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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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God exists.


as real as the tooth fairy


explain this, faggot


fake n gay


his cuckold son died for a BBC


fuck this heathen ass website i quit


…christianity to join islam


based n redpilled


if he exists why don't i have a gf?


god made me to laugh at my suffering


>God exists.


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And he fucking hate us.


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Love how btfo by this thread atheists are


The voices in your walls aren't God schizo


the voices in your walls are God
listen to them
do the hitler salute in public


Thinking is such a strange concept to atheists that they think it's a mental illness.


This listen to the voices in your walls


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then explain this


proverbs 1.1-31.31


for some reasons, many rural farmers seem to be religious o algo


why the sigma does the german blucacatrannytroon lolipedoniggertranny we wuzz nazitroon troongoon tranny troon squared insist on larping as a christian? this makes no sense. If he was larping as a muslim or a jew it would alteast be kinda in line but like cuh who let blud cook bluds a stinky heretic no cap


medicine melancholy melanquickly


Not me tho.

And I'm sure not you too


because muslims are fucking retarded for one


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fuck off cultist



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