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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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I have problems with the thyroid and andrenal glands so I'm literally dying from the heat


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Ray peat says coconut oil is required


>thyroid problems
are you like a 50 year old foidlet or something kek




have you tried mewing yet doe?


Eat lots of sugar compared to protein (grapes are my favorite for this) and supplement with B3 and aspirin to curb the stress response over time


just get the thyroid removed, idk i heard people get really fucked up tho if the adreanal glands are removed.


Having an organ in your body which is called schitovidnaya zheleza is L rizz. You should get rid of it ASAP.


This is so backwards honey


do you take corticosteroids and/or iodide? can i see your cbc tests?


do you mayhaps take levothyroxine?


I don't take medication, and last when I took blood tests was 10 years ago


That would fuck me up too hard


do you shake often? does your heart beat a bit too fast? do you happen to have fever more frequently than your peers?


Idk, but I can't sit too much in open sun or else my head will start to fuck me up and I'll lose my energy quickly


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i mean minimize salt intake


That sounds like glycogen depletion, ray peat recommended orange juice and taurine


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glycogen lasts for only 2 hours after meal though
EVERYONE has glycogen depletion


Idk what's this, but besides this shit I also have gluten intolerance, bile problems, low muscular power and more inherited predispositions


*hugs you*


I also probably have some sort of 'tism, but everyone on this site probably has it


He stated that being under red light causes it to be consumed more rapidly and eventually creates a stress response, sunlight does the same just at a lower degree
Didn't eat enough cevapi award


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youre simply genetically inferior



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Atleast I'm not ugly


Oof I would've remembered that 3yrs ago but I'm washed


>Oof I would've remembered that 3yrs ago but I'm washed


hes washed


I started using 4chan bant because a minecraft server from there died and the community had a lot of central european people


yesterday my mom was saying stuff about red light is good for did ray peat say opposite of this or did he just say consume all your glycogen and then have stress is side effect but still a good thing to be shining this on you


*for you


i'll give your glands a problem with my dick if you know what i'm saying


No he says sunlight (and the red light spectrum within) are important but glycogen depletion increases while under such light because the energy production of each cell increases

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