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losers, creeps, whales
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 No.49547[View All]

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)my decorations should not have lewd content because my heckin pure aryanhous are pure and innocent and aryan unlike all women but they're not like the rest of them I swear I believe so


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Oh my failie


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i got sick at touhoufest
it's not surprising considering there was 1300 ppl there


I'm a pretty complicated guy


Next year, I know the layout now and can be more sneaky


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This might work
It's because I'm a touhou fan and following around something that accurate and attractive for 2 days has an effect on the mind, also I was on a kaguya stint for a month or so beforehand so my interest being involved in catastrophe is fairly annoying


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Also immediately after the kaguy incident there was an asian kogasa cosplayer at the closing ceremony in sandals, her face was mediocre but her dress was fairly short and I got to stare at feet for a long time
This rin cosplayer was goated but I realize now she has no tails
This is a bant culture explosion


>This might work
Neat thx

Cirno in a box


Taiwan is more culturally Japanese than Chinese


Zamn orin got cake


'Fest photo but they're not talking about westerners or anything


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I see you got wemy tattoo too


what was the average foid age
the only ones who know about touhou here are high schoolers with quirky colored hair


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Early 20s/late teens with autism like everyone else
I think I'm sleeping on a 'kasa cosplayer being the most attractive but didn't take note of her since SEA


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You need more zinc and magnesium in your diet.

TFW no quirky autistic SEA monkey GF.


Dat Murasa cosplayer looked cutest imo but maybe she should take it easy on the CAPTAIN Crunch


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yukari midget toss
she went as kaguya on the final day but she was a bit too fat in the face, her murasa cosplay had the big jacket elsewhere too, but I didn't see the anchor
I think I saw her as the most stacy person there, so I didn't see her as an option in my head and gushed over her proportionally little here


These faggots have a kiketube channel huh. Shit looks reddit-ish




AC failed to drunkrapemaxxx japan otaku style one of these fat girls(i have a boyfriend that i met on reddit)
What a fraud!!!!


This is endearing though


>hates gyate booru, bantculture and "whale"
Nah, he just ribbed /v/hu a bit hard sometimes
I'm here now, aren't I? No hate at all
>he was vibing like a beast at tamusic necrofantasia tho
Thanks! You should have said hi or something, would have been cool to meet you


^ j*rtyCVCK


I'm too autistic to be from the j*rty


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>yukari midget toss
Had to cover my tracks
It really was a great experience, though


>knowing soilingo
I'll see you soon


I'm just a lurker, don't mind me
I just felt bad because I don't hate bantculture at all, I think it's great
So I had to post something


I'll make up for my colourful language next year
A lot more drones are gonna be there unless this place and co. go under


>I'll make up for my colourful language next year
No you're 100% good
Our mutual friend explained the situation and I really don't mind, plus I am actually short lol, I'm 5'7"
>A lot more drones are gonna be there unless this place and co. go under
I hope this place lives forever


Hm, perhaps I shall go next year or the year after that


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New toss is up… they filmed this in a way to make it look as fat and trucel as possible, fuck
The masked tranny looking folk at the start isn't actually a tranny, I had to leave this note to protect my dignity
I didn't appear in here and can't check myself out but >>52944 is simply stunning
The kogasa feet cosplayer is at 2:07 and the camera is aimed at kaguy at 3:02 because he was the most beautiful LOL!!!!
anyways killdozer explained that if aya simply lost 100lbs she would be a stacy
I was shown some complaints that the staff retweet loli and the event creator ignores it but I haven't excavated twitter for touhoufest stuff yet even though it's been 2wks because I had my fill by being there I guess


Wtf 100 is too much… if she lost maybe 20 she'd be perfect


Omg that chubby bun


>they filmed this in a way to make it look as fat and trucel as possible
It's called honest journalism




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Dios mio…


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>named image
This is beastly


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reitaisai was way better than this there's no comparison


It's a little arrogant to imagine anyone had those expectations


should've gone to japan lmao owned


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I hope anyone who attended this event suffers a very terrible death, no one deserves to be happier than me and enjoy events I can't be part of.


just go next year lol


isn't it only 1 day though?


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Shit that trip looked cool as fuck


2 but there were probably people around on the Friday so 2.1


no i was asking about reitaisai


I'm slow


it was only 1 day

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