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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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I've only played PC-98 touhou era. I don't care about other non-canonical games made for a can of beer with alternative Marisas and Reimus. Your toho waifu is most likely not real and fake. You don't even know what real touhou culture is and you never will. You are just a pathetic degenerate imitation, a golem covering up real diamonds with growing feces.


My favourite game is unreal mahjong though


My favourite game is unreal though


>My name is Mima.
>I have not been in a single Touhou entry since 1998 as since then I made a decision to become a slut for BBС. Thank you for your understanding. I will not return.


Mima above me


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This is what the real Reimu should look like. Cheerful, a little quirky with a good sense of humor. Not some schizo brunette egocentric pervert with sweaty armpits


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She is highly responsive to prayers


male shingyouku is a sissy for bibisea btw i saw it on kotaro's pixiv


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>Typical Mima cosplayer with schizoid projection
Nice music though, I've been listening since 2009


regardless of her design she is a genocidal madwoman and must be culled


What do you think of the western touhou fandom


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Do not exaggerate
Cringe? There are special terms in fandom, I already forgot their names because I haven’t dealt with them for a long time, which separate those who actually played and completed at least a couple of games on lunatic and those who did not play at all. So 90% are coomers and they didn’t play at all. There are a lot of homosexual roleplayers on different forums/messengers, where grown men pretend to be underage lesbians and have sex with each other through letters. There is no culture, only degradation. There are users in the western community who have made many good utilities for games, including old ones, but most of them are LGBT IT-traps in stockings


Mmmm reading


what forums/messengers do those homosexual roleplayers use so I can know to avoid them


My issue with westerners is how inept they are but yea
discord and twitter but it's also a jp thing historically


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ZUN's PC-98 music mogs his Windows music so hard


meeper image + trvke text


omg ure so me except i like PCB


He also didn't make a good album after DiPP


holy FACT.

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