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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Why did people hate this thing so much? It was just the wii but better. The switch *works* but it didn't bring anything cool to the table and its specs kind of suck for what it was trying to achieve :/

I think if Nintendo rereleased an upgraded version of this thing we'd have something cool on our hands but shitendo seems dead-set on doing the most retarded thing possible right now so I think their next console will just be something even more underwhelming and boring than the switch


I enjoyed the wii U but
>I think if Nintendo rereleased an upgraded version of this thing we'd have something cool on our hands
wow, cool idea, nintendo should remake a console that was allready criticized for not being original when it was launched, yeah. A console that was launched not so long ago. I transheart the creativity crisis that the videoludic industry is facing and the lack of novelty that results from it.


its because it worked and i cant think of anything that wouldnt be retarded and gimmicky. they could theoretically do something with vr but who's *really* excited about vr?
>wow i get to strap the nausea generator to my head… BUT IT'S HECKIN MARIO!
just iterate on what works and make it better. its not the 2010s anymore and we've come a long way, there are new games that could come out on a new wii u that would be banger. Yakuza comes to mind for me but i could find some other titles.
this also would coincide with the peak of 2000s nostalgia, what with people starting to abandon smartphones and return to flip phones and such things


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because of Sonic Lost World


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naaaahh what you wan is the playstation, that TRIPLE. all the bitches want a man with the slaystation 3. none of that hexbox and nintentodler shiet. playstation stay ABAP my man


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pictured: croatia


It only had like 5 games worth playing. The wii was pretty dog shit too


When it dropped it didn't have a big gimmick or a selling game. Wii had its rudimentary action controls and had some decent games like twilight princess, brawl, Mario Galaxy. Switch hyped up breath of the wild which helped it sales. Not to mention it basically got rid of their handhelds in favour of the switch.


youre like a machine that produces the worst fucking takes imaginable



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glad i dont play games meant for children


rare turkroach W

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