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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1716723795566.gif (2.48 MB, 400x224, 80218A05-66B4-4AB3-B586-E2….gif)


soyteens on their way to post the most unfunny thing you’ve ever seen:


File: 1716725081761.jpg (710.97 KB, 3508x2500, GOYWN7laYAAzLbh.jpg)

they doxed u


shrek is dreck


literally me


Maggycorders would be laughing about it here if that were true


there's two krautkeks coaling up soishitty's /pol/ with bluaka?


Holy meds


I searched his name and found nothing then I found their doxx thread and the IP is wrong, as you can see otaku family members are very close


all the info I had is some soytranny accusing somebody doe no idea what bread you are referencing to


File: 1716751657149.png (41.76 KB, 551x283, tuhucaca.png)

uhhhmmm 2hv sisters? Our response?


wow this board is like kiwifarms but not aryan


File: 1716813906869.png (1.72 MB, 1080x3395, 1609147388184.png)

lemme drop a little knowledge on you as to how they're so bad at posting.
during that whole enby debacle it was discovered that normalfags were getting groomed into posting the soyjack meme through Facebook meme pages, even proven to be directly responsible for the problems on 4chan as seen middle bottom right.


yup, mindbroken


>doesn't refute or deny it
Ok Facebook boomer


if jakkers had any dignity, they would dox the owner of this page and give him window brick and pepper spray treatment


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wtf is happening in germany


Can you speak german


I took advanced german classes in high school but forgot almost everything


This is so hilariously wrong




extremely unpopular morally bankrupt government + streisand effect


File: 1716832231178.png (11.43 KB, 600x800, 1681483438577.png)

>soyteens on their way to post the most unfunny thing you’ve ever seen:


Someone is BTFO


File: 1716832304234.png (123.63 KB, 600x974, 1632849875546.png)

>Someone is BTFO


File: 1716832403309.png (119.34 KB, 395x348, yakub_monster.png)

hes right tho


File: 1716832472304.png (64.4 KB, 468x626, 1670377409541.png)

>hes right tho


theyre right tho


I bet he wears a pink cage


File: 1716833411554.mp4 (8.35 MB, 576x1024, 1716753928568767650.mp4)

most loyal slav women be like


File: 1716833722918.mp4 (680.6 KB, 320x568, average_slavic_household.mp4)

yes well when the average pole lives like this the choice is obvious


polish femoids be like
>yapping about cars, penises, men, work…
polish men be like
>piwko piwko piwko piwko piwko


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giga-tyrone in poland:


File: 1716834533085.webm (3.95 MB, 1280x720, 1665325310905.webm)

this is BBC turf i'm afraid


File: 1716838427757.mp4 (5.35 MB, 576x1024, ssstwitter.com_17168212774….mp4)

it keeps happening
it's unironically a trend now


snca award


They really do that


Would you befriend me if we met irl


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