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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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i fucking hate when milk has those little flakes in it it completely ruins my cereal and makes it feel disgusting to eat


it's curdled


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your milk has flakes in it?


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you're saying you've never had this happen


i cant say i have


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damn youre good at storing your milk


This has never happened to me, sounds like a "third world problem."


thats bad milk dont drink milk flakes


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your milk is actually worse cause it comes in those weird ass looking jugs that seem to take up way too much space


whenever you open one for the first time there are usually some flakes around the cap


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Just stop being so picky or something.


oh so your milk comes in bags


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wow they're worse than i thought
in cartons like they should
why would you not be picky what are you poor


stop putting your milk at the back of your fridge retard


You so fucking low T. Do you even like explosions or something. War movies? Big boobs? Car crushes? You are a girl. Your Tumblr page is pink. Your Twitter pfp is kuromi. You prefer kotex over always™ or vise versa. You have a womb.


I googled it and it's the most iramqi thing I have seen today


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>Big boobs?
whoever wrote this thinks liking cowtits is high t


I was going to say "it is" but then realized that pedos often look rather androgenized so the truth might be much more complex and hard to grasp


but boobies….


nvm science says pedos are low test
>These analyses revealed lower testosterone levels in child sexual offenders for total testosterone


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okay bud listen well
pussy faggots need to be pampered and smothered by cowtits to make them feel safe and forget about how much of a loser they are
real men like flat chests because they can press their ear up to their wife's chest and hear their heartbeat
nobody said anything about children dude weird that ur mind instantly goes to them lol


I am not calling flat chest enjoyers pedophiles I just thought of that example because every pedophile is a flat chest enjoyers so they're a good study group


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>every pedophile is a flat chest enjoyers
someone's never heard of oppai lolis huh


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>eating cereal


boobfags lost




thats just because those are the ones that are low t enough to get caught and then also not kill themself and then also voluntarily allow their hormonoal level to be tested in a sissy scientific study


oppai lolis are just like muh heckin futanaris

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