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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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You are NOT invited




i wouldn't come anyways




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You both look so good! Get ready for these devious backshots


File: 1718201648387.png (Spoiler Image, 1.1 MB, 859x1214, file.png)

You are invited


Certified favela classic


a bit of a sausage party methinks


Why women are like this


Eat lead paint


Why magicians are like this


File: 1718203249670.png (70.87 KB, 800x1120, 10652 - cum drooling ears ….png)

Canada Kasen is in for a shock when he wakes up


Russia troon btfo'd


File: 1718203515754.gif (655.97 KB, 600x436, 12058 - animated cirno emb….gif)

jannies are already purging it



Die russie


Ukrainian hooves typed this


slut for Big Banderite Cock typed this


Why not tho?


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bant1 joke those two are men


what was it
what was it




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is it low or high t to want to crawl in, not have sex with either of them, and just enjoy the warmth?


medium t


my shota twp would get absolutely destroyed by them


your are not a shota however


He is dough


I want this too


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You ARE invited anon.


Are you a cuck


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>Are you a cuck
No, what gave you that idea?


Isn't she your favorite touhou


File: 1718709383290.jpg (1.61 MB, 3935x5839, c4f610820911646e592d99b306….jpg)

This is what I look like anon.


you are NOT a lunar fairy


Timestamp or btfo


>you are NOT a lunar fairy
Yes, fairies aren't native to the moon, we just did a bit of trolling there once.

Maybe later


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but I am




Legs not hairy enough


"God I love you so much dude" ?


It's a reference to a bant1 meme where the frog guy made a discord screenshot of aryan chad talking to a male kaguya cosplayer from new zealand and he says say "god I love you so much dylan" and it's interesting because of that touhoufest cosplayer fiasco


File: 1718732968911.jpeg (11.06 KB, 195x259, images (10).jpeg)

>It's a reference to a bant1 meme where the frog guy made a discord screenshot of aryan chad talking to a male kaguya cosplayer from new zealand and he says say "god I love you so much dylan" and it's interesting because of that touhoufest cosplayer fiasco


oh my


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Orin wants her bread on top

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