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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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father says "this is the work of the jews" whenever he sees something new admired by the masses


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my dad is left leaning but still complains about jews sometimes




My hates jews, muslims(expecially Turks for invading us), also says the word nigger


Also the Americans, Russians, NATO and the EU


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My dad has been developing rather somber and radical thoughts as of lately. The ol' geezer started mumbling something about fusillading criminals and preserving firearms or somethin'. I don remember what exactly…

Anyways, I started wondering for no good and random reason how Middle East people find their way to shitholes like here or imageboard in general given censorship. Are you from /egy/ originally by any chance? I find it very curious your flag.

Tell me something you like to eat that is native to your gastronomical culture and I will try to make it. No animal testicles, okay?


mine also dislikes America and the internet


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the government of iraq doesn't give a shit about or understand technology to enforce any of their authoritarian laws so its actually the opposite of censorship and they can get away with posting 'p on soyjak.party from rawdog ip address


Holy shit same


My father once told me that nordics may be from space.


my dad is extremely apolitical to the point that he shrugs off anything he hears on the news as just "old people scamming young people". pretty based ngl


i say this too


no i am not from /egy/, in fact, i had wars with egy in the distant past, egy is just for egyptians, its their /pol/, other MErners dont usually go there

most food here is hard to make desu……. thats why its delicious, it takes patience and dedication
you can try our national omelette, mix two eggs together with few grains of salt, cut half a tomato to small pieces, so small you fail to see the pieces any longer, fry them with some oil until steam starts being noticeable, decrease the heat and add the eggs gradually, mix until the eggs look like your likings

and of course you have to make black siri Lankan tea with it to have the real experience, not sure if thats common there doe
also gmorning


do you eat today chocolate


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This is the closest that I have, unless this is exactly it. There was another blend at the store. So many "exotic" teas and products.

I will try the omelette even if I do not like eggs. I have one of those really sharp Japanese knife things enough to cut through paper. Surgery on a tomato.


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