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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1716984456350-0.png (77.26 KB, 371x305, 3108 - fact funny meme per….png)

File: 1716984456350-1.png (21.48 KB, 800x500, 1716647247362.png)


using more than three flags is a sign of mental illness


File: 1716984983758.png (29.08 KB, 800x550, 1706880358320-0.png)

i have assburgers



trvke that btfo'd the bnat troons




I wouldn't stay mental illness, moreso, it's a sign of low class. Having one or a few signs basically shows decisiveness which is a high t trait


i just want attention


I'm here





I look like Youmu btw


File: 1716997957903.png (27.33 KB, 400x250, nue happy.png)

I just want to let everyone know I like the NUE


File: 1716998038860.png (1.11 MB, 922x935, b70c121ab7512fd000e527d368….png)

This you?


Tits too big


File: 1716998279068.jpeg (31.26 KB, 602x339, lol.jpeg)

>using zero flags because you delete your cookies every 10 minutes


File: 1716998433414.jpg (16.72 KB, 588x504, 1713586161166.jpg)

Youmu will never be a prostitute


Youmu doesn't do this, /trant/caca


This to me doesn't seem much like prostitution but instead I think the context of that image is that some quirky eromanga scenario occurred which resulted in yuyuko ordering youmu to bathe in sperm


File: 1716998884392.png (11.91 KB, 360x348, png-transparent-pepe-the-f….png)

average /trant/slvtta fantasy


File: 1717025408265.jpg (319.17 KB, 1290x1895, GOwMNZGb0AASyIl.jpg)

4+ flag kikes seething itt





Ascended gigaflag goddess


based flagtard




File: 1719065880156.jpg (605.02 KB, 1080x1438, 4bede755148549e76988bd5114….jpg)

im more than mentally ill


does flag count have like an intiger limit or soemthing?


File: 1719088663450.jpg (86.41 KB, 640x831, kimura.jpg)


it seems to just show default flag if you add too many


probably 150


you are the least aspie bantoid I think


File: 1720152644757.jpg (205.47 KB, 1024x1342, FaceApp_1658012084553.jpg)


your flags are scary because they look random


No such thing

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