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How come every polish person has played Planescape: Torment, Morrowind and Fallout as a kid but none of them played Zelda, Final Fantasy or Mario?


never played Planescape or seen anyone here talk about it, I only learned about it from English speaking sites
played Morrowind as teenager (never finished it)
played Fallout New Vegas as teenager (never finished it) although that series is actually semi-popular here
the actual game everyone played as a kid is Gothic, it's more popular than Elder Scrolls here
also tons of 25+ folx played SMB1 on a NES ripoff called Pegasus and there was also this one Polish Mario fangame that was very popular
the answer to the question is that games like Zelda or FF never had pl translation


another cult classic everyone played as a kid was HoMM3 (although I liked 5 much more)


Probably because PC games are very easy to pirate with CDs or floppy disks, also eastern europe didn't have a big videogame market during the years of the soviet union, meaning that videogames were either clones or small indie games, both of which could only easily be made for PC, so almost all vidya was played on computers


NES ripoff Dendy or something

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