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File: 1719339323805.jpg (378.32 KB, 523x1024, momiji_army.jpg)


I'll be going into the military soon!
If there are any vets on bint, please share your advice on things from getting through boot camp to daily military life. idk if I want to go active or reserve, both seem like good times and good offers, but I'm torn between them.


why doe?


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money, education, and personal reasons


would u kill me if u ever came here


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of course not
well, not intentionally. it's hard to control bombs #GoUSA


What cunt?


whatever if u come hit me up (with a message or post idk) i wanna visit the embassy for reasons


File: 1719340886231.jpg (191.17 KB, 1000x664, iramq.jpg)

>i wanna visit the embassy for reasons


when WW3 starts and i get drafted im gonna tape my Alice fumo to my chest so look out for that. Maybe we meet in Ukraine or the middle east or taiwan or whichever goymutt hoard we are at war with


cmon dude


ill give u a tour to nice places if u allow me


ill definitely BOL for that saar but im not going overseas i dont think as my branch will remain stateside unless shit really hits the fan
you know im just playing around iramq, we all love you here :) id gladly let you show me around iraq although idk what there is to do there


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u like museums? i can show u some, idk we can discuss that for later, but all of that will be in exchange for letting me in the embassy


Mutt I asume


He said #GoUSA


oh i thought you meant "What, cunt?"
yes amerikkka


silence artery


im the most loyal


i might also join military tbqh we may work together



What regiment?


i dont know as im not sworn in yet you see
im going to meet with the recruiter tomorrow


sir yes sir


File: 1719342442454.jpg (148.02 KB, 850x991, hina_army.jpg)

shouldve used this as op image since momiji's finger is kind of fucked up in that

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