on my bed with a gigachad, myself and my mother


the gigachad is your true father


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i keep remembering this one dream where i was riding away from a dinosaur on a bicycle around like one of those quarry holes and i dont know what it means but the view was breathtaking, legit like some shit out of a zelda game


Probably a universal experience


This is going to sound like im bullshitting, but i actually had this dream.

I was in an airport with a successful friend I have in real life. He was going to another country. I was jealous not only of his ability to travel, but of his general direction in life while I remain a broke loser. I leave my friend for a second, go to a counter, and buy a ticket to Warsaw for five thousand dollars. I pay using my parent's money. In real life, I have often contemplated about going to Ukraine as a mercenary for either side. This is unrealistic. I have no military experience. Before departing for Ukraine, I get cold feet and don't go. This parallels something that happened in real life. I bought a plane ticket to go to Russia last year using my parent's money, but didn't go because I decided going to university in Russia wasn't worth it. In the dream, after I decide not to go, I go out with my successful friend to an outdoor dining area. It was approaching night so we sat under an orange lamp. The entire area was surrounded by steep grey concrete walls. The only way out was from a large gate that led back into the airport. There, I complain to him about all my failures and shortcomings in life while girls start filling up the tables around us. Eventually, the girls start laughing at me and my friend moves to another table without saying a word. I confront him and ask "Why did you leave?" He says something along the lines of "You're a loser." After that, I leave the dining area and start thinking about the waste of money that was five thousand dollar plane ticket. I see my grandfather then I wake up.


A bit of introspection, I see. No, it sounds completely believable.


I haven't had this happen
I've had this happen


New dream, less than 10s duration

YouTube baking tutorial for a "detailed raspberry pizza"
The youtuber has dark brown hair, brown eyes, a red shirt, a fit build and both hands pointing diagonally across in the thumbnail


I dreamt about some advertiser who was going to anger wasps as a stunt, but I was in his pov and couldn't stop him


Someone was going to pick me up but when they arrive, they said I wasn’t Germanic enough and drifted away.


'twas i



whyse she giving me eric cartman vibes in this one


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i had a dream the US was invaded and occupied by china and i had chinks trying to rush into my house and all my neighbors houses trying to steal food. then a chinese woman rushed into my home (i left the door unlocked)and tried to steal my 50lb bag of rice. the dream ended when i took out a cane and slapped her so she dropped the rice


i nuked berlin in my last dream


the eyebrows and mouth combo


I called some white zoomer a wigger in a gas station filled to the brim with black people.


Her looksmatch posts Touhou and contemplates suicide everyday on obscure altchans.


last night I had a dream where I lived in a village where there was no concept of finiteness and anything quantifiable was infinite, there were infinitely many day night cycles every second but every day was infinitely long, the village was infinitely large and the planet it was on was infinitely large in an infinite universe, and this was somehow related to plankton from spongebob (who is infinitesimally small) defeating thanos by sucking on his toes and feet




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While attending some show at a theater, I was supposed to hold some light bulb that had a speaker in it, in which it was trying to teach me about the history of class relations through Marxist lens. A hour or so later I broke it (intentionally?) and my family got mad at me. I could've cared less about it since I barely listened to it.


I was struck by lightning when I was walking outside at 2 am


I dreamt about having to stealth kill evil people in some dishonored style setting, but it was more run down and medieval than usual, like when people depict medieval Europe having poop everywhere


huh I once had a dream where I was sneaking and using dishonored teleport


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truecel trait: video game dreams


I had a dream mgr 2 came out 😭😭😭😭😭


I sometimes have dreams about muh heckin games i wiil never make
Also when I was retarded little kid I wanted to play Gears of War 2 but stupid frickin parents didnt buy me this shit and I had a dream about playing it. Didnt look close to an actual game doe. I got that game eventually.


everytime I dream about games I can never see anything other than the contents of the screen at all until something interesting happens in the "real" world, to the point that it sometimes feels like I just spontaneously ascended a narrative level like scp 3812


same with movies


tsmt when I have seen that movie about elizabeth winstead being held captive by some skuferino I had dreams about her being my little sex slave bitch of the rape toy variety


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I remember having a dream about battleroyale with touhous, i think i had Tenshi, Marisa and Yukari on my team


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truecel trait: dreams about real video games you played in the past

gigachad trait: dreams about entirely new unique video games unrelated to any that exist irl


ultrachad trait: prophetic dreams about upcoming games (I predicted Elden Ring will have boars and wolves in a dream)


sigma trait: dreaming about imageboards


I once had a dream where I pissed imageboard incels so much that they would send me scp style cognitohazards and I'd have to quickly scroll past them


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i had a dream i was back in school again, its actually a recurring dream i have every so often where im always pissed that im back in highschool because im always missing like 2 credits and i get frustrated because i usually always remember i graduated and i have no reason to still be there, anyways in this particular dream i was back in school and somehow it transitioned into a race and i was full on sprinting and actually making it to the front before the race became a train somehow, usually when i run in dreams i also actually move desu i hear people say they run like molasses in but in my dreams when i run i actually feel fast, maybe because running(from my problems) is one the few things im somewhat good at


I had multiple dreams due to lighting waking me up but I don’t remember any of them


One was fairly erotic and the other one was just traveling with someonr


dont do this to marisa it will make her really uncomfortable and thats mean, also dont play with your food starving african children would love that


I played some Mario game somewhat like Mario party that had you solve math problems with 30 people. Not sure if the game required math intentionally of consequently.


I had a dream about moving to Canada then popping massive colonies of pimples on my face that looked like fungus


i had a dream where i drank a whole tank of glowing green goo and i went to pee but my pee was glowing


Andrew Tate's Fireblood


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I had to serve detention before school since I was absent the day before. I had to write down reasons why you should never be absent and there’s no excuses for it. At the part where it mentioned to drive earlier, I wrote down in quotations that I walked to school daily. I wrote their supposed response to my hypothetical inquiry. Then in quotations, I wrote “Nigger.”


I dreamt I went to the store to pick up my package that arrived yesterday. Very interesting dream


I had a crazy dream about welts filled with blood on my body that I was picking as a distraction from some kind of apocalypse or labyrinth I was trapped in


That sounds very interesting. Do you have any more details?


I dreamt that summer was coming and a bunch of paper wasps hiding in my house came out of hibernation so i caught them all, i only have 2 out of 3 foundresses left in real life and i think i need more than one to start a colony successfully


No, when I woke up I was trying to recollect the interesting apocalyptic event or whatever it was but I was like "Shit it's gone", however it's possible I was only under the impression that it existed and that it never actually transpired in my dream


I had a dream I was vibing at a Synagogue and they were trying to get me to convert. All of the j00s were crazy and racist as hell and there was a Jewish Indian talking about being an open pedophile. I ate a kosher cheeseburger and a bunch of Jews were admiring me and I had to eat it fast so I could chat with them. When I payed for the burger the j00 gave me a cross necklace and I figured they made a mistake but I took it anyway. Then I went home and fell asleep, and when I woke up I saw on the news that the Synagogue was burned down, and I saw firefighters extinguishing j00s. Then I realized i destroyed the synagogue while sleepwalking because I had powers like goku


I just dreamed my child niece sent the paw patrol to forcibly greet me through tiktok by literally murdering everyone else that might take my attention. I was watching a bunch of my family talk to me on tiktok and the paw patrol just rolled up and murdered them, then when they talk to me it represents her talking, and the first two bars of their theme song served as the tiktok's music. That pissed me off so bad I sent a fucking karate dog DUAL WEILDING LOUISVILLE SLUGGERS and wearing sick shades into tiktok to beat the shit out of the paw patrol using his fucking karate moves to the song of rap beats Bingo the dog song.
In the dream the tiktoks were supposed to be tiktoks created for the purpose of internet attention but because my niece actually wanted to approach me they just acting as a remote camera to real events.


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today i had a dream in which i smashed multiple fat women's heads with a rock to the point their brains painted the concrete floor
also ive seen some cool landscapes


A section of my dream that I could remember somewhat clearly was playing some game. I was in some supermarket playing game where we had to pretend that we were in WW1 with a thousand other people. If you were shot once, you were shrunk down to being 2-4 inches tall or you dropped your social security card or some artwork you made. There were no actual props, so we had to pretend we had the things we were supposed to have on us.
The first target I went for was Jeffery Epstein's blimp so that I could garner a lot of points in the beginning. The weapons were slow at first due to the fact that you had to reload fast every time you shot it. A minute later, we got a upgrade that turned our guns into carbines, which allowed me to deliver more damage. I shot down Jeffery Epstein's blimp solely and received a million points from it. I started targeting the people surrounding me from aisle to aisle. The only specific person I remember getting out was Rika Furude, who was with some character from another series trying to get some materials. After I got her, she shrunk down to 2-4 inches.


After dealing with Rika, I saw Joe Biden with some style of hair associated with black running around the store from secret service blaring rap music. I decided to chase after him so that I could gain some points from him. I chased him for a bit. At a certain point, I felt a child-like euphoria that I haven't felt in a while, giggling uncontrollably while chasing Sleepy Joe. It got to the point where I was competently sunk into this feeling where I started making a face akin to that of an exaggerated reaction to something cute found in Japanese media. Some joyous symphony started playing when I was in this state, after which it faded away once the feeling dissipated. After a minute or so, the game ended and now there were social security cards and tiny people sprawled out on the floor. Some fat Mexican chick in some tiktok-style "goth" clothing asked where her custom made balls were. And then I woke up.


maybe our brainwaves are on the same astral frequencies, last night i also had dream about joe biden

joe biden was giving a speech in the church i went to when i was a kid, only the stage was a lot bigger and had curtains and there was also a larger amount of seating, i had a front row seat on the right side. but then conservative patriots all dressed as uncle sam ambushed the speech and grabbed joe and carried him up ladder to platform over a big cylindrical pool of some liquid that wasn't water, which was about 5 feet deep with a diameter of 10 feet and also elevated so its top rim was at about 45% of the height of the platform (which was ~30 feet tall), and they tried to throw him into it, but they overshot and bounced violently off the rim and hit the floor, but this conservative woman he landed in front of apparently thought that wasnt enough because then she did crazy martial arts moves to break the shoulder/hip joint, knee/elbow joint, and split the tibia-fibula/radius-ulna in half of one of his limbs, i dont remember whether it was an arm or a leg. Then I had to suppress my laughter and pretend to be shocked and terrified and running away, or i would be identified as conservative and shot by democrat deep state drones that were flying around now.


I had a dream that I posted a pic of myself as a reaction image to some dissapointing statement during some discussion on 4chan and all the replies were like "damn, I had no idea you looked this good" or "wow you're handsome"


you're still dreaming wake up


Since when do you have a unique knight flag and how can I get a unique flag for myself


nevermind its not unique, its right there, woe is me


I had a dream about a high school reunion and I invited my blerd friend here and he said jjk was mid
Also my sister is having a sleepover and both her and her friend have covid and they were coughing nonstop but once I fell unconscious the coughing became soibabas chanting about saving the white race


>jjk was mid
true though


I barely remember the dream but it was me and yuyuko at my home and we were talking about something


Vore arranmeeperents and last will


I had a dream where I was going to do the dishes, but as I got close I realised someone replaced them with a pile of books


I dreamt about misclicking and accidentally buying discord nitro for 2.55$ but quickly refunding it. However, after I did that I instantly regretted that I didn't browse the collection of games and doujinshi that it provided while I had the chance. Thankfully I received 217 dicordpoints for the purchase despite the refund, and for 255 of these I would be able to get access to the doujinshi library of discord nitro for a day, so I needed to get some more.
My friend recommended me to go to McDonald's because apparently they were having a promotion where part of the money you spent was given to you in discord points. So we went to a McDonald's which was built in a XIX century building in the centre of the city because it was sort of midway between our houses. It had two floors: the first one was some sort of lounge with sofas and potted plants, where in a corner, a blonde woman meant to be the security guard or something was filling out paperwork on a coffee table. There was a one-way escalator up on the left side of the opposite wall from the exit and a garage door on the right, which lead to a huge warehouse area.


We greeted the woman and she nodded, and then we went up the escalator. The second floor of the McDonald's was a small grocery store where they sold lots of different kinds of sparkling water, snacks, a couple of old vans, aquarium decorations as well as small purple fluffy pet scorpions from the jungles of Utah, some lizards and other small pets.
First we discussed which car to rent for the way home, but eventually he said he was going to wait downstairs and let me decide. So I spent like 3 hours examining the various goods available for sale here and, mainly, deciding what kind of sparkling water to buy. I actually accidentally exploded a 30L glass bottle of it but the cashier woman didn't seem to mind, so I just put the bottle back shard by shard.
By the time I was done shopping, I get a call from my friend who tells me that it's too late to rent a car because the Golden Hour has passed and now there's a lot of people in the city and traffic is awful, so he went home by himself already. I proceed to checkout and in front of me in line is a family of a girl, an adult woman and an old lady. Afterwards I am instantly teleported to the middle of the boulevard outside, and it is raining. Then I wake up.


I had a really boring dream where I was using this website. The part I remember best was a new thread posted by morocco where the OP image was a middle age man in a business casual shirt facing away from the camera with the focus of the shot being the spirally brown hair on the back of his head, exhibiting diffuse thinning. The text accompanying the post was a right-brain-impression of a three-line paragraph, out from which stood only two left-brain-intelligible words: "looksmaxxing" and "PSL". Then I made a one-line-and-a-bit long reply which contained the word "looksmaxxing" and there were like 3-4 threads of basically the same thing with 1-5 replies each.


I had a dream I was trying to save my brother from being groomed into degenerate fetishes, but he was so low T that he was actually a eunuch, so it was no threat
wow this is feedback


When there were Russian Sarmat missiles flying over my house, I kept hearing the Preobrazhensky Regiment March as the warheads descended into nearby cities to the North.


I had a dream involving Orin's wheelbarrow and can't remember the rest


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I remember a scene where some girl was trying to get me close to her asshole in some form of passionate love.
Unclear on this detail but I was either a catboy or she was a cat girl




I only remember seeing a dark storm approaching to where I live. Otherwise, I've been having trouble remembering my dreams or having any at all. My spatial abilities has been weakened the past month. What do Peaters say about this?


I took a nap, I dreamed that I had woken up at midnight and the layout of the house was entirely different, and when I went out onto the new balcony it had snowed, and the sky was an indescribably beautiful arranmeeperent of clouds quickly phasing in and out of existence in patterns (checkerboards, etc) multiple times per second, being lit by the blue light cast by the shimmering moon with many bright stars behind them and snowflakes falling from them as they existed. Also before I had this dream I had the most vivid sleep paralysis I ever had in my life, but I was completely unaffected by it because it relied too much on jumpscares and didn't build any suspense, and the quality of it makes me wonder if maybe it was actually actually just a dream about having sleep paralysis


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I keep getting dreams that revolve around C


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I was crossing into Iceland from the UK (supposedly, there was a land border between the two nations) and some senile old man went up to me and teaches me how to wear a belt since my pants were falling off.


keyd LOL!! I get the reference LOL


Actually said senile old man was probably joe Biden as he has been haunting me in my sleep



He wants your adrenochrome so he can win the erection


last night I had a dream where there was this multi-billionaire normal looking asian man, who had established the largest cult of personality around him on the entire planet, and ads for his business were absolutely everywhere, really long, and unskippable. His main business was making "designer cars" which were cars taylored specifically to each customers demands, so none of them looked the same, but they all had the main selling point of an autodriving feature powered by AI which was able to operate absolutely perfectly even under extreme and unusual situations. So I bought one, and had them make it look and drive like the ae 86 trueno from Initial D, but instead of white and black it was red and orange, and then I tested the autodriving feature on this American ninja warrior type thing with thin platforms 30 feet off the ground built on a massive field within the amphitheater of a gigantic stadium, which required extremely precise drifting to get across as some of the parts were so slanted that driving slowly and carefully wouldn't have enough centripetal force to stay on the platform and not fall off. On the first attempt it failed on the first curve and I crashed into the ground below and probably died but then my dream retconned it and on the second first attempt the AI flew through the course with flying colors, and then this got used in another one of the asian guy's designer car companies extremely long advertisements, which I was somehow watching earlier in the dream which had convinced me to go buy one in the first place and it was like a time loop but it ended after the beginning of the second iteration where I just finished watching the same ad again and have decided to go buy one.


then the dream cut to me in the kitchen eating a bag of the asian guy's companies' off-brand cheetos, which they created solely so they can freely advertise the designer car business on the back of every bag, but when I put the cheetos in my mouth they tasted like shit so i turned the bag around to read the ingredients, and suspiciously there were only three ingredients listed which could have no way in hell been enough to create cheetos, and to the right of the nutrition information and ingredients column there was a picture of the asian guys face and somehow an animated gif of one of the cars driving, my eyes skipped over that to what was on the far right, which was a photo of the cheetos nestled against peanuts, beans, and various other assorted gunk and allergens, and below it was text which said "expirementation has shown that anybody in the world can eat this product" or something like that, implying that there are no allergen risks whatsoever despite the photo directly above it of the cheetos being stored mixed together with peanuts and shit, but when I read it I was like oh okay and I put more of the cheetos in my mouth because I thought it was safe but they still tasted like shit so I spit them out into the trash can. then I woke up


I saw a group of kids being instructed by their teacher to do an Arabic/Islamic dance, but it was heavily tiktokfied and some of the students pulled out their phone to see how to do it and record themselves.


new dream: I was a dragon that could transform into a human and got sent from fantasy world to real world, the area after the portal was an abandoned metro station
while in real world I was followed by undercover agents and had to pretend to be a human, they were running some operation at the station and hiring tons of people to do some kind of physical work there


I dreamt I had some polish teacher and some foid was mad at him because she couldn't understand what he was saying so she wanted me to go snitch on him



I woked up before it ended


he got busted and killed lots of people, ive seen that dream too


istn this just the plot of mx kobayashis dragon maid


I had a dream I had a cute 3dpd gf but when showing her around my house I kept getting into fights and calling people jews which was bad because she would think I have anger issues even though I'm just defending myself from retards to not look cucked


Are you getting mindfucked by Jews


A few months ago because I was angry at groypers I would use shitskin as my angry buzzword but now it's jews


dream drop:
I was exploring and shiet and arrived on a small island that had a mansion similar to Scarlet Devil Mansion from 2hoe in the center, when I tried approaching it, suddenly HUGE monsters appeared (don't remember what they looked like but they were skyscraper sized) so I had to escape, since it was an island I had to jump into the sea and swim away but there was AF Stigro from Armored Core For Answer there (video for reference except we were underwater in the dream) and I had to avoid it (it would go past me, do a 180 and go in my direction again)


I had a dream someone on bbc explained they use chatgpt to make their posts because they have no confidence


"Who needs confidence when you've got an AI sidekick to do the talking?"


it was me, sorry


I had a dream today where I wandered around a small town that looked like a mix between an Italian coastal village and my hometown, then I did something and was yelled at for it


I had a dream there was some kind of indie horror film about teenagers killing eachother ala The Lord of the Flies and that there was a scene where a weaker and effeminate looking guy writes "bant trannys lost qa won" on a wall then a much taller and more incel looking guy (the antagonist) happens to appear and stab him in the neck with a pencil, killing him


That tall incel was me defending bbc


All I remember was that I was sleeping on Shion Sonozaki’s tummy bare naked


I had a dream where shion was my gf and we were riding roller causters


I just had the weirdest fucking dream ive EVER had.

It's all blurry and hard to describe but it takes place in two parts - town and a farm. They're both connected in that they share the same location but I assumed control of a different character for each. In the town I was myself irl and the whole thing was framed as a trip back to my hometown to reconnect with old friends. At the same time I:
1. Make a new friend (He had some weird name composed of two names, idr but think something like Broward or Dorrigan)
2. Am connected with a dead spirit of some sort, which I am close friends with.
Basically in the town segment the plot is me trying to set Broward/Dorrigan up with a chick with the help of my spirit friend and failing miserably because she's a single mother of four and Broward/Dorrigan is like 19.
Also at some point mercenaries attack the town but it isn't important because they all die really easily. Also, a fully functioning TF2 mobile exists in this dream and I think I played a full game of it
And then, there's the second part. I don't know what the fuck caused this, but this is the farm.


So the whole thing is framed like an old obscure flash animation made by one of the old friends I'd reconnected with in the town. It's like we're going through his really old animations from the 2000s and 2010s. It's implied he's long since moved on from these, but he has a series about a farmer, who is represented in his avatar as like a stylized drawing of ben franklin, but in the actual videos, the farmer is literally a green screen of Jimmy Neutron's dad.
So the entire premise of the animation is its a CYOA with gratuitous animal gore. I don't remember exactly what it was but you played as a visitor to the farm and you were "making" an animal I guess?? Basically you would go to a pen, pick an animal up, and run it through a number of machines made of other animals.


I don't remember much of this, but the viewer of the animation was privy to the animals thoughts and they were all strangely verbose, think of a toned down version of the language used in the Lemmiwinks song I guess???
Like, here's the only thing I remember, but you gotta remember the farm segment was full of shit like this. The final device the animal you selected would be run through was a table with a jackhammer running through it. Under the table was a turtle held upside down by rivets through its feet, with the jackhammer going through its abdomen and shell. It was alive. Near the end of the farm segment, there's a rebellion in which the animals all break out and eat the visitor and the farmer, but at the very beginning, the first thing to break is the turtle jackhammer device. The rivets come loose and the animal below is saved. The turtle audibly thinks something like "…But with his life saved, mine is doomed to a cruel fate, indeed. Without his force, my body will surely be torn asunder." And then the camera cuts to a different angle of the turtle where the force of the jackhammer eventually causes it to slowly begin to split in half. Like, the soft bits go first and then the shell cracks and it just falls into two halves.
Then there's a sweeping shot out towards the mountain while the farmer and the customer scream, being eaten, and then I wake up.
I don't know what in god's name prompted that, as my dreams are normally pretty tame, and usually take either comedic or romantic tones - as the town segment did both
I just remember sitting up in my bed and being like "god damn dude did I really just dream that"


Oh yeah I forgot to mention this but I had to crash at Broward/Dorrigan's place and his roommates were a pair of like loser fujoshi chicks who basically bullied him for being really ugly and also not trying to get gay with me


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While taking a 'Verbal IQ' test mandated by the school, there was 2 question that had a picture of Satoko and Rika in front of a store attached. One question asked me to describe what they were doing in a 2 sentence story that was listed in the caption. The other question asked me to tell a 2 sentence long story about Satoko and Rika. The rest of the test were excerpts from philosophers like Bertrand Russel and such.


Seeing the 2 disrupted the test since a feeling of euphoria rushed to my head and disrupted my thinking process.


Had a hypnagogic vision where I saw a group of black teens chimping out over tiktok montages showcasing ai-generated videos of 90s African-American sitcoms being set in Russian cities like Murmansk and Smolensk.


was looking at some sort of femdom manga then got a phone message from some dudes who were living in a building that was next to mine who were looking at my screen through the window using binoculars and listed the tags in the message laughing at me


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your post was at 00:00:00



lois idgi


japanese nigga


why did I replyed to myself instead of >>46294


Do not booze


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I had a dream I was exploring Eientei during a moon festival to learn the origins of bantflags and at one point I used Eirin's leg as transit but somehow she didn't notice me until I got out on a top floor and told her while she purchased booze from a rabbit


does eirin even drink


the majority of touhous booze and party regularly and the monthly lunar festival at Eientei probably involves booze


I keep forgetting everything since I’ve been waking up at 3:00 am every morning


fucking roasties


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Scrote fanfic


I was in a somewhat futuristic city and everywhere I went, I saw advertisements that featured Rena Ryuugu ranging from small posters to large electronic billboards attached to skyscrapers.


even doe there are not enough men in gensokyo that touhous could develop roasts


Some ugly polish kid started asking dumb questions about history while also espousing that he was a hoi4 player during my 1 hour siesta


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I had a dream last night where I was playing TF2 in my room as normal except Nitori was on my bed trying to seduce me the whole time and i remember it being really annoying but eventually caving and then we didnt even do anything she just laid on top of me and fell asleep and i remember breathing in her exhalations which actually was pretty erotic but then i woke up before anything happened

Stupid kappa.


cognitohazard country


i get stabbed or shot in 7/10 of my dreams, not depending on context of the dream. mostly in the stomach, which actually feels funny when it happens.


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this is reflective of the state of russian and eastern european life and their mindset or something.


That means they're 0/10 dreams bbg 😭🙏


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why do i keep having dreams where im in a car either as a passenger or driver but somethings off
Like maybe the car is being driven at 300mph or i get teleported to some fictional place like poland


I had a horrible dream last night that I was going to be stabbed in the liver as I witnessed a bunch of other Christian martyrs being stabbed in the liver, it was scary and one of the big themes was that being stabbed in the liver was apparently extremely painful


Had a dream where AC moved a random thread to a new board called /sour3/


I snorted so much cocaine and drank so much caffeine to the point that a single pulse shook my entire body


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I had a dream I was at a mizusoba convention and kogasa was there and she had a BFC which was stuck in a chainlink fence and nue was trying to help her and takorin artstyle 2hus were also at the event


At the local park, I noticed that a large flag pole flying the Indian flag was placed by a 50ft tall bust of a figure from Romania. I was planning to take it down in the middle of the night, but the locals got enraged enough to take it down theirselves.
Later, the individual the bust depicted came to out town and held a conference talking about unity with ‘browns’, proclaiming himself as a brown.

The rest of the dream was traveling to Russia to play some game with battle-royale/survival aspects. In spite of it taking place mostly in the suburbs of Moscow, the local flora was surprisingly lush and tropical-like, reminding me of Florida.


gooning doesn't affect your li-


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i ended up dozing off and having 2 bizarre fever dreams back to back, i cant even remember the first but the second one really bothered me for some reason, it was so bizarre it was a dream in which i was trying to sleep but in that dream i had another dream about something watching me and the room was so dark n spooky it wasnt even my room, then i head to talk with ny family about it and i look at my aunt and my first thought was right mom is dead, then i woke up about half an hour ago with the same creepy feeling of uneasiness and it still felt like i was still stuck dreaming even as i got up so i proceeded to have a snack and pet the dogs to "feel my way back to reality" i really dont know how else to describe it
point being im never sleeping early again


Oof dead thread
I had a dream I was at a cheap pizza place hanging out with Naruto fans for some reason and I saw something on the menu called "BBC pizza" and I was like "shit, that's funny, I have got to order this" and I ordered "BBC soda" too, also the employee was a 6'5 black bouncer, I think I had this dream because a groyper accused me of "Afrolatry" which is like a twitter friendly way of saying BNWO or something


New dream: FromSlopware announced a new game. It was a classical jrpg with 2d graphics, chibi tranime artstyle, samurai theme and weird creepypasta elements (there was part where the player was walking around a pitch black abandoned town with red sky and inside houses there were scary faces appearing out of nowhere)
most people were disappointed by the reveal


had a dream that the Russian coomer hooked up with a BBC and it made me angry because it meant another fellow 'cel betrayed otaku culture and normed it up


Do you mean a person from dis website or a black kang


black kang with big black cock


I had a dream I was fighting in a war against discord trannies for some reason and it ended with anzumark hijacking my computer


I had a dream about hundreds of left wingers suddenly attacking based looksmaxxers at the touhoufest hotel and we had potions like minecraft pvp and I punched a guy who looked like Tim pool in the face but his head was fucking hard


left wingers arent baldcels


The left wingers were actually lead by hasanabi, it's weird that I didn't dream about groypers though


It mightve made sense if your team had a secret baldcel on your since the rw subverts looksmaxxers by saying balding is masculine and stuff


I think the looksmaxxers weren't necessarily right wing but the enemies were leftists because they have societal control and are way more intimidating than groypers


can you not in the dream thread


Looksmaxxing is truchan and funny as fuuuuuck now that the finasteride spam is over


Looksmaxxing without finasteride is like Christianity without the Eucharist


Anyway I had a dream I was hanging out with high schoolers and they all were picking on this autistic kid and I was telling them that I wasn't cool but I understand why they need to do it


new dream I was doxed by a nigga from bant and my face was posted


What was our psl analysis


idk most people weren't sure if it was really me because the doxer did not provide evidence of it being me


I've had a dream twice now where I have a birthday party where there's lots of booze and food and my friends are there and Gogeta is there but then it becomes a creepypasta thing where I see all 2hus dying and it looks like an mmd and they have the squeaky yukkuri tts voices


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hoooly shit


iirc that's because we percieve the contents on the display and the sumaho as an object is erased. on a related note, i remembered recently that in teen years i would sometimes look at the screen and see itself as a whole not only an image on it. that were also the times i had dreams with pcs and phones but maybe it's related to a fact that tech became an everyday thing too…


skill issue


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I had a dream last night where I was in Dead City, the scrapped Stalker level, and in one of the abandoned monoblocks I found a very old and barely functional chromebook

After going back home and getting a charger for it I returned to Dead City where I had to sneak around the mercenaries that were there and get back to the chromebook. Plugging it in, I managed to get it working and I opened the file browser to find it belonged to an artist who went by "Dagaba". His most recent work was from 2017 doe so either he had well and truly abandoned this computer or the mercenaries sadly killer him.

The only things I know for sure about dagaba is that he really liked drawing Hatate (although there were other drawings too, there was a disproportionate amount of Hatates) and that his art style was similar to pic related


I had two more distinct dreams last night.

In dream 1, my family and I went in vacation but it turned out my family was actually sent on a mission to retrieve documents from an abandoned lab. I specifically remember it being full of very wide open industrial places with the general aesthetic of the unity engine remake of containment breach (although the facility was definitely not SCP related at all.)
I remember the environments being really cool and unique to look at and having to run through a set of abandoned apartments from some security force/cia type guys at the end but beyond that I forgot

Dream 2: my dad brought me to some kind of political rally (I'm pretty sure it was a trump rally but not an official one as the Don wasn't there in person) where the leader of it was a skinny blonde guy and the participants were split up into mock executioners and mock prisoners, where mock prisoners would get their hands bound with a towel and would eventually be led up to a stage to be "executed" - that is, wacked on the head with a sandbag or some other similar implement, something definitely not lethal, but more physical than need be to get the point across. They wanted to hit people basically.

The determining factor for who was a guard and prisoner seemed to be genetics as my dad who is black and myself who is a mutt were immediately put into the prisoner section. When the time comes for me to come up on stage, I refuse and get angry because my dad who is now wearing a maga hat even tho his hands are tied gets angry at me for refusing and we started arguing. I tell him I didn't ask to be here etc and he tells me that actually i did have a choice and i put myself in this situation which pisses me off and we begin to argue but i get too angry and accidentally wake up.


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Last night I had a dream that me and the fnf pedo nigger were competing in a car race


Did u win


I woke up in the middle of the dream


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I was a tranime girl in the dream being all cutesy


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i had a scary dream the other night my water cooling in my pc broke and flooded my gpu


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Had a dream where i married my oneitis today
Also had a dream where i had 2 penises after that


dont let your dreams be memes, go into chernobyl and risk it for double pp


Ev&oe its not as radioactive as it was before….

Anyways i worked with radioactive (somewhat) materials on my old old job and i didnt grew a second barrel on my boomstick, so its probably #FAKENEWS


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>i worked with radioactive (somewhat) materials on my old old job


i didn't have any dreams last night because i didn't sleep


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I had a dream where I lost my Momiji fumo in a rental car on holiday and I had to take absolutely everything out before I found it. This happened 4 times throughout the dream and I don't even own a momiji fumo


last night I had three dreams (don't take the numbering too seriuosly I'm not really sure what order they came in or if I was having them all simultaneously or dreamland is some kind of acausal realm or what)

dream #1: I was riding a bicycle around campus (this is not normal). when I got to the bus stop there was this really tall tranny/dragqueen in a white longcoat with fur at the edges, who was completely male everywhere but the head which the face was totally caked in makeup to make him look like a girl and had girl hairstyle. I could see him sticking his hand inside his pants and heard him fapping, and all the girls around him were like ewwww this guy is masturbating in public. but when I had biked past him I heard him whip his dick out and then heard all the girls be like omg its so big and then i heard them start sucking it. then when I biked up the hill to the big flat area there was a really tall guy in a kkk outfit operating a bike shredder, which looked kind of like a dumpster and bikes that got thrown in there would be shredded up. it was a big push by environmentalists to have everybody do their part and shred their bike because bikes are bad for the environment. however i started biking in circles around the area in order to taunt the treehuggers, and even rode my bike right next to the kkk guy with impunity, since it was a voluntary thing only being enforced by social pressure.


dream #2: I was in a weird classroom in a basement, with some kind of phone/tablet in my hands, and its display being mirrored to the projector, whose projection was perfectly horizontally flush filling the entirety of the back wall from left wall to right wall. somehow, if I bent over and touched the projection with my finger, it was also a touchscreen and I could operate the tablet that way. There were two games I played: one simple one where the object was to jittertap on these brown rocks as many times as possible in a set time until they were turned into a fine dust, once the timer ended alien vaccuum cleaner machines would fill the entire screen and suck up the dust and the finer it had become the higher your score would be. The other game was a gacha game. In the beta version of the game there were these two girls who were the main mascots of the game but also the two most powerful units you could get, like the legendary pokemons of a pokemon generation. one of them had blue clothing and was called starbright, the other had white clothing and was moon themed but my dream didn't generate a name for her. but then in the full release of the game, the two characters got fused into one character called Union with blue and white clothing with a sideways crescent moon symbol (crescent above, star below) insignia and the combined stats of both characters, and a new character was created to be Union's counterpart who wore lime green and black clothing, and was nvidia themed.


dream #3: There was a black superhero whose supersuit was basically the same as the maximillian skin from fortnite but without the headwear, and he was being played by the same actor who played A-train in the boys. The camera pov was in outer space looking at the earth, and he used his flight and space flight and space breathing abilities to come up from the earth and be in the camera's focus. Then he had some kind of exchange with evil aliens that were several au behind the camera, but the camera's view remained fixed in place so I couldn't see them. however, I still got the sense that the aliens looked kind of like the guy from The Scream by Edvard Munch, and were the on giant black spaceships. Towards the end of the exchange that my dream didn't generate any words or meaning for, they were laughing maniacally a lot at the black superhero, so he used his ability to selectively decrease the speed of light within given areas to instantly vaporize the entire earth into electron plasma. then he extended the effect to the entire galaxy, and then the entire universe.


There was a guy on bant1 who went to poland and took many pictures with a momiji fumo irl but he got mugged for looking retarded and was hospitalized


One of the things I remember from today’s dream was a strange meteorological event that was supposed to happen. I was impulsively checking the global temperature map. When I checked it again for the third time, I noticed that there was a anomaly. There was a small spot somewhere south of Detroit in which temperatures reached as low as 0F In spite of the surrounding area having temperatures around 95F-102F. I thought that this was an error with the map itselt until I checked the weather forecast for the surrounding areas, in which it shifted from being hot for 10 days to reaching below freezing by tomorrow. I checked the weather forecast for where I lived and the same thing was supposed to happen, just delayed by another day. This sudden shift in weather that was supposed to happen tomorrow lead many news outlets to discuss it, most of them blaming it on climate change and even global warming.


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I used this sprite of Erika in a midst of a fierce debate I somehow got involved in.


im not sure whether im awake right now if or if this is is a dream



okay i think its awake because if i was edreaming i wouldnt be able to see the stuff around my screeen as good


Now that I can recall it. The debate was somewhat of a ceremonial event where you had to use sprites from VNs, more specifically characters from Umineko, in order to portray your feelings. If you were caught selecting one in order to hide your true feelings, you would suffer a massive penalty that may get you disqualified. I happen to select Erika, which was supposedly the hardest due to her wide range of emotions, while my opponent selected another character from Umineko.
Good evening


It was a public event too


who won


I don’t remember who but you can probably tell how it progressed with the sprite of Erika i’ve attached.


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has anybody else found that if you have to get up for something at a certain time, their body/subconscious will respond by simply dicing the everliving shit out of your sleep into basically a series of successive 20-30 minute naps (completely raping the sleep quality in the process)? I have literally never heard what my phones alarm sounds like. The dream I had in the final burst of sleep last morning was about me watching some youtube-like site and I found this video of a strange worm/lobster creature about 2 feet long, whose body was completely composed of croissant ham and cheese sandwich, and the creator of the video was demonstrating how if you cut it in half, both halves would regenerate into full copies of the animal within seconds, but it made me kind of sad because it was clearly in agonizing pain when they did that to it, but it was also really gross because it looked so tasty I kept imagining putting it in my mouth but it would definitely move around a lot in my mouth if I tried that due to its insanae durability (and I didn't realize this in the dream but I guess it would regenerate inside my stomach and become like hentai vore situation)


holy kino


A comically stereotypical Irish fellow that happened to be visiting where I live was disemboweled by an mob of Poles and had his corpse displayed on an altar in front of an administrative building.


> dicing the everliving shit out of your sleep into basically a series of successive 20-30 minute naps
i wake up for the first time 2-0 hours before alarm and for the remainder time my sleep follows the pattern described. does this apply to whole duration of sleep in your case?
interesting, have never heard of anyone else experiencing this, and have never really bothered to analyse the phenomena.


While complaining about a nigger who stole my wallet, a mulatto roommate that was from some state capital infamous for its mixed race population got aggravated and tried to punch me. I responded with an martial art move I’ve never learned before and slammed him onto the floor. I never interact with him for the rest of the dream.


had a dream where a fvtanari kidnapped me and wanted to impregnate me then she injected something in my spine and it hurt real bad then I woke up and there was smell of sulfur in my house


You were attacked by a demon…


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I had a dream i went to a touhou convention to LA and i slapped a patchouli cosplayer so hard she became 6 feet tall. I then got kicked out and posted about it on bantculture within the dream


seek help


Sometime last year I had the flu, and everyone knows that the flu can cause psychedelic nightmares - I'd had one or two within the past few days before this.
This occasion was different, though - I had psychedelic visions before going to sleep, but it didn't become nightmarish until after.

In this dream, I dreamt that someone was remotely controlling my heart, and applying pressure to it with the goal of bursting it.
The strange part was that I dreamt there were TWO of me - one that was still dreaming and one that had woken up, and I could simultaneously control, and feel stimuli from, both of them.

I believed during this dream that if the mysterious figure who was controlling my heart in the dream managed to burst it, then I would die in real life.
At the same time, I also believed that if my waking self allowed the fear to overwhelm him, then I would suffer a heart attack and die in real life.

So, I had to, as the dreaming me, resist the pressure on my heart, while simultaneously as the waking me resist the incredible fear caused by the scenario.
Eventually, I believed that the pressure on my heart had stopped, and my two consciousnesses eventually seamlessly merged and I lay on my bed, fully awake and immensely relieved at my survival.

Horrible, horrible nightmare - but also the most unique dream I've ever had.

The dream was probably inspired by the recently-released Town of Salem 2 - there's a role in that game called the Dreamweaver (part of the Coven) who can visit a player to invade their dreams and cause nightmares. If left alone, the sleep deprivation will drive that player insanae the following night.
And I remember thinking in this dream that the presence remotely-controlling my heart was "a witch" although I couldn't see who it was or get any other evidence.


I was teleported to Hobart, Australia and I only remember jumping from roof to roof on all the townhouses.


last night I had an interesting dream that I wanted to tell you guys but I forgot it. all I remember is that there was a touhou character and I was being subjugated in some way. when I try to remember I keep seeing an image of nue in my mind so i think it might've been nue but im not sure


last night I had a dream where I was so down bad that I tried to rizz up a fat black woman, but it ended up being fruitless because she could read my mind and saw all the racist thoughts in there
then in the next dream I had a dream where I was a cute loli and I was wearing these shoes where if you turned them upside down and waited a little while you would get transported backwards in time by 10 minutes, but there was this adult with silver hair who looked kind of similar to that silver haired guy from jjiu jitsu kaisen who wanted that power for himself and was bossing me around telling me exactly where to go and not letting me out of his sight, but then I said I really needed to go to the bathroom and he said only if I go in there (the stall) with you and then that happened and it was like >//////////< or something


holy fuk AGP gojo fantasy //////

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