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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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we need more general generators to generally generate more generated generals or tako nešto
i'll start.
>be me
>looksmaxxed fakcel trutaku
>see a girl that i have been seeing out for a date
>she says yes
>start talking about anime, games, politics
>mention how I like touhou
>she says "me too!"
>she asks me if i browse 4chan too
>say yes
>femceltradwife.png incoming
>asks me if i browse bantculture
>mutter out y..yee…s. yees..
>says "i knew it!"
>stands up
>grabs my waist
>pulls out a BFC 10 times bigger than the size of my tmp (tiny moid pecker)
>starts brutally ass raping me
>i try to fight but its futile
>mfw i see light
>mutter out "miyamoto… take me…"
>she ejaculates and throws me to the ground
>left twitching and half-conscious
>throws a 20 dollar bill and says "keep the change you fucking weeb"
>close my eyes and think of my nintendo switch


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noooo dude greentext stories are for leddit bro only le cringe normie likes greentext story bro who are you quoting bro


el gato


No arrow


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the joke is buzzwords and sex


Heyyyyy wanna play tarkov i know you like it


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reddit overdose


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that game is really really shit i can only be bothered to play it with friends
can u even get a pc capable of running it properly there


>can u even get a pc capable of running it properly there
Duh 🙄 although my province is shit when it comes to these stuff so i have to order them from Baghdad


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cool the mutts must've left some gaming pcs laying around while they were running


What the fuck is wrong with you


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How did you do that


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the developers are russian so the very first thing i did when they added vaulting was try to go through walls and it worked within 10 minutes of trying


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can the turkroach man please go back to his containment thread and stop blogposting like blud i didnt order a yappucino quit yapping nigga you're scaring the gyatts -1000 aura negative rizz


It's my fault sorry


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retards will one day realize that irony doesnt equal funny


Why are her legs short


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i second this
or lets bully xer until xhe gets a mental breakdown


The autistic misanthrope who is only capable of spouting inane blogshit knows what is and isn't funny guys.


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sorry that the copy-paste sense of humor you adopted to try to fit in isnt actually interesting retard


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he's being sincere!


meant for >>67657


He's rizzy

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