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 No.65237[View All]

the BNWO ladyboy game is out
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His debilitate has twice as strong an effect if you dont have w*men or angels in your team, and one of his passive skills makes every buff/debuff he applies last 2 more turns, thats pretty strong i guess. Aside from that he also has THAT one skill which hits pretty hard, something like 800 damage on Shiva even when he resists it. But yeah you`ll have to give up some demons in order to make him truly shine.


Twice as strong means it debuffs down two ranks right at the first use


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this is pretty much almost the same setup as i have on her


i guess i could ditch dekaja and samarecarm though


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hmm so he doubles debuffs i see, his death flies does have a base power of 320, i mean you could force him to have wom*n along , artemis has somersault which lowers by 2 ranks not to mention cleo frolic with no charm null lowers attack/def
i mean if you think about it you don't really need boon boost if youre healing regularly with idun which you would be against shiva, and having overheal with 2 ranks of defense could comparable to lowering thier attack and you could lower defense with somersault artemis
i think beezlebub needs to take a mandatory online class on respect in the work force


yeah i think any recarms are not needed if you run revival chant desu


i mean if you could somehow get the dlc pirated you could get sakuya, she is technically a kunitsu so she could run with lord of flies


Ok yeah murakumo has like 600 more damage on crit than freikugel with fully debuffed Shiva
Its a shame you cant run him with Metatron desu…Or any angel really. I have like 3 of them and all of them are pretty decent, but now i have to use the pajeet patreon to run belzebub instead…I guess maybe if i slap impaler animus on Yoshi that might work out too, but then i`ll have to also get another enduring soul for him. Maybe swap him with mother harlot, although i wouldnt have a dekaja then, and if i replace krishna with yoshi i wouldnt be able to heal.
>i think beezlebub needs to take a mandatory online class on respect in the work force
Dont do this, he a good boy, he dindu nuffin
I wonder if theres a human version of him available in the game
Well i dont have use it, thats the issue, but i have a full stock of full hp revival items so its whatever i think
Thats too much trouble figuring it out for my smooth brain sorry


well if you wrinkle up your brain you can remember amanzakos heavenly reversal , which activates on her switching in which reverses all stat buffs/debuffs for everyone, which if you were to use after shivas tandava would result in a 2+buff defense or anytime the stat buffs are not in your favor, revival chant is found from an aogami essance in zeus area
good healers/support are all woman so i dont know a suitable replacement actually LOL


wait the reversal only applies to allies, it still could be a good move to use


purge charms also exist so you could use thos in place of dekaja, i always find it usually better to debuff instead usually with somersault or frolic as to keep dealing damage/applying ailments


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>well if you wrinkle up your brain you can remember amanzakos heavenly reversal , which activates on her switching in which reverses all stat buffs/debuffs for everyone
I did that but then she just dies on the next turn desu, and you`ll have to return her back to stock on every tandava because otherwise that buff just goes poof. Better just dekaja it and move on, imo. Yeah i have revival chant, i just dont use it (on beano), not sure if anyone else can use it deus.
>good healers/support are all woman so i dont know a suitable replacement actually LOL
I use krishna as a kind of a healer desu, you could theoretically just slap a mediarahan on almost anyone too.
Yeah another downside to her revearsal is that if you have any other buffs active they also get turned.


honestly i got nothing then desu, i think beelzebub is too limiting honesty compared to his passive, not having to cast debilitate twice isnt strong enough tradeoff to warrent not using 4 different races imo you can get a lot of different skills that lower stats by 2 levels even if its only one of the 3


I kind of tried switching him out every time i use debilitate desu, it lasts long enough to not bother having to switch him back in for a while but hes also surprisingly tanky and voids a lot of stuff so id rather keep him on the field. Oh well, i almost got it anyways i think, just have to try a bit more.


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tru banters remember…


actually his second namefag (kraut something) was cooler


Yeah i dont think im beating demi-fiend on hard
Gonna just finish this playthrough and go for hard true/normal Masakado some other day


butthurtkruaen or something
demi fiend is an entire different beast i dont last more than 6 turns with him


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>butthurtkruaen or something
yeah that one
>demi fiend is an entire different beast i dont last more than 6 turns with him
He killed me in 2 turns lol. Well it would be one turn really, have i not picked up the extra life item in the room before his fight. Anyways looks like i got chaos ending this time around, pretty kewl although i was thinking of doing law if i ever got a choice becaues Yoko kinda isnt really very convincing sadly.


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that trans rights walk - when someone says something so bigoted you have to walk past them with the trans rights walk


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>that Lawfag walk - when someone says something so chaospilled you have to walk past them with the Lawfag walk


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>*stumbles upon bfc*


I expected better from you


Pandain is very funny


>Super Lucifer
Okay this is epic!


But… That name sounds retarded!


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When he hit me for 2.5k damage i felt that
Well actually his name is just Lucifer but since you get to fight his powered up version i called it super


I get it


actually me made have to big brain desu
if you dont destroy his big summons you get nuked haha, it took me like 20 minutes between juggling healing/rebuffing and whittling him down


he feels like a damage check desu, i didnt even bother destroying the star in the last phase desu, just used shield of god and tank it
In other new this nigger just dodged the murakumo which was supposed to kill him and raped my team, i think he unironically might be harder than shiva actually


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>juggling healing/rebuffing
I use flyman to get through his two first phases desu to debuff him because in the third phase you basically cannot win without angel/demeter/idun in your party, for third phase i just get Shiva out and tavanda him to get rid of the defence buff. The best flyman can do is to just revert it back to neutral unfortunately, and that is if he has his innate skill active, although at least he doesnt use hot/cold matter as much. But pretty much everytime he gets to do 3 moves someone in your team is guaranteed to die pretty much, you just HAVE to go on defensive in phase 3. Maybe i`ll try to save flymans mana for phase 3 actually and only get shiva out on phase 2, but it seems like i got the gist of the fight already anywyas deus.


Also seems like he will just use dekunda if you fully debuff him (Nocturne moment) so maybe it makes sense to only debuff him down one level


Maybe i`ll actually go Idun+Shiva+Yoshi as a starting party and then switch to Flyman+Vishnu+Gabu/Metatron into phase 3 cuz Vishnu has mediarahan and luster candy…Just have to switch the angels out when i need to debuff the boss.


yeah he was more demanding than shiva by a lot i think it actually took me like half an hour desu
i thought it was a skill issue on my part that i found myself spending more time recovering than actually attacking lol i almost blew it during his last phase by letting his nuke go off but mc survived with enduring soul


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Oh for fucks sake
This better not end my run


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Okay time for the third lap
This time im bringing Masakado down and hopefully demi-fiend


good luck


Kinda lame how they didnt give you Lucifers fusion after defeating him desu


have you fought satan


Uhhhh no, how do you get to this guy?


Hmmm apparently you have to beat super lucifer and it unlocks on another playthrough?


you can just load up a game on vengance route before the end and talk to mastema or whatever his name is for the quest, you do have to have a seperate vengeance clear data but you already do


I did that and he gave me a quest to kill Samael
But now i overwrote my save already ;_;
I guess i`ll just go play IV now and return to it eventually


I think Demeter is pretty busted actually, feels like she carried me in both superboss fights desu, that unique skill is pretty crazy. Although with Lucifer i also got lucky enough to have fantastically smooth first two phases.


Damn Medussy is kinda raping me


did he not give you another quest after?
yeah guaranteed overheal is pretty strong


Im pretty sure he didnt, its probably because i havent gotten to fight lucifer on my first playthrough


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Wtf they have the food race in IV
Also battlepiggy get

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