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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1717013220172.png (34.7 MB, 3852x6492, file.png)


lawful good
chaotic good
neutral evil
neutral good
chaotic evil
lawful evil
neutral evil


File: 1717013550022-0.png (3.1 MB, 1500x1564, file.png)

File: 1717013550022-1.png (6.24 MB, 1536x2048, file.png)


>trad caths
Lawful good
>Touhou troons
Neutral good
True neutral
Chaotic good
Chaotic neutral
Neutral good
True neutral
Chaotic neutral
>Rozen maiden stans
Lawful good
Chaotic evil
Chaotic evil
True neutral
>Blu aka
Lawful evil


touhou troons are chaotic neutral


Forgot to mention I'm trans if that matters


File: 1717068925039.jpg (79.92 KB, 818x798, 10121 - blood embodiment_o….jpg)

Suigintou is not evil in the manga georgedy


she do be a bitch cob


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File: 1719064227257-0.jpg (894.89 KB, 2894x4093, 20240622_094952.jpg)

File: 1719064227257-1.jpg (1.04 MB, 2894x4093, 20240622_095016.jpg)


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File: 1720096701260.png (127.3 KB, 577x326, 2024-07-04_08-38.png)

Holy [True] (He's referring to Kanaria)

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