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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Froot | User: frootsoy UserID: 1181323454205673513 | owner of sharty, duh
ROOT [ADMIN] | User: trunk.roots.or.something UserID: 1231345958202376303 | Was NuAdmin / Molchat and basically any other mod who namefagged on the sharty
Ronald (Nudev) [DEVELOPER] | User: 0fi3w4gt03 UserID: 1203201914427416617 | taiwanese glownigger thats obsessed with datamining soyteens, made babybot
Quote / Mud [MANAGER] | User: pear_42314 UserID: 1153824486378971136 | Runs lois.moe, runs ronald's babybot on the shemmy and other imageboards
Stephen / Koot [MOD] | User: kootykins UserID: 1177027484483596372 | Pole who is obsessed with pony porn and makes the sexy mares threads on the jarty and such, made /mare/ on jarty
JartyKING [MOD] | User: tweezy1 UserID: 785966396730376244 | reposts shit from soycords
Sood [MOD] | User: your_bey UserID: 865295463975223396 | weeb
Soy Sneed [MOD] | User: soysneed UserID: 1178910245733548104
lidus [MOD] | User: solidus95i2515_74517 UserID: 1179011059231760456
trebby (she/her) [MOD] | User: frog_from_ohio UserID: 1188875853329879141
WARDEN [??? green role color] User: wider.than.the.sky UserID: 1218067979758075924
dubs [MOD] | User: georgedubs UserID: 1149425016874733679
Noot [MOD] | User: punishedelmister UserID: 642329538394587169
schoppenboer [JANNY] | User: schoppenboer UserID: 693184820515307651


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i dont have a confused looking gyate on standby but pretend that i do and that i just posted one


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still can't tell the difference between sharty and jarty


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>Hes back


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Im back?


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>a sharty janny created /mare/ on the jarty
You can't make this shit up.


turn dustcoal.brimmy into translambda.html already


actually I think I could've made that shit up tbh


How did you get doxxed by the sharty, you seemed pretty casual about it


what where


I meant to ask like 30 days ago or whatever but only did so now but erm I'll just move along I guess


wait lois?
who is xe


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He's called Korbo look it up


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>Goatbo mentioned
tell me whats happening now


I was protecting his identity


It's pretty much common knowledge that all 'rty tranitors since lolkek are 'corders(albeit you /bant/cacas have the same problem)


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never not funny to see people who fell for the meme and genuinely consider using discord a problem


fair but atleast everyone knows it


how do i filter your posts


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it's not even hard retard


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>Leave to join a splinter with even more datamining
The absolute state


I joined his cytube and he is actually a hot boyhu so it means the right wing is winning!


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evandoe the leaks prove the shemmy right


*less datamining

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