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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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is pedophilia otaku culture



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Blue Archive just got discontinued by this


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Loli is pedophilic and I love lolis due to simple fact of me being a pedophile. Yes, that's an otaku culture and that's a culture I appreciate as no other.


are you attracted to all children or just some that are a certain age


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it is not.
i previously asserted that it is otaku culture but not bant culture but ive done some more thinking and now i think that pedophilia is not otaku culture, as certain otakus love older women. therefore while the two are undoubtedly linked as most pedophiles never go beyond loli into actual cp, we can conclude that loli is not a part of otaku culture but instead that pedophilia is an entirely separate trait which is expressed through lolicon.


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from 0 to 999, I don't really care about age


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you should eat a chunk of pure potassium and tell me how it tastes


Cute ones, let's put it that way


take the shoes off ladies


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*is billions of years old*


it is


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Pettan you smartass, even grown women have it.


andrew tate looking gyater from op


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yes… yes… YES!!!!!!!!


uuuuooh posting is a cringe twitter meme for secondaries


uuuuooh posting is a based instagram meme for primaries


but not the ironic "she's 100000 years old ravioli ravioli don't lewd the dragon loli XDDD" kind


Dorontabi niggershit meme fucking sucks. It used to be fun at the beginning because my pedophilia lol lel))))))) but quickly got overused. Cattlefodder.


dorontabi is a geḿmer


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im pretty sure dorontabi might have traced in some of his art


He will say that's why he's the GOAT


No different from any banter sister aside from being somewhat proficient in drawfaggery. Yea he issa schwayie bantie sista is he a real pedo? Not a savior of 'borea


jit woke up and chose to spit raw truthfire 💀


he is truthgoated


evan doe jp > na/eu in any case


Drawfags always trace. Always.


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File: 1720142694325-1.png (1.7 MB, 1000x1900, 094fa6edf3c915ca9dbe06121a….png)

>Drawfags always trace. Always.

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