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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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WTF how did she get a tan!?




Sun doesnt kill vampires it just hurts tem a little


magic, probably


They do get hurt by the sun, but not with just UV exposure, if Remilia can afford a whole mansion she can also afford an UV cabinet from the outside world smugglers aka "Yukari"


yeah how? she is not allowed to leave the basement


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>paint me like one of your baroque girls


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Special UV lamps kappa's developed so vampires can get tans without getting injured or dying. Flan lives in a heckin mansion so I'm sure she can afford a tanning bed with those lights installed.

You shouldn't use tanning beds IRL doe, they cause cancer and make you look uncanny, plus lean back chairs or just digging out a beach towel from your closet is a lot cheaper. You have many choices, vampires don't.


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She can tank


Isn't it the UV light that harms them though?


They're harmed by the connection of the sun and rivers to god, but UV and flowing water on their own don't hurt them because it's currently out of godly element


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flan sex


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fact check:


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Built for big black cock


nope, built for My Big Cock


Evil croatian (N word rizz) is here


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this is animated like incredible gassy

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