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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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if you dont eat your food while on the computer youre not an actual human


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thats disgusting do you not know much gunk that builds up have you no respect for your keyboard and electronics
wait no you coom on them why am i surprised


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>have you no respect for your keyboard
no its an inanimate fucking object


when the ai overlords take over you will not spared


that and its a tool you should respect your tools


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if you mistreat your stuff and leave them to rot they'll turn into cute girls out of spite later that's what touhou taught me


your keyboard is not turning into a cute anime girl and even it did it would want absolutely nothing to do with you


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yoshoing this thred


I eat grapes at the computer do they have good grapes in turkland


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no but they have grapedude


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>even it did it would want absolutely nothing to do with you
she'd want everything to do with me that's literally just what vengeful spirits do and that's the plan
you could at least give him a (you) faggot


you're a disgusting subhuman
gunk always builds up on my keyboard and mouse even though I dont do this
this website doesn't have (you)s


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>gunk always builds up on my keyboard and mouse even though I dont do this
wow you make shit build up dirt just by existing around it


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I eat my food while on the computer but i'm a youkai


Youkai more like yougay


>self-inserting as kokoro
MegaPig9001… I kneel…


File: 1718931313915.png (127.89 KB, 700x800, 3924-angrycirnoembodiment_….png)

Don't ever use my likeness again you disgusting turk.

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