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losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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She is precious



post something!


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go to sleep


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gooncaptions told me to only sleep 4 hours a day in order to make sure that im more submissive or something




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you do what i tell you to faggot


>you do what i tell you to faggot


> its been 90 seconds and this still isnt a hamster
the state of bbc


or something along those lines












5 minutes


6 minutes


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You would wall sooooo fast lil bro


don't spin.


like sonic?


sonic is forever 17 like touhous


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men only wall when their money runs out


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Round and round and round she goes…


byakuren only walls when her magical spell runs out


She is not fast, not lil and most certainly not a bro


it's a guinea pig


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I've said it before but hina is easily the most marriageable touhou.
>goddess (nobody will want to fuck with you + she doesn't physically age so she stays pretty forever)
>friend to humans
>collects misfortune; you'll never stub your toe, drop a knife, etc. ever again in your life
>loved by pretty much everyone because of her job
>low-level goddess; not many people have beef with her, not always running off to engage in some spellcard battle
>cute in general


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she gives you misfortune just by being around you though and she can't collect it back passively


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Is that the case…? I thought the way she worked was like the reverse of shion. Is that headcanon or is it confirmed she radiates misfortune?


Canon from what I remember


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From her wiki page:
>Misfortune in her surroundings possesses power to give any kind of human or youkai misfortune, which causes misfortune to humans and youkai that come near her.


okay but she can probably control it fully in the case of her beloved


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yeah but you should love her anyway dumbass


I do but what if we live together and the sheer amount of misfortune in the home flowing into me causes a piano to comically fall onto my head and kill me the next time i leave the house


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then you could say it was worth it
just dont go gambling or something


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I suppose that's a nice way of thinking about it


You're cheating on Momiji


Im trying to decide. Most days it's momiji for me but recently ive been increasingly hinapilled


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she wouldn't even be allowed to be with you because of racist tengu culture bud


You're probably right :(
I think I'll keep momiji flag doe because we can still be friends


this is fucked up as hell


Im actually still thinking about it. The more I think about it the more I wonder if mado is a plant sent by the turkish government/NATO in general because it would somehow benefit them if I dropped momiji and married hina instead
I need to examine this from every angle.


Actually I've reached a conclusion:
Assuming I'm already married to momiji, Hina would probably want me to stay with her and preserve what we have despite the tiangou's rules and so I will stay with momiji but hina will be a close yet platonic friend


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you're supposed to run away with her and have her defend you against assassination attempts for the rest of your life


Dispite the missfortune shit, Hina is a much better choice than the dog with 0 lines of dialogue in the games


spincels be like
>today i will obsess over a minor boss that appeared in like one game


Still more relevant than Momiji


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actually they're best friends so youre both wrong


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she can cure all ailments… even broken hearts


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bumping the yosho thread


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i dont understand this meme
is it some new spinoff of soyshit where the humor comes from being retarded and annoying or what


mado will divulge you


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Sometimes when I feel down I imagine having a small tea party with hinarin where we sip tea and snack on whatever confectionery she's prepared that day and I imagine what she might say in response to my problems. I find this sometimes helps me get to the root of my problems and as such the kagiyama tea party method can be considered a form of meditation


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no he got it pretty spot on


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Chikuwa club itself wasn't a very funny gag but the way the actresses start breaking down over it was what sold it for me tbh

M1 is good in general


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It's slightly funny.


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reminds to that one chris chan video



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