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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1712715935210.png (2.54 MB, 1393x1624, 97365118_p0.png)

 No.46049[Last 50 Posts]




File: 1712715970464.mp4 (1.32 MB, 640x360, kkhtaopening.mp4)

there is nothing i fear anymore


File: 1712720295832.png (Spoiler Image, 1.66 MB, 1181x1748, 103057606_p1.png)


File: 1712721415649.png (47.66 KB, 630x770, 32E0EBA2-FCD9-4C63-AFEA-A9….png)

sorry im not interested in koishi sexually like you


File: 1712728435808-0.jpg (243.04 KB, 850x850, sample_f2db652be530154d3ca….jpg)

File: 1712728435808-1.jpg (200.01 KB, 850x1131, sample_21b0eb7dc8c533dba65….jpg)

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I forget this artists name but I really like how he draws koishi


File: 1712729452111.jpg (7.67 KB, 170x170, koosh.jpg)

I want to befriend her and do stupid shit together


File: 1712730140707.jpg (935.97 KB, 850x1970, sample_7020257ac2e3e36a1d5….jpg)

Also I found this whole browsing for 'ishis and I think it's a pretty badass image


File: 1712730947371.png (25.42 KB, 800x600, 5989 - o forward_facing fu….png)

this is truchan


low T




File: 1712743155267.png (363.46 KB, 600x600, 1699285078007743.png)

welcome back fren!


File: 1712745327960.jpeg (379.19 KB, 1280x1536, IMG_2331.jpeg)

go back to the frogreddit board

wait… it’s no longer online AHAHAHA


kindly calm your tits ssp


File: 1712752120441.gif (39.29 KB, 797x408, 11425 - agu baby english p….gif)

Breathe in
Drink Sproke
Breathe out




super straight


File: 1712765568588-0.png (632.28 KB, 2081x4096, media_F9MiXFQbwAAZzt1.png)

File: 1712765568588-1.png (47.86 KB, 500x500, media_F48Plb3aYAAW4nZ.png)

File: 1712765568588-2.png (483.13 KB, 1701x1625, media_GCgz0T3bgAAuQqz.png)

File: 1712765568588-3.png (607.82 KB, 1373x2048, media_GDD4ji2bQAAHfGs.png)


File: 1712777964800-0.jpg (387.09 KB, 850x730, koishi_melons.jpg)

File: 1712777964800-1.jpg (252.35 KB, 1102x1400, komeiji_drip.jpg)

File: 1712777964800-2.jpg (303.45 KB, 850x1236, koishi_emo.jpg)

File: 1712777964800-3.jpg (602.23 KB, 850x638, koishi_madhatter.jpg)


File: 1712830176632-0.png (133.7 KB, 647x1200, F3A5b5LacAE0nZv.png)

File: 1712830176633-1.png (49.46 KB, 573x668, F9INOlSbYAE67zL.png)

File: 1712830176633-2.png (335.27 KB, 1200x1200, F9Q3njZboAAQgxE.png)

File: 1712830176633-3.png (181.78 KB, 850x1200, F55wiWQbAAArgyi.png)


File: 1712830522574-0.jpeg (834.68 KB, 907x1268, IMG_2408.jpeg)

File: 1712830522574-1.jpeg (784.52 KB, 907x1268, IMG_2409.jpeg)

File: 1712830522574-2.jpeg (784.52 KB, 907x1268, IMG_2410.jpeg)

>this is a fetish now


File: 1712830595502.jpeg (883.96 KB, 907x1268, IMG_2411.jpeg)


File: 1712832339489.png (39.87 KB, 531x465, Fx3gxJnaMAAZT0m.png)

excuse me is that a fetish of heart touching?



Omg like my heckin heartbeat asmr
Yes and this is wholesome and valid


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File: 1712839869687.jpg (96.64 KB, 350x300, 1015 - embodiment_of_scarl….jpg)

I fucking love science


File: 1712858039271.jpg (1.69 MB, 1600x1200, efa3a856d7b4f94b5716645f50….jpg)

i need the autism that makes me draw shit like this


File: 1712858501966.png (327.9 KB, 680x675, FjIW4ecWYAAA8J0.png)

wish i had that autism too but alas i have the autism that makes me hear my friends voices in my head like a schizophrenic



/qa2/ is still winning


File: 1712872952793.jpeg (419.83 KB, 1743x1739, IMG_2471.jpeg)



File: 1713070177345.png (30.8 KB, 800x620, 6483 - alternate_hairstyle….png)

not for the faint of heart


File: 1713070251187.jpg (567.85 KB, 850x1133, satori_laugh.jpg)

hilarious, THIS is trutaku humor


File: 1713071121570.png (1.16 MB, 1000x1540, satori_magictrick.png)

oh my god i just realized… epic filename FAIL…


that is a satori laughing though


File: 1713223372771.png (477.39 KB, 1516x1527, Dm5lshCUwAEAiVV.png)


File: 1713226749841.jpeg (129.54 KB, 450x800, 1711932666976.jpeg)


File: 1713341788275.jpg (503.83 KB, 1222x1738, 117898454_p0.jpg)


File: 1713341870458-0.jpg (853.96 KB, 1031x1200, 117805415_p0_master1200.jpg)

File: 1713341870458-1.jpg (1.16 MB, 1200x1052, 117805415_p1_master1200.jpg)


File: 1713549841507.jpg (130.5 KB, 850x850, koishi_elegant.jpg)

i like the design on the right a lot


She curly


File: 1714302109944.png (122.51 KB, 848x1200, F1u61H7WAAEhIYC.png)


I like this artstyle


File: 1714331845370.png (888.91 KB, 1000x1200, koishi_giantknife.png)

i think this image is pretty badass


File: 1714607059787.png (99.15 KB, 1200x842, Fntqh1DaUAACvpq.png)

what do people here think of trans people (genuine question btw)


This website is a lil complicated


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i am interested in the answer these things interest me


They are incredibly predisposed towards mental instability and disease but can often be talented and have brains, unlike nu-rw people, so they're above groypers on my pecking order


File: 1714607831526.png (256.54 KB, 525x408, satori9.png)

i see i see noted noted


File: 1714614456502.png (480.72 KB, 753x376, brave_lQMDLW8llf.png)

i would like if more people gave answers on this!


They're making a huge mistake, partially because estrogen is an extraordinarily unhealthy hormone


File: 1714660341704.png (26.23 KB, 512x381, question.png)

but all girls have estrogen is it unhealthy for them?


They also have high progesterone which is necessary because it's estrogen's strongest antagonist, I take progesterone because it helps me sleep but you have to make sure its the bioidentical stuff


what about its cardioprotective properties


That's 100% progesterone, estrogen causes heart diseases


File: 1714662194166-0.png (694.9 KB, 1200x1200, 99801881_p0_master1200.png)

File: 1714662194166-1.png (136.92 KB, 333x388, yukoishi2.png)

iirc anti-androgens like progesterone are also a thing trans people need too and take with estrogen tho


They typically take synthetic progestins which are labeled as progesterone but are actually different and pretty bad for your health. These substances are not true progesterone but are made specifically because they are highly patentable and make drug companies money - bioidentical progesterone is rarely used


File: 1714664900594.png (207.18 KB, 768x1024, 114723145_p0.png)

what about in europe where they have regulations against borderline human experimentation by rich american oligrachs?


I liked them when they were just an walking fetish onaholes, now they are demanding shit like human rights and being treated like women. Pfft


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Generally i have no strong feelings regarding them but whenever i have to interact with them irl (this occasionally happens at work) it tends to make me slightly uncomfortable. Also im prone to calling people dude, guys, etc. and im worried one day that will cause one of them to flip out on me


File: 1714668664472.png (852.65 KB, 1465x997, 100540538_p0.png)

ur weird and a chaser
i do not think any people even trans people would get upset over that but i also dont interact with people irl so idk how prone to enraged outbursts people irl are


I'm unfamiliar with European laws so I can't say anything about this
Also I'm tempted to sperg out about the nature of these hormones but will keep it in unless you really want to see it, since it tends to be a bottom-barrel topic


File: 1714669126589.jpg (100.11 KB, 1080x1246, chad.jpg)

>ur weird and a chaser


it's hard not being a chaser when modern woman is either zero personality roastie or mentally ill demon


File: 1714670122462.png (243.55 KB, 551x739, 8342 - alcremie komeiji_sa….png)



File: 1714670273243.png (Spoiler Image, 136.95 KB, 405x352, 2024-05-02_13-15.png)

It's for you




File: 1714672181258.png (153.06 KB, 605x738, facial hair cobson.png)

>/trant/slvttas are trannies
nothing new


i rather stick it inside a mentally ill daemon than be a sodomite


File: 1714673204520.png (163.61 KB, 531x432, FNQrCNXXwAcy69Y.png)

alright i have gotten the information i was searching for, more responses would be nice but i do not need them anymore

everything is noted


File: 1714673589368.png (165.45 KB, 600x903, Angry Chud.png)

>I'd rather fuck halk hogan with a vagina than Megan Fox-looking tranny


File: 1714673789748.jpeg (1.36 MB, 2048x2048, 1705227247437.jpeg)

the virginity loss is a shame but you sustain far less moral damage from the hulk hogan pill
Also https://youtu.be/PhnAJJVevwo?si=m6TMPCt79UEUTIt3&t=138


looks dont matter
only a working womb does


It's not about the muscles, chvd
Holy naive, looks matter the most
>le baby making
Not in this life, not with these draconian laws


I'll make ten children.
2 to continue the blodline
1 to be a priest
3 to commit terror suicide attacks on the german republic
5 to fall in the war of resistance against the german republic


Just put a paper bag over her head


remembered this one chvddy pic where he has kids


File: 1714675754242.png (328.47 KB, 1080x1200, 54669571_p0_master1200.png)

can the turbo-virgins stop talking about having kids on my thread please i know you wont have kids

this thread is for koishi or things i want to ask people about and you shall leave it if i tell you to


File: 1714676287923.jpg (3.74 MB, 2893x4092, 11f5c597d5cbd85653003f6b4b….jpg)

Here's your monkey


File: 1714676997830.png (76.78 KB, 1100x900, EblHJinVcAI2t9U.png)


Who drew this


File: 1714680803856.png (121.3 KB, 857x1199, F0HMcXqaEAAehtC.png)

i forgot



i should make crucifix necklace knives


File: 1714716035567.png (965.37 KB, 1458x1500, koishi_ginger.png)

high quality art


the only place i see trannies is my 'puter and i can't make myself care how does a person look like behind the screen and trans culture is all about looks (lol).
i hate to think about people as of categories and the only divisions i think exist fr is low/high mental capabilities and energy one has and anything derived from it. taking estrogen just to pass for 5 or 10 years seems low iq for me, because it means the person doing it cannot project the nearest future in which they will not pass. 20-30 yo is the best period in life and ultimately fucking up yourself during those years unless you expect to off yourself by 30 (which is high t way of thinking i guess) just seems so stupid for me i dunno. i mean, cool artistic trannies could still remain cool and artistic if they chose not to transnvke themselves, what's the point?


also, i believe wheat turns people gay


File: 1714749642786.png (202.52 KB, 1039x1476, FkC3VTpUoAAHWwO.png)

>taking estrogen just to pass for 5 or 10 years seems low iq for me
i can see the logic in it tbh, alot of people who end up going trans are autistic or suicidal so likely didnt expect to get where they are now and likely still dont expect to get much further, so in their mind it IS for the rest of their life.

surviving past that is just extra bonus for them, and no the suicidalness isn't actually related to being trans, its more due to the extreme numbers of depression skyrocketing and doesnt just affect trans people, it's affecting everyone.

plus im pretty sure you dont even think cis women (using the term as we're talking about trans people and its to distinguish trans from people born that way) pass for longer than 5-10 years


>taking estrogen just to pass for 5 or 10 years
this will become a norm for cismales in 5 years


>plus im pretty sure you dont even think cis women pass for longer than 5-10 years
trve, but you are losing one hyper important point here. cis women marry and have kids, they don't really need to attract males past that point. most trans queens are left decoying in complete loneness past the point they no longer pass.
in other words, while cis women lives dont end at 30, tfolks have nothing to do as they are the product of lust. looksmaxx autists make a similar mistake, basically.




File: 1714754089515.png (165.03 KB, 442x639, Fx5KHwJaAAAKR_s.png)

>most trans queens are left decoying in complete loneness past the point they no longer pass.
im pretty sure any significant other they have or friends they made dont cease to exist when they reach 30.


don't worry, ray peat makes you live forever and not age


it's just that people end up living their lives amongst those who are similar to them i think. while cissies can stay trve to themselves, they end up to be surrounded by better people than trannies do, because their whole existence is just disguised lie which only becomes harder to hide as time goes on. one who chooses to lie will find himself amongst liers eventually, that's all.
so i simply believe unless one wants to kill themself at 30, they should not transition as it only will make things worse in the long term.
just stop eating wheat. i truly believe it's wheat that makes people ugly & retarded. i remember strolling through a cemetery and looking at dead people's photos (it's a tradition here to leave portraits of deceased on tombstones or crosses, which is a bit weird from my point of view, but still). not only on average people look more chad on older graves, but it can literally be seen on family graves, so within one family this degradation is real. born in early XX cent have actual fucking jaws and none of them are fat, boomers have round faces and stupid eyes and starting from '70s it's just bruh.
it's simply better to have nothing to eat than to eat wheat.


File: 1714756914507.png (1.88 KB, 100x96, FrI2yW7WwAAE8I2.png)

>because their whole existence is just disguised lie which only becomes harder to hide as time goes on.
are you sure its just a lie? have you tried actually speaking to a trans person before? i tend to talk to people no matter if i dislike them or not and always listen to what they have to say and it always helps with getting rid of assumptions made in isolation from the actual people

>they should not transition as it only will make things worse in the long term.

statistically (i have infact checked but im too lazy to go get them back) this isnt really the case, and in the instances i have interacted with it has never once happened that one of them regretted transitioning nor did it make things worse for them, all of the trans people i've spoken to told me stories of being depressed and suicidal before transitioning and that it helped them get into a healthier mental state.


File: 1714756928898.jpg (38.45 KB, 660x1024, 1709629262986.jpg)

I stopped brushing my teeth after #NoWheat for 2 months because I stopped getting plaque, tartar and tooth soreness


plus honestly it doesnt effect me at all if they wanna transition to being a girl, thats not gonna take away the food on my plate or break my computer or give me a disease, its them and their body thats being effected not me and my body thats being effected


File: 1714790566484.png (Spoiler Image, 1.3 MB, 1110x1553, file.png)

>ur weird and a chaser


Chad slayer=Celibate>sodomite>cuck dancer


kill yourself.


File: 1714805114500.png (367.08 KB, 1536x2048, GJ3aZttacAASBiS.png)


File: 1714854367076.png (297.31 KB, 650x555, media_F4dKcHeaYAARsG8.png)


File: 1714854451286.jpg (104.36 KB, 850x1096, 1700166529314799.jpg)

What's a cuck dancer


Boris Moiseev




File: 1714890787377.png (141.04 KB, 908x1200, F_8GrBwbsAAZ3Ol.png)

should i look at bant on 4chan?
i havent in almost a year


it's having some issues atm, /biz/ is trying to take over after they got kicked from their own board.


File: 1714902039843.png (145.69 KB, 1200x994, E_0C_QXVEAEwwP-.png)

how does that even happen


apparently mods got tired of banning 300 people a month for scamming so they made e-mail verification a thing in order to use /biz/.
as usual it somehow became /bant/'s problem.


its /bizznt/ now sorry


File: 1714928533553.png (55.58 KB, 700x536, media_GB_Sbd7a8AAzbDN.png)

as fucking always /bant/ has to take the brunt of this shit, this is why bantculture exists
/biz/ may take the land but they will never take the culture or the history


File: 1714999011775.png (483.96 KB, 2016x2048, media_GCrlcT8a8AAd7Y1.png)


File: 1715001852027.png (21.54 KB, 800x600, 9627 - alice_margatroid de….png)

I just thought about them noticing the van and then koishi goes to the van to buy some ice cream while satori had to go home to find some coins to buy some ice cream and at that time koishi gets raped by the ice cream guy than satori comes back but it's too late as there's no more ice cream van but koishi. Satori asks her sister why she is crying and koishi tells her not to ask her about it. It made me a little bit sad.


aint readin allat


File: 1715002171604.png (43.35 KB, 703x479, IMG_1691.png)

its g0th!!


please leave me alone vatnik, your cuck cage's key is on the left on your way out.


File: 1715003774796.jpg (271.01 KB, 1769x784, 1714825881208.jpg)



you need to wakeup


File: 1715014611366.png (157.67 KB, 857x1200, F7Soe0fbIAAsN8W.png)

excavator in the background i love excavators


File: 1715021726551.png (24.9 KB, 632x756, 847 - SoyBooru.png)

The only thing I left is my watches on your mother's bedside table.


File: 1715039074499.png (191.96 KB, 894x1153, 1815.png)


File: 1715041002528.gif (70.76 KB, 132x132, eyes go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….gif)

one day i will come to UK and we'll get drunk, maybe steal an excavator.



File: 1715096150861.jpg (134.25 KB, 850x1133, koishi_coffee.jpg)

shes cold :(


File: 1715138763177.jpeg (46.33 KB, 754x541, GNBMFtBWYAAMXnr.jpeg)



File: 1715617721821.png (1.74 MB, 1042x1473, illust_118708593_20240513_….png)

Kinda hate her but this art is alright


File: 1715618992323.jpg (100.7 KB, 850x850, koishi_ants.jpg)

this is badass i think


File: 1715622680128.jpg (2.36 MB, 2894x2894, illust_118708485_20240513_….jpg)


File: 1715709546937.png (6.39 MB, 1536x2048, illust_118714738_20240514_….png)



File: 1715709567765.png (11.72 MB, 2255x3711, illust_118714311_20240514_….png)


OP is gone again sorry






File: 1716036570239.png (2.37 MB, 1700x2000, 118725137_p0.png)



File: 1716038633091.jpg (58.15 KB, 555x853, _komeiji_koishi_touhou_dra….jpg)

This will make necrobumping end


File: 1716222895453.jpeg (45.33 KB, 720x296, GOBaVJgXoAERvdc.jpeg)

It's tru


numenoko supports lgbt


those are just commissions


File: 1716864106223.png (625.83 KB, 1536x2048, tumblr_5e0ded61c1de2d717ef….png)

gomen /bant/culture, i got distracted by many things!


File: 1716864144883.png (32.56 KB, 274x291, tumblr_0cc7b03f7ca0ad83274….png)

numenoko has helped me stay calm in times where i was absolutely losing it i love him very much


File: 1716864215588.png (115.15 KB, 875x1156, Fyz57OgaMAAdE0t.png)

i am an idol (i am koishi)


File: 1716864314694.png (23.96 KB, 436x297, media_GDr_drrbwAAErDO.png)

idk.. thats scary…


File: 1716864432873.png (338.3 KB, 777x745, 1659934059810032.png)

fugg the bobbies
American night
the harbor will be tea


File: 1716864456220.png (37.47 KB, 426x321, media_F5HJqeQbkAA23TF.png)

the bobbies will eat me!


File: 1716864561416.jpg (108.15 KB, 588x675, 1614173359285.jpg)

will have to go through their idiotic grandson (with diplomatic immunity) forst


File: 1716864666625.png (298.71 KB, 638x638, GJg0XRdbcAAM_i9.png)

i am focused on other things for now!

the bobbies can wait!


File: 1716864765376.jpg (239.77 KB, 828x821, 1659553212073210.jpg)

if i commandeered a excavator and tool it for a joyride you can't tell me you wouldn't jump on for the ride.


File: 1716864881353.mp4 (607.1 KB, 640x1138, ssstwitter.com_17098561612….mp4)

perhaps i would however it would be loud and bumpy and uncomfortable so i would get off after a while

would be fun for the time i ride tho methinks


File: 1716865000177.gif (875.37 KB, 220x220, 1667652861101806.gif)

bruh it was hypothetical and I'm even growing tired of alchahol, it just doesn't do it.


File: 1716865089531.png (86.63 KB, 1000x1000, media_GGNgO7VakAAaGkL.png)

sorry i have autism


File: 1716867329637.jpg (178.65 KB, 850x966, 1677534547353735.jpg)

whoa are you me?


how did that text break?




File: 1716868487962.png (252.21 KB, 1700x2200, EO8xmViUEAAFpR5.png)

i am dub getter


File: 1716868583516.gif (137.56 KB, 462x562, 1604441581721.gif)

no me
I have to sleep or i will literally die tomorrow, cya in on 4+ hours bro.


File: 1716868778847.mp4 (19.63 KB, 220x222, Touhou Koishi GIF.mp4)



File: 1717039084816.gif (474.42 KB, 498x421, koishi-sit.gif)


File: 1717098679781.png (82.83 KB, 1000x1000, bWVkaWEvR0dzNG5yV2JnQUFDck….png)


File: 1717430740454.png (287.06 KB, 1546x2048, GPKMzR8bwAAJStV.png)

i had a nightmare about this exact thing before


dont you mean wet dream


File: 1717436569714.png (306.72 KB, 1996x2048, GL1rKe3a4AARwci.png)

no i mean nightmare because i didnt enjoy it.


i was the one IN the wall btw


File: 1717438014993.png (39.28 KB, 488x357, GJordpOXcAAesjK.png)

thinking back on it i've had various weird nightmares that were sexual and werent even wet dreams cuz i never enjoyed them.

i feel this experience isnt very common.


File: 1717438638643.png (483.13 KB, 1701x1625, media_GCgz0T3bgAAuQqz.png)

realised the likely reasoning for those nightmares to be sexual in nature while still not enjoying them

i should not talk about that on bantculture.


File: 1717453412546.png (125.09 KB, 620x551, IMG_6683.png)

bantculture doesnt mind if im a bit mentally ill and abnormal right?


its okay i also got molested as a child no need to be shy about it


LOL imagine getting molested as a child 😂😂😂 if I was a child and an adult tried to molest me I would punch them like jotaro


File: 1717619235890.png (48.34 KB, 850x599, IMG_6040.png)

im so normal


no your not your br*tish 🤣


File: 1717621557581.png (8.23 KB, 173x138, nuh uh.png)


these 2hujerk plebbit immigrants are getting out of hand


Aye my kooshie seems kinda goofy


File: 1717745666627.jpeg (344.47 KB, 1533x2048, GPZCRelbUAAzmvv.jpeg)


File: 1717756243222.png (61.52 KB, 640x633, 3BF88AA5-B437-468B-AF1B-67….png)


File: 1717885167379.png (108.45 KB, 500x748, KoishiYuakumo48.png)


Kys russhit


File: 1718135512443.png (1.08 MB, 860x860, file.png)


File: 1718135691234.jpg (557.67 KB, 768x979, koishi_snailhands.jpg)

i think theres probably an inherent link between koishi and snails but i cant think of it right now. maybe its because theyre both cute and entertaining but very dumb


You're mega gay that's why I like you






File: 1718138123001.png (110.61 KB, 1000x1200, GE7fklPaIAARp1I.png)

i love heripantommorrow
koishi likes bugs and insects and small creatures of all kinds
okay? thanks i guess?


You're welcome 😘☺️☺️☺️☺️


File: 1718154381518.png (265.3 KB, 555x412, heheitsme.png)


File: 1718477034096.png (143.65 KB, 345x345, uqOmjHva.png)



File: 1718479281143.png (3.75 KB, 307x60, file.png)

im killing myself that was so hot


Just AI generate it bro


yo do you have a cord or telegram
or matrix account or understand how to use an irc client?


Someone here found his twitter like 5 months ago but didn't link it


you probably saved it before you deleted it so you could goon to it yourself right, can you post it at /foul/


I'm actually not a sexual degenerate


Do you like chicken🐔


File: 1718482054825.png (18.13 KB, 782x469, 1718349423777.png)


File: 1718482222020.png (23.22 KB, 464x393, evil eye.png)

i saw the mistake you made


File: 1718482380246.png (19.08 KB, 464x393, 12091 - evil_eye evil_eye_….png)

It's called having personality depth


File: 1718482402821.jpg (53.49 KB, 1920x1080, 20240609_172150.jpg)

I think that image you sent where a chiken corpse was mutilated was funny but really gross and i didnt like it please dont post it again


File: 1718483159932.jpg (150.08 KB, 1080x1080, 20240612_161614.jpg)

I will consider to oblige


File: 1718536247281.mp4 (1.11 MB, 960x720, [twitter] Javi_Lacking—202….mp4)

>Russian le bad


File: 1718563094729.png (198.26 KB, 1145x1876, Fsoby6daEAQuBCe.png)

you're not allowed to post that video vatnik


stfu your br*tish GNARF


File: 1718563540874.png (442 KB, 2480x3352, media_GH-6xBiaAAAYZC3.png)

1. what is GNARF
2. reddit behaviour


gnarf is a nubant synonym for kek, it's because the picture of kyouko laughing looks like she's roaring, or something





File: 1718565372771.png (283.81 KB, 836x898, 00F954E1-0AE2-4EE5-A0B2-7D….png)

no i dont like you


File: 1718628886534.png (981.43 KB, 1190x1190, illust_119631268_20240617_….png)


File: 1718660202874.png (32.51 KB, 751x770, illust_111174184_20231016_….png)

vatnik had a change of heart and isnt shitting up my thread!?


File: 1718662127857.mp4 (18.85 MB, 1080x1920, engcountrylife-18062024-00….mp4)


File: 1718663550943.png (1.19 MB, 1557x1637, IMG_7327.png)

cute chickens
look at this teacup satori


File: 1718664960805.png (31.02 KB, 800x550, kutaka_happy.png)


File: 1718665705505.png (42.6 KB, 1004x1302, akshually.png)

She's in a bowl of ramen akshually


File: 1718666437683.png (848.56 KB, 860x1195, ny8sHph.png)

im going to cut you into slices of ham and put you in my sandwiches


I'm going to touch you wittle boy


File: 1718666779986.png (108.04 KB, 500x500, horni jail.png)

in you go creep


File: 1718667584119.png (1.16 MB, 811x901, Touhou-Project-Anime-Komei….png)

no you wont
true, into prison for him


You just threatened me with cannibalism..
Now that I think about it. Jeffrey Dahmer was gay and loved bbc so much that he started eating black people


File: 1718667819867.png (7.15 MB, 3000x3000, Komeiji.Koishi.full.252075….png)

im allowed to be a little silly whereas you aren't.


You flirted with me


yeah she was saying about making you on ham because girls have fetish for these violent guro things or something along those lines, and is also why was offended when you repsondied with moid way of showing affection by roleplaying her as a little boy making it into pedophilia or something


File: 1718671109643.png (216.23 KB, 530x557, Fxwm4P0.png)

partially true as i found his nerd koishi response funny, and i do not like pedophilia and find jokes about it disgusting true!
wasnt flirting tho sorry i like women


i like raping little kids lol. als o lesbian is a sin you need to repent thouh



i love spongebob


File: 1718671498334.png (83.8 KB, 605x700, 0dec3261b7e200ba60f2a4e4eb….png)

you will rot behind bars while i cuddle with my wife.
sorry i guess for crushing your dreams!


what the fuck


thats aactually fucked up


Too bad I have a boyfriend


oh hell no this thread is gay as fuck


British koishi is a boy doe why did you think xe was a wamanner


Trans too


File: 1718674831964.png (137.05 KB, 850x559, 9FFC2902-1D39-4E02-9F3C-60….png)

what none of you know is that i am extremely mysterious
good for you <3
no its awesome


There is always place for another if you know what i mean 😏😏😏😏😏😏
I know ure flirting hehe just hit me up whenever you feel mode comfortable 😉😉😉


File: 1718676116047.png (41.74 KB, 541x676, Screenshot_20220211-224339….png)

1. not interested in you.
2. im not interested in polyamory.
3. still dont like men.


That's obviously not true


File: 1718766442811.png (73.44 KB, 597x597, image04.png)


great now i want ice cream i hate you KILL YOURSELF please ty


File: 1718766787897.png (80.56 KB, 850x531, IMG_2792.png)

well now im not going to do it.


File: 1718766967746.png (116.94 KB, 740x509, 1718059796747.png)

nvm live a long happy life haha


File: 1718767175783.png (3.42 MB, 2508x2728, r9dfyst1a9j11-509521979.png)

i cant tell if this is a change of mind or reverse psychology so im just going to kill you instead




File: 1718767477965.png (31.33 KB, 850x1133, faac44b3831b854d62bb5926ff….png)

get out of my thread and back into your cuck cage.


LOL triggered much libtard


File: 1718769740000.png (26.56 KB, 800x550, 9171 - chicken nervous niw….png)

slowly and sensually please



in a multi paragraph constructive reply please explain as to how


File: 1718770292723-0.png (40.56 KB, 1429x187, file.png)

File: 1718770292723-1.png (1.53 MB, 1280x720, file.png)

I see how it is chatgpt-sama… I knew I didn't have any allies in this world anyways….



you are uninteresting and boring, go away.
sorry you're not a girl so its going to be violent and quick.
jajajajaja robot overlords hate you


File: 1718776097162.jpg (120.47 KB, 912x503, 1659458154500895.jpg)

>you are uninteresting and boring, go away.
this hurt my feelings please apologize


you have to apologize to him


File: 1718786478686.png (144.27 KB, 904x697, ClipboardImage (7).png)

Koishit bro seems valid


File: 1718787682146.png (86.14 KB, 600x600, IMG_8033.png)

still dont like you tho cuz u kept shitting up my thread


File: 1718788910965.gif (655.97 KB, 600x436, 1717873681770.gif)

Valid is not a compliment, sister


File: 1718788958975.png (325.42 KB, 1528x2048, IMG_7109.png)

from you it is because anything you dont like = good obviously.


File: 1718789987486.png (184.42 KB, 400x600, 1705921084086.png)

Everyone who replies bellow me is gay and trans


not below, so not legit


File: 1718790108577.png (113.73 KB, 498x451, nofriendslol.png)

get out of my thread, this is mine and its for koishi komeiji images, not your goonery.


File: 1718790195138.jpeg (77.69 KB, 1080x1331, koshergigachad.jpeg)



File: 1718791504393.jpg (8.42 KB, 183x275, cirno.jpg)



File: 1718791603291.jpeg (20.46 KB, 680x596, 1718218323288d.jpeg)



File: 1718791831158.png (12.03 KB, 800x600, 11054 - forward_facing fro….png)



File: 1718791944613.png (254.42 KB, 972x992, 1630853571883.png)



no arrow therefore you look like this and say this




File: 1718792431417.png (203.92 KB, 1024x783, 1718351761454x-0.png)

No arrow therefore I look and say this


File: 1718792639377.png (174.2 KB, 481x406, koishim.png)

you people fucking suck i hate you this is my thread


File: 1718792753761.png (260.43 KB, 736x822, 1718586016566q.png)

/giga/ thread now




File: 1718793113660.png (176.53 KB, 887x1001, IMG_8522.png)

yes hello what is it


File: 1718793226990-0.png (614.3 KB, 1384x1023, 4-1-chadetective.png)

File: 1718793226990-1.mp3 (3.3 MB, 1.mp3)


File: 1718793999518.png (309.82 KB, 591x945, IMG_7282.png)

/arno/ is /giga/ culture


You didn't respond to my last reply where "that's obviously not true" which means I'm right, you are totally in love with me

Welcome to my harem of boyfriends


File: 1718794452272.png (107.96 KB, 386x331, koipanic.png)

the fuck you mean
oh this

i dont want to date you


File: 1718794793413.png (197.21 KB, 512x512, 1702574363293.png)

>Welcome to my harem of boyfriends


Oh I know
You don't want to date me, you want to marry me


File: 1718795238307-0.png (725.71 KB, 1337x1023, 2-7-chadetective.png)

File: 1718795238307-1.mp3 (2.85 MB, 2.mp3)


File: 1718796511395.png (32.1 KB, 800x600, 9689 - heart niwatari_kuta….png)

hes just shy


File: 1718797058015.png (39.85 KB, 689x866, 7465 - badass crying full_….png)



File: 1718797520336.png (391.61 KB, 507x397, df11b0b34f0eaecd14da8289b9….png)

im going to cry


Out of sheer happiness?


its ok a lot of people cry when they get proposed to


File: 1718800483891.jpeg (293.64 KB, 1448x2048, GOQqMahbkAA6hMW.jpeg)

>im going to cry


She will not


hmpf… you deserve too for not apologizing to me


ia that le diokira


File: 1718858602314.gif (60.54 KB, 498x280, mmmiii-koishi.gif)

fuck you

everyone should LEAVE MY THREAD with the SOLE EXCEPTION of >>67288 he can stay


File: 1718859084329.png (116.6 KB, 410x266, 1705020521663.png)





File: 1718861328488.png (42.87 KB, 800x520, 1718783248135.png)

You can make a thread but you can't own it


File: 1718864789157.png (579.48 KB, 1707x2048, FqiYZZjagAIFY8T.png)

kys yes i can now get the fuck out or i'll sentence you to the life that is satori in those mmd animations by "furui" on gelbooru.
go look if you wish to learn your future fate, fucker.


this sucks


>life that is satori in those mmd animations by "furui" on gelbooru.


I dindu nuffin


File: 1718882980155.png (32.27 KB, 414x414, media_F4oeHHBbYAEfb-D.png)

you wanted me to marry you thats creepy you're creepy


File: 1718886282477.jpg (91.96 KB, 1200x900, 044.jpg)

That's wholesome
You're paranoid




File: 1718888289268.jpeg (71.4 KB, 1200x1088, GQYn5MeXEAAAUrw.jpeg)


File: 1718903389721.png (23.52 KB, 217x233, 858AC3DE-A01F-4665-9FC6-0A….png)




File: 1719124654834.jpg (185.6 KB, 1536x2048, GQryny8aEAA_FRj.jpg)




File: 1719598888710.mp4 (205.3 KB, 320x240, GLjx0tEUe_wxlegN.mp4)

realised im nothing like the people here and i will not be returning sorry.


File: 1719599081852.png (314.76 KB, 981x780, 20240628_212413.png)



explain + don't go



File: 1719641914489.jpg (77.89 KB, 860x860, GRKOorZbMAABWdN.jpg)

crazy mentallll l illness instituted




File: 1719651267885.jpg (33.05 KB, 500x506, 6vyhve.jpg)

God damn fucking stupid pedo çhuds made britkoishi leave GOD DAMN IT!!!!


they arrested him for not having koishi license


you were my goon fuel


File: 1719722424481.jpg (1.63 MB, 2500x1875, 20240629_211611.jpg)


File: 1719733322877.jpg (130.2 KB, 850x850, sample_a78c0738489d93ab548….jpg)

>mfw no koishi license

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