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does anyone know some good roblox games?
i ask bantculture for i know you people probably play roblox.


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when i was very little i mained apocalypse rising (which in retrospect is not very good given its roblox dayz) and catalog heaven (which still goes hard as hell unironically)

build to survive x games were also very fun and a staple of old school roblox i wish would come back


mmmm chez burger


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Protect obama in the underground bunker from slenderman


There's this game called fumo horrors and it sucks ass, unless there's someone online who's has the only reliable item in the game your going to be dying a lot a not be able to progress effectively. And even with that you're gonna be sitting in one place the whole time while the more decked players are actually playing the game, but it's (mostly) Touhou so 10/10 would recommend.


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that sounds identical to midnight horrors, i dont like any of those kinds of games or any games with any relation to those "the cool zone" or "item asylum" shitheads




every year i have a phase where i play phantom forces for a month, rage quit and repeat. Great game


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a game i've been enjoying is "Average Plate Gaem"
its like plates of fate but not boring


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I like playing arsenal for fps game, the best tower defense game is tower battles, my favorite horror game is residence massacre, I haven't played it much but there's this one game called Death Ball that seems gigakino from what I've played of it so far, there's a good cookie-clicker-type game called mogging simulator where you unlock faster and faster ways of looksmaxxing but its kind of p2w, but unironically what I would recommend the most is to look up obby difficulty charts and play a whole bunch of obby difficulty charts because roblox parkour highkey has way more depth and interesting tricks to it than any other 3d platforming I ever played in my life


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give me your meat


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>nah blud eat yo veggies


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Lazarus mogs


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Lazarus is made by the guy who made Call of Robloxia Zombies, stupid.


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I haven't played troonblox since like 2021 because they made me put 2fa to log in but I didn't even put it on that account


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all games are cash grabs for cacas so there isnt any good ones


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your account got password guessed and someone put 2fa on it to keep you out forever, your account is gone
no they aren't all that but roblox is trying to hide all the ones that arent cash grabs


That can not be true because I have 0 items on it and the password is just 30 random characters and I didn't interact with anyone so I don't know why someone would hack a random account I haven't used for years also he's kind of right because the only games worth playing are just clones of already existing games because they're meant for children who can't afford them or a computer that can run them. I absolutely detest modern roblox because they forwent unique games you could only play there for a gorillion shitty anime battle arenas made solely for profit. I also hate roblox as a company because they removed tix, forums, the original starter place and then they got rid of the unique blocky artstyle for horrid second life shit for drooling ipad babies because the stock price was going up. There's walmart advertisement games for Pete's sake it's gone down the shitter and is a shell of it's former self.


this is my childhood (doragons island/fierce/sekaiju) but new. it was going to be remade in unity once but devs didnt feel like it
idk if its actually good still but im biased from ~2015. also wine is blocked… also im too lazy and stupid for dxvk (opengl error) fuck roblox


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old account likely is why
stupid kids are obsessed with larping as a groomer who has an account from 2006 for some reason
do you remember "raise a dragon"?


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I am actually fucking pissed rn I just fucking logged in after months of trying and emailing these kikes DUUUUUUUURRRRRR 2FA YOU NEEED 2FA DUUUUUHHHH then I went to login in right now I remembered the account and password and NOW it fucking works njkosfdg;knjo;dfsFUCKLKJNDFKJHSD I actually aisjhddasf behead these fat reddit morons


yes, but not too well. there were some like that i tried back then and i think i liked them too even if idk which one is the original. the ones i mentioned were more like those twitch-based pokemon fangames (except these had serious original characters and even story later). i believe the og devs little brother made a pokemon fangame and he was inspired by it to make doragon's garden (saying doragon's island was my fault) maybe if the devs went with remaking sekaiju in something not unity it couldve been really good


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insanae roblox lore
get bloxxed!


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if you play roblox youre either a gen alpha retard or a groomer pedo


… or you're a gamer


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what am i then


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big news 🔥🔥


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were exposing kids to sexualllness with this one 🗣🗣🗣


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wow! this is completely expected from groomvid bascucki!

he loves molesting and raping children because he is a disgusting evil monster


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British koishi witnessed


Glad that I grew up with chasing ducks and cats in my grandpa's yard instead of shitblox


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I genuinely miss the days when I lived in the countryside


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i think you should go back there and comvert to amishism xigoted technophobic georgecle


you dont fit in here


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You lost inner slutta


you can combine indoor and outdoor childhood
I would fight with my buds with sticks pretending to be video game characters


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hi there!
roblox made me lose all the friends i had when i was like 6 and i never had any irl friends after that
i tried to do this but no one wanted to, a memory i do have tho is being on holiday and making friends with 2 girls and we played pretend where i was a vampire and i chased them because my skin was so pale from staying inside all the time.


I never got to experience the olden days of Roblox because I was playing Club Penguin around that age. The giant squid in the submarine game scared the shit out of me


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i did! i have played since october 2010 to this current day!
it really was peak, despite what some grifters and larpers say, and its not because "oh i was a kid so stuff was better", im talking about how it wasnt a machine for cash printing and really was just a place to have fun with people, play silly games and play something new every day as the front page had new games every day!

now the front page has had the same games on it for a decade.


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this is a truke, modern boblox is objectively bad, not just because of nostalgia


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any good roblox games bant?



i dont play shitblox.
shitblox is for groomers and retarded mexican children.
miss me with that retarded gayblox shit.


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kill yourself, bantculture isnt your place.


live yourself, bantculture is your palace.


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silence shitblox tranny
go back to your rollercoaster tycoon and cheerios


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try saying that slur one more time and see what happens around here georgecel…




did xe actually do this


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of course not, john roblox fucking hates trannies and niggers


I've been playing on and off since 2011, the current games I've been enjoying are Guts and Blackpowder, Centura, Frontline: Karelia 40 - 44, Entrenched WW1, and 94 remastered.


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love all those games but god i cant play ANY with friends cuz i get violently angry when playing them and my friends only like shit like epic minigames which is fun with friends i guess but its not fun on your own


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i've always hated john roblox and thought of him as an insufferable character-less hack with zero redeemable traits.

literally never liked that guy, hes such a huge annoying faggot.


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we're going to do things to you that have never been done before


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you aren't cool or intimidating you're just smelly and annoying


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HOLY FUARK you're cool I'm so intimidated rn


where is this satori from it looks silly


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It's either from some doujin or a としあき I can't find it anywhere


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you do NOT want to test the limits of my patience kid…


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wrong picture i meant to post this


considered rblxlegacy or novetus? they are robox: uh pen soars and they look almost the same as old roblox


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no and i never will


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hopes this helps people find some good games!


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this if it had was been awesome:

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