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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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we are legion. we are unstoppable. we are going to KILL ALL JEWS and instate the fifth reich. trvst the plan. prQject 2025 took place THREE YEARS AGO it was just clandestine in order to make the jews let their gaurd down. sQQn the blood of our enemies will act as the drano to dissolve the massive zionist hairball clogging the washington D.C. swamp's outlet. HEIL TRUMP. HEIL HITLER. from the atlantic to the pacific, all will be liberated under manifest destiny. we are AMERICAN. we are PROUD. HEIL LIBERTY 卐卐卐卐. we are a MEGALOPOLIS upon a MOUNTAIN, GLEAMING with the radiant light of GOD on the reprobate masses of afroeurasia. FEAR US. we the people of the united states, in order to create a more perfect world, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do declare and initiate the enactment of TOTAL KIKE DEATH. it is a common saying to remark that the sun never set on the british empire. the vmvrvcvn empire will be established so firmly and sustained by the efforts of god-emperor baron trump that the sun will surely EXPLODE on it. WE WILL GO PLACES WHERE NO MAN HAS EVER GONE BEFORE. WE WILL SPANGLE THE STARS. THIS IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT AND OUR GOD-GIVEN DUTY. AMERICA IS FOREVER. LIBERTY IS FOREVER. NEVER LOSE YOUR SMILE


Please china shut the fuc


jihadist terrorist that satan sent here to disrupt and sow discord DO NOT ENGAGE


I'm going to say the n word


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*licks your face*


can you please nuke everything east of Berlin into glass?


no because >>63914 lives over there and he might get hurt if i do that >_<


this is a BIDEN-OPERATED chatbot that is impersonating me in order to discredit me and ruin my reputation DONT LISTEN TO ANYTHING HE SAYS


It is ok if a random dog did it
But it is sexual assault if a random person did it


All my migrated relatives live in Sweden akshullay


ev&oe dog saliva is haram or something to that
oh thank goodness >_<


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the CARPET NUKING total mudlslime death operation will begin in t minus 3 hours so start running little nigger


I'm going to kill myself


im sorry i didnt mean it it was all a funny bit please dont do that TwT


DONT listen to that guy just DO IT


Stop sucking


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b-b-but your beebeeshee ish sho tassshhtyyyyyy thoughhhhh~~~~~


No arrow


evandoe Trump has Joowish relatives


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Sorry dude it felt good at first but now it hurts
It isn't your fault btw it just that my peeped do be like that btw btw


wikipedia link to wikipediate article about jewish hafl guy that was poster as ideal german aryan soldier or something along thsoe lines


It has BFC


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Juan Piss that's a no-no


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This is a no futa version


Thank you. I love Bejita and I hate BFC!


dat feel when right-wing huwiteboyz rely on praising and listening to Joos to defeat Joos


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how the fuck are you on the fifth reich already when there hasnt even been a fourth you stupid fucking fatnik (vatnik + fat)
locked post op never cook again


just accept it. its the fifth reich, dont worry about it. the entirety of nazi ideology is schizo nonsense in any case so why do they have to follow neurotypical numerical convention, bigot?


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I'm aliceblackburn and i won btw you can tell by he put his lichess username as that thing he avatarfags as so thats him


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Trump would put you in an insanae asylum and Hitler would just straight up laugh as you get leadheaded

Dispite that, good dish my friend


Drink bleach


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TL;DR don't care if hairy legs dark Brandon or Orange Jew wins because they're both pieces of shit.
Also Clownpiece has shown to be more aligned with Libertarianism than she is with Nationalist Socialism given her desire to secure the liberty of her fairy friends, she values freedom and her actions show it even if she's still beholden to Hecktaia willingly or not.


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your braintention span has been rotted by tiktoks to that you can't appreciate literature anymore or even get through this one paragraph so why would anyone listen to you


trumpsissies rim niggers assholes albeit and are all weak bitches


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I don't use Tiktok or my smartphone in general aside from calling my friends and relatives occasionally. The most used app on my phone is my maps app.
Social media is cancer, glad we can both agree on that frog bro.

Why are nigger bros allowing Q-bros to rim them though? Sounds kinda gay tbh not that I have a problem with that, to each their own after all so long as they all consent.


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>Why are nigger bros allowing Q-bros to rim them though? Sounds kinda gay tbh not that I have a problem with that, to each their own after all so long as they all consent.


>we are legion.
>we are unstoppable.
>we are going to KILL ALL JEWS


what was it


it was a black guy having his face nutted on


A nigger having cum shot in his mouth from a BBC


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I just got information about the debate last night that would absolutely blow your guys' minds, but Q told me that it's top secret

rest assured that there are things in the works which will make yakub's creation of the white race look like a minor innovation by comparison


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fvw knvw thvs…..


i honestly dont get /pol/tards and conservativism. every time it has been tried it has failed and shows why their ideology sucks. i get it i read the meme philosphers and fourth position ect… still doesnt stop your ideology from being a joke irl. why not use what is practical and then subvert the system like leftist did?


People fall into conservatism largely because they're afraid of change. There are other factors that go into it obviously, namely mob mentality, but at an instinctual level, conservatism is natural. It's worth noting that humans also naturally trend towards authoritarianism, which compounds things. As someone who's gone from pretty far right circa 2016 to center-left right now, conservatism in its current form can be boiled down to three vectors:
1. Religion - Arguably the most valid conservative standpoint, christian and conservative values tend to overlap quite a bit, but a lot of christian conservatives tend to ignore the more liberal aspects of christianity once they go down the conservative rabbit hole
2. Brainwashing - A lot of conservatives are unironically convinced things were better in the 50s or whatever just because nobody talked about shit back then.
3. Group mentality - liberal ideologies often stress individualism which goes against human instinct - collectivism is in our bones and conservatives tend to prey on that with very centralized and highly self-policed communities in order to feel like part of a group


Tldr conservatism is 90% groupthink and the remaining 10% are enlightened siddharthan financial conservatives who couldnt give a fuck about gay marriage or other social issues


all christians are dumb and bigoted georgedies but not all muslims because uhhhh racism o algo even doe islam isnt even a race or tako nešto and not all jews but eben doe israel is genociding 99999 gorgilllion palestine babies every second and need to die for being racist whtie supremacists like when the azov nazis got btfod by muslimfolx churkas or when the 1991 cronazis got btfod by serbian muslimfolx too


That's what bugs me. It feels like a lot of people who are easily led to being conservative or nazi because of 4chan and being "counterculture" or "based". In reality I couldn't care if you want to larp as a trad cath or nazi but it's annoying when it is all wrapped into these trendy social movements that go no where. I don't even necessarily think that there isn't value in these ideas it is just that those public politicians who represent these values are all developmententally stunted retards that are unsuccessful at promoting their values and supporting them is a fool's errand.



Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Imo politicians like trump know exactly how much the right rn can be led around like the cattle they are and he's using that as much as he can. Part of it is social media also - everyone has to sell themselves in some way rn or they risk not being worth anyone's time. In a society increasingly engulfed by entertainment, everyone has to become an entertainer or risk being boring. A large part of the recent spike we've seen in political cattle can be attributed to this; people nowadays fall in line with a particular ideology to get social brownie points and THEN they research it and do whatever mental gymnastics they need to in order to validate their status as part of the group. It's the same thing as a fashion trend and it's fucking disgusting.

Worth noting, this happens on the left too, and it used to actually be worse on the left, but the right's taken the lead by far in terms of being mindless pundits.


In these circles I take it for granted it is a given the left falls for the same things or even worse. People tend to think that their own tribe doesn't fall for the same shit which is my problem. I'm not even suggesting you should disown or dislike your tribe for doing the same things as your enemy but at least stop pretending your shit doesn't stink too.


oh 100%. The only way the left outdoes the right is in terms of virtue signaling/being overtly annoying. I believe its an age thing. Zoomers are more prone to fall for social media psyops than boomers since they use the internet more


Tinkoff dog


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at the risk of sounding like a crotchety old man, I think 99% of zoomers don't even understand politics at a fundamental level. they just fall in with ideologies for PURELY masturbatory purposes, so that they can say "ohh im such an awesome trans ally" or "ohh im le based defender of christian morals" and that's how you get the kind of cattle who take ben shapiro seriously or tell you you're transphobic for not being attracted to transgenders - even if you support tran s. wrights


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bruh who summoned the professional yappist squad 💀💀💀






>zoomers bad!!11!1
be quiet millenial. you sound like a seething balding fat 30 year old. Seethe, sage. Kai cenat in the thread. rizzlers from ohio, ohio for rizzlers. I rizz gyats. Caseoh2024




It follows no rules so I outgrew it as I became old
Also I stopped reading


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chad would handle this situation by saying "I was making a sonic reference"


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What's wrong with being constructive


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>english follows no rules! oh its so inconsistent and bad…


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zoomerKINGS… I kneel… the YOVTH shall inherit the earth…


bruh momento


Norwood 4 general


french is not their own lanuag


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