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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Happy 33rd birthday to the greatest character in fiction, the "GOAT".
Sonic the Hedgehog.


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Guess I'll use this bread for art dumping from now on.


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*opens harddrive* I saved this in 2016 but I know the franchise was on life support and cucked back then so it's a little interesting
Context: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/it-s-better-than-nothing


did jackson really work on sonic 3


This is common taku knowledge


I thought it was essentially a conspiracy


If you squint chadow is holding champagne lole


i believe it
i just want definitive answers


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Checked reddit: Yes he did


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The self deprication era was a hard time, niggas had to be there, I hope Arin Hanson dies in a fucking car crash.


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happy birthday sonic


happy sunday mario



Honey… no…


Maple syrup… yes…


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So many June birthdays
monday is Satoko's


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Will still never have half the rizz chadio does


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Trust me gang, you do NOT want to go band for band with the goat 😭🙏🏾


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I like mario better because his romantic options remind me more of my tinder matches


>all those tinder matches


They dont respond to me so Im still in the bucket


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When I was 4 and I went to buy sonic 06 with my dad he took the disc out and shoved it in my face and was like "BOO!" and I was like "WAAAAAAAAAAH" because the disc is sonic's face which made it like a jumpscare


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This reply was meant for >>70173 btw


gave up after 2 award


casually mention commiting some violent crime and they will be wet


except the tranny because they actually have morality


There's something fundamentally giga3 in so many Adventure era fans pushing this idea than online critiques of those games were all some sort of psy-op to ruin Sonic


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You will like this


sol vs order sol fight becomes 06 shadow vs sa2 shadow

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