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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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trying to play warzone and i downloaded the game but it only downloads the launcher and not the full game itself so u need to wait another couple hours after ur done downloading 80 gigs modern gaming is great


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cod is bad anyways but regardless idk why big game publishers think making their games retardedly big is a good idea


How fast is ur internet


modern AAA games are mass produced slop or however the blog is posted


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>cod is bad anyways
past 2019 ya


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Nop, every cod I can think of except waw has at least one thing that ruins it. Mw2 2009 was kino and culturally significant but the balancing team were mexican or something because their idea of balancing the game is to nerf the current op weapon into the ground to make room for the next one. First it was the 1887s then it was the m16 and up until this day 1 in every 4 players is running silenced ump + Glock 18

Even waw for how great it was had its own crutchgun in the form of the mp-40
Cod is fun if you need a game to just turn your brain off to but trying to play it seriously in any capacity is just asking for salt because almost every cod game period suffers from some retarded issue
MW2 has awful balancing
Ghosts was too experimental
Black Ops 2 is infested with hackers
Everything post 2019 is dogshit and tbh cod stopped being good in general after infinite warfare which i think was actually an alright game for what it was but everything after that except maybe cold war was a massive turdburger


also do you think this wriggle is trapped in some kind of gelatin or is it a deepsciencetaku reference to prehistoric insects trapped in amber


I have only 1,5 GB left in my 'puter


The latter


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>balancing team were mexican
ya thats what made it fun every single gun was op
never had a problem killing metashitters personally
>trying to play it seriously in any capacity is just asking for salt
i played it for the salt
got to finish a couple warzone rounds though it seems cool actually


it would be tastier if its gelatin


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>needing 88 Niggabytes and 14 megabytes to play some shitty game from an even shittier game studio who's parent company is somehow eve shittier (Microsoft) which is more or less the Anti Christ of the tech world, a game that wants your phone number and is ran by a company prone to censorship
Just play something else dude, I wouldn't even be surprised if three quarters of the file size is DRM and spyware related. The universe is giving you a sign to, IT SAYS STOP.
Microsoft and Blizzard hate your guts, don't reward them for their shitty behavior by breathing life and micro trans-actions into their game.


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cool but they made an actual fun game so i like them better than 99% of devs even if they injected ransomware directly into my computer


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Don't give your PC the jab Madoka bro.


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my pc came with windows 11 so it was essentially born with a brain tumor i might as well go all out and get bonzibuddy or something


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Just install Linux Mint or something, also next time you buy a PC get one from Star Labs, Tuxedo computers, System76, or the DIY version of a Framework laptop.
Shrimple as that plus you get to deny the Anti Christ of the tech world your shekels.


i will continue to play cod and shit on kids
its the small things in life that bring joy


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he gets it


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i understand their argument but honestly its better just get a separate weaker system for any linux distribution since frankly linux has dogshit game support and youll probably just using it to browse the interwebs without being tracked
no reason to get a pc capable of running modern games and crippling it with le linux meme


DONT install linux mint it SUCKS ASS

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