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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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They're on high alert. Yesterday, they were coordinating an attack on /qa2/ from their tranny subreddits and planned to spam it with low quality slide threads, pro-tranny propaganda, subverting threads, BBC kikery, and kikespam, they were even trying to gaslight every single one of us into believing that Trump "is a Zionist shill" without any apparent evidence besides doctored resources and deepfaked photos from their repositories. However, it didn't go as planned, they all got filtered by the Trumpcha upon trying to kike it up to appease their ridiculous anti-white rhetorics. They immediately ran back to their subreddit crying about our powerful captcha and dilating because "muh antisemitism", they were even looking for ways to bypass it to no avail until they gave up.
If they denounced the Talmud, they'd be no different than us goyim who had just been contributing so much to the superior Aryan race and observing traditional western values, and they'd hate being lumped in with us for that reason alone. Eventually, we forwarded their operation to every right-wing podcaster and they bursted out laughing at their obfuscated plans, a Fox intern had to interview one of them on live television and they were being publicly humiliated non-stop like usual, and Alex Jones called them out on their anti-American Marxist acts. Their embarrassment caused one of them to trend all over X.
Let it be known that once you taint the glory of our strength and what's best for resistance, there's no turning back. Shills take another L yet again.


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