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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Yesterday I've seen a 8-12y/o 7/10 girl with some girly faggy outfit that little girls wear. She had some pinky tranny headphones and a gay porkyman bag. She placed some retarded anime badges on it. One of them however was drastically different from the rest. It was some kind of amalgamation of weird colors. I figured it was a lgbt flag. Yup, it was a dyke flag. Do they think homosexualism is a cute personality trait or something? Like muh wholesome anime sexuality.




fuck my cock is hard now WANNA RAPE
tell me your city NOW i wanna rape her


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thought you were supposed to kill people like that over there


why were you looking at 8-12 year olds?


thats my daughter and NO you cant groom her only i am allowed to do it


Walked by xir
Sorry not sorry, the Bible says you must share


There used to be whenever I would go for a walk around my block this one 10-13y/o brown haired white girl who I never saw wearing anything other than this loose white pajamas dress and carrying around a teddy bear and being barefoot even when walking on the sidewalk on a walk with her family also she always looked kind of high, idk if she thought she was quirky or what


2/10 bitches think they are 8/10 if not all 10. Ugly girls should be killed en masse


ain't no one is stroking to that shit 💀💀💀


>👣 submissive foot boy by night
>🍉 free palestine
This… could be racism


I love dancing tesnshi fumo


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>I love dancing tesnshi fumo

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