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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1717346280968.jpeg (212.26 KB, 1125x1871, Shadowprez.jpeg)


>t-trump lost!!
Fake news. Trump is in his Shadowprez term, that began when "Biden" "won" the rigged 2020 election so that he can fight the Satanic Deep State.
>b-but the MSM said he lost!!
Debunked. Everything that happened under "Biden's" "term" was actually President Trump's doing this whole time.
Cope harder. Project 2025 is approaching soon and it's going to wipe Deep State shills like you off the face of this Earth. There's no preventing it, you have less than a year.


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high quality thread

trumpites arent gonna change their votes because of some silly "criminal felony conviction" doe. trump hasnt lost yet


Fuck trump


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Holy fuck is this real?


nu/pol/ bad doe





Double false flag to get schizos to schizomaxx


wholesome and cute


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good russian soikaka post




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TL;DR, also don't care still voting LP.
>inb4 they'll lose retard
Yeah, I know. They always lose federal elections BUT sometimes they win a few roles in local state governments.


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but these two vote for dems


Me and bint


slice trump voters with a katana
exterminate trump voters in the gas chamber
grind trump voter fetuses in a trash compactor


mossad above

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