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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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im bored lets commit terrorism


That's bad


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>middle easterner
>lets commit terrorism
Yeah, that fits.


kill yourself baboon


In Second Life




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wow you made such an original joke youre so smart and awesome and cool, no one ever said or assumed that before, you must be the leader of your times


that said im all for resisting the oppressors
helpful resource:


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pipe bombs


im actually the smartest man on the planet, einstein said so. dont believe me? look it up.


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>mghgim acuauatually *chokes* the smartest mm-mzm-an on thle *sucks* einisnst saided. be-belibe gulp gulp


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im still the smartest but youre the funniest for that. nikola tesla saw that post and said iramqi is the funniest nigga on the planet in his memoirs.


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everyone will cry
everyone will cry out of regret


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What do you think of my tank


Why did it send twice


Im a 4chan noob how do i delete duplicate


Nvm did it myself


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>R1 Maccabees relates the story of how Mattathias (ca. 166 BC) forcibly circumcised the sons of Jewish parents who had abandoned the rite.[6] Forced circumcision of Gentiles by Jews is attested from the second century BC onwards. In 125 BC John Hyrcanus conquered Edom, which the Romans called Idumea; and the Idumeans were forcibly converted to Judaism, by threat of exile or death, depending on the source.[7][8]
ugh, my Hashem, ME never changed


making pipebombs is easy af in second life. Just get anorganic fertilizer (look out for mentions of "ammonium nitrate"). Just dilute the whole thing in hot/boiling water, strain it and boil the leftover liquid til you're left with a white powder/crystal. Combine the white stuff with a fuel of choice (like simple car engine fuel oil) and there you go. You can put this in pipes or fill up a car with it


mooooooom they're doing a Timothy McVey


how can you be bored when shadow of the erdtree just came out


Because fromslop is boring?


Let's destroy the St. Lawrence Seaway and return the american great lakes to their natural state

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