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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1719264454035.jpg (270.43 KB, 682x512, 105504730_p0.jpg)


serious discussion thread


how dare they make fun of me for only listening to the smiths


File: 1719265893006.jpg (135.4 KB, 803x927, 99484547_p4.jpg)

you're being a goofy goober right now i said serious discussion


and you're being a booger boofer


File: 1719268365533.gif (2.02 MB, 640x360, fire-writing.gif)

>and you're being a booger boofer


File: 1719268882167.jpg (46.58 KB, 740x863, 452352315213512.jpg)

and you're being an alcoholic


File: 1719269290014.jpg (366.73 KB, 2048x1676, GQ0R4c6a4AA_2cS.jpg)

sorry but theres no way your ever recovering from that roast


I should print this out and frame it on my wall


He's pretending it's false that all imageboard users eat their boogers


File: 1719269447244.jpeg (37.56 KB, 500x332, 98798798789.jpeg)

yeah but i can point out you have a twitter filename


File: 1719270484284.jpg (342.97 KB, 1280x1154, f.jpg)


thank you for your attention


what do you want to discuss



i dont really care for guinea pigs theyre too much responsibility


You fucking asshole


File: 1719299519599.jpg (1.5 MB, 2462x3668, 345345353453.jpg)



do you just use some shitty soviet PC made from broken car parts, dirt and vodka bottles that has like 2MBs of memory so you have to constantly delete old stuff to free up space? Or is ac just being low rizz?


File: 1719300667861.jpg (351.98 KB, 1700x1670, 4523532623632.jpg)

fuck out of my thread loser


what is yamyam


File: 1719301714204.gif (Spoiler Image, 4.18 MB, 400x225, z1698110456675.gif)

>fuck out of my thread loser
<reddit space


File: 1719302526958.jpeg (44.45 KB, 376x656, 2007-07-12-62657.jpeg)

the yompster
u actually cant tell an automatic line break from a redditspace
sub 100 iq idiot confirmed


File: 1719302671361.png (Spoiler Image, 399.87 KB, 800x600, 1718345333498z.png)

>u actually cant tell an automatic line break from a redditspace
>sub 100 iq idiot confirmed


File: 1719303144195.png (882.69 KB, 1359x1095, 99911415_p0.png)

into the filter you go (which i can actually figure out how to do cause im not retarded like you)


File: 1719303315854.png (Spoiler Image, 407.61 KB, 695x612, 1718345333498t.png)

>into the filter you go (which i can actually figure out how to do cause im not retarded like you)
i yearn for the day to see your fetid insect, mud hives burn with nuclear hellfire.


File: 1719303360842.png (5.2 KB, 513x45, file.png)





File: 1719312130740.jpg (209.69 KB, 1500x2010, 8e7d8cfa755ce710814dd73d80….jpg)

its fucking youmu


What was it


File: 1719312323690.png (218.56 KB, 400x343, sadzom.png)


and what serious discussion is there to be held about youmu


why does she vibrate



why should she not?


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File: 1719313660800.jpg (260.92 KB, 1577x1327, 7a4a71c2af41e38fea4dd7d36a….jpg)

are you saying that she's a dork you can't take seriously


i mean yeah
two half baked sides dont make a whole lol


File: 1719314327015.gif (26.98 KB, 604x292, spikeman won.gif)


File: 1719314365893.png (1.34 MB, 857x1031, 6423623732723.png)

is that right bud
she'll cut your cock off and see how well you do being two seperate parts
your gimmick sucks


she is not real therefore such an event would never transpire


File: 1719315157880.png (15.49 KB, 271x274, yosho.png)


File: 1719316646269.png (354.46 KB, 1313x949, 532526262.png)

>she is not real

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