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I can't find out why my room smells. Any tips?




Change your goddamn diaper, transqueen


you forgot to eat the diaper cake
it's gone bad


File: 1719866219858.jpg (208.82 KB, 1191x1684, a71ee7e06aa2f102c4c440f689….jpg)

Wash your bed sheets? Maybe the whole bed itself is old enough to consider tossing it. Either that or it's industrial related and is just creeping through your window and other gaps in your home you should be slightly concerned about the potential for dry rot in your walls.
Maybe look into getting a hepa air filtration system, you don't actually need a very expensive one either. Shit like arsolise or whatever is a marketing gimmick.


The main solution is too determine what does your room smell like?
If it smells sweaty/like body odor, take a shower and wash the clothes littering your room.
If it smells like cum, throw away the tissues by your computer, and also wash your socks.
If it smells like booze, throw away the cans of beer.
In general, you should just clean your room.


ask the room odor expert


I always wipe my cum on the same towel that I use to dry myself off when I'm done showering

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