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 No.66583[Last 50 Posts]

why are a lot of bantoids a bunch of cuckolds? i mean literally, the fetish, not to show any disrespect just wondering



When I talk about AGP Sonic getting obliterated by the football team while I sit on a throw chair it's actually satire


hey iraq tewi lambdadelta tenshi pirate


Don't open iramqi thread at 3:00 AM


stop projecting your fetishes onto us chads




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Not me doe.


Do you like goku or vegeta


we need to dox this monkey i hate it .


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why cant foids leave me alone




I don't have a particular favorite Dragon Ball character.

Why? He just wants to show his moves.


im taken


im not trying t to t rizz yough
i fucking ahte niggers


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n word is so mean and disrespectful and not that much poggers imopinion


Act like me
I'm a foid repellent




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j;i wasnt n wording you i was havd e eded it switched around nnna


ui called the danis h guy the n word.




wait no i wasnt i was telling him that i hate niggers




Take your schizomeds holy shit


im not a foid by the way


I am a spic not a nigger, get your slurs right.


shut up retard i wasnt directing it at you even thoguh your danish i just explained that remember to read all the threads before you make a post


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washing carpets cuz mum told u is peak iraqi summer


ignore xim you are cute and funny and i like you and keep posting in my thread
also im very interested in the river transportation system in peru


why are your feet so pale and hiarles and feminine and old looking


please dont give me side-eyed compliments


I had to take them to the amusement park today


the carpets?


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look at this cool thi;ngumajig i just built for you


do you like it


yes, i will save it ☺


My family


hope you had fun


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666 antichrist i hate the devil


Go to sleep


no its 8 3 8 p m and i didnt even get up that long too long ago it was like 11 pm or noon or omething




thats my arrow lol. its black arrow so more powerful than meme arrow like a bbc more powerful than goglin cock




Wtf I thought u were a sissy Twink, with the way you speak


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child of man..


Hey karerarrr what do you do when you cant sleep


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I didn't know he was called this until this website existed but tpg knew which is like crazy lore


Who is tpg


Help I'm a 4chan noob


i force myself to not move for at least 30minutes, and try my best to clear my thoughts
it doesnt work if you aree worried or mad or whatever
being sad boosts it though, thats why i sleep for like 13 hours sometimes



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what the banger


The polish guy? Which one though


kazakhi crafting


touhou p*rn guy




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saw an afro iraqi today



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fwoosh fwoosh fwoosh


When i aent to karbala this year i saw some really cool black guy working as an officer at the police checkpoint
He was a handsome looking blakc guy and didn't look like somalis and stuff


i hate all of you country fuck you


bnwo loving cucks


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our kangs and qveens r qts


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I will splinter your skull between my fingers


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of course the amerimutt would step into defend when i attack the precious bbc mudlismse


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whats up with that poster anyways
are all slibbidi fans like this


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no a lot of them are like people that you would like or something you should watch skibidi toilet actually its really good


not my cup of tea


don't drink tea nigger it has tannic acid in it which will bind to heme-iron and prevent your body from absorbing it and you will become pathoilic like anemia knowledge


where did you go


hemes are not "absorped"…. and if you are talking about hemeglubin synthesis, the reaction will take a direction into creating albumin

im gonna assume you read some post on pol instead of the Holy biochemistry of Harper


just look it up "does tea tannic acid prevent you iron " its ture


i HATE this thread




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not to sound like a nerd but im gonna rephrade what you said into something clinically correct, tannic acid binds to iron, preventing its absorption, leading to anemia, right?


no one on this site is into this sort of stuff


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thanks kraraeraerrrer your the goat :)


still wrong
this doesnt mean tea is bad
because this is a kind of binding that happens after a saturable equilibrium
to make it clear, ferrous-ferric transformation reactions are more susceptible to the circulation than your tannic assumption,
tldr it happens but not the bad way


yeah sure..


then how you explaing the fact patchouliy knowledge are always guzzling so much tea and she has anamediac


wait what the fuck patchouli is fat as hell


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you have a point
now cupcake, why not taking some rest? you seem to be facing some harsh time and your hatred towards me is increasing it


dont call me cucpcake im not edp445




some kind of joke about cupcake edp445 thats really witty and owns you






what the coulbe period means double period means


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well on seriousness I dont really understand what your saying but I think I'm right because my information came from random people on the internet kind of like urbandictionary and your information came from some universtity instuttiont controlled by jew like oxford english dictionary kind of


yes you are correct


may you please tell me more about the homoglobins its interesting . also i didnt mean it you can call me cucpcake if you want edp445 is really cool


i LOVE this thread its AWESOME





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put iron in its center, its heme for humans!
put magnesium in its center… its chlorophyl for plants, that turns light into food!


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what do the greek letters represent though


what would you get if you put calcium in the center


when two methyl groups join together, its called a bridge, and every sequemce represents a certain form of substamce, thats why the greek letters are used to have them as the base for sequencing, for example I has methyl and acetic acid, II has this and that… until we get a sequence to define
it wont work and will probably repel againt it! it returns to the electrostatic forces


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time to communicate with my subconscious


and please
respond to my calls
you of the greatest north…


how do you do this it sounds cool and fun
this is scary sounding….


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disregarding the weaker.
if they're not of indomitable will they're beta and not with my time or something.


No. And stop blowing up my inbox


you are from the shartiest north though


you look like that


So the you north?


weird way to apell the pepe north


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How do you apell something? OMFG you are so dumb


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Bro I was fucking joking holy shit bro


apell appell
possible back-formation of English "appellation", related to Latin "appello" "to address as, call by name"
or possibly associated with French "appeler" "to call" from the same Latin source
he invented a new pseudo Romance word in English or something


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>apell appell
>possible back-formation of English "appellation", related to Latin "appello" "to address as, call by name"
>or possibly associated with French "appeler" "to call" from the same Latin source
>he invented a new pseudo Romance word in English or something


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High IQ website


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Forgot image


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Candidly, honourable audiences act in the manner presented when I deliver my orations




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When supplicated with a sufficient quantity of temporal leniency, my cognitive musings expressed upon the worldwide interconnected computational telecommunications network implemented by technicians internationally possess the marked capabilty of attaining degrees of verbal floridity inconceivable and incomprehensible to the common, plebeian man. Moreso, this ability goes unaided by any thesaurus, dictionary, or other transcribed repository of accumulated linguistic expertise, for I have discovered that a greater level of efficency, punctuality, and variegation is achieved through utilizing the noncorporeal encylclopedic collection of english words contained within my own neural synapses.


I'm envious of Latinx Kings speaking Espagnol
they receive a discount of 50% o algo when learning Latin unlike gringos


Hi Mr. Cyrillic Sage how is your day


hi. how my days go is none of your business


You don’t have to be rude about it.


yes i do go kill yourself /metaironic



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flower sniggfer


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