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Nigga, who farted?
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File: 1703372741757.png (556.22 KB, 4960x3508, card.png)

 No.3227ImportantNot Keyed[View All]

ok so i wanna do a christmas card for bbc.com.geocites.net, basically you can either draw or drag some png and add something to the card, you can also make requests and ill try to fill them in too, right now its gonna be all rough but ill try to smooth it out when its finished
for the time being im going to go do other stuff and ill check in every now and then so i can be slightly disappointed when nobody does anything
62 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1703559610608.png (159.01 KB, 551x551, 1527811665772.png)

who is apeporne #2


Draw ape porn #3


She looks amazing!!
I wish I was that talented


Fluffy tails are some bullshit bruh


File: 1703573870215.png (311.45 KB, 1008x1522, ranneyed.png)

difficulty: keyed people must die


I love the fox lady so much


i want ran to make me her shikigami…


File: 1703576522741.png (15.3 MB, 6627x4687, card6.png)

cute drawing i like


Draw ape porn #4


File: 1703588146495.png (36.1 KB, 1105x708, hairy.png)

it was funnier in my head


File: 1703588722947.jpg (235.37 KB, 839x1200, 1701814625006.jpg)

my requirements have not changed the last 3 times youve asked, you must bring me the fabled,mythical, mysterious apeporne of legends
im already in bed getting ready for sleep but I'll add it tomorrow , course youre welcome to add it yourself


That is funny though.


File: 1703599973400.png (5.4 KB, 180x180, apeporn.png)

Fuck you


This is funnymaxxed


File: 1703618876757.png (93.35 KB, 300x301, char.png)


funny dough


post more


File: 1703629219316.png (15.15 MB, 7000x4951, card6.png)


File: 1703631009453.png (250.65 KB, 597x711, file.png)

Add this
You should put your mystia on as well
I think after midnight it could be ruled over, I predict one or two people might still be working


File: 1703632114739.jpg (209.48 KB, 1050x768, 1586440322489.jpg)

i have to work soon, ill do it tonight or tomorrow
if youre referring to my recent one i dont think it matches the bright aesthetic of this card, dont get me wrong im actually kinda proud of it, doesnt look like complete dogshit and it took roughly the same amount of time as the first drawings when i started my dailies so i know im speeding up and simultaneously making cleaner lines


I'm trying to focus on speed too but I burnt out hard because drawing ran was difficult


File: 1703633681843.png (60.91 KB, 277x220, 1703584304484.png)

its literally is just practice desu, doing it again and again and again, i get discouraged when i spend a fair amount of time only to produce mediocre crap, but just picking up the pen and trying again is all you can really do about it,
i used to spend literal minutes just because I couldn't get a line the way i wanted but i find letting go of seeking perfection helps me move onto the next line
i now let the bold lines come out the way they want


File: 1703638460459.png (150.18 KB, 1164x2000, oc.png)


Hi I'm working on something can I have a bit more than 20 minutes


op is wagecuckin so you definitely have a few hours


File: 1703657411520.png (211.74 KB, 1400x1640, iku for koggy.png)

I really like Iku so I drew Iku

I hope this fits on the christmas card nicely




File: 1703659298779.png (15.39 KB, 276x237, file.png)

monkey whale


this can be tinymaxxed because you have so little space left


File: 1703666912893.png (15.64 MB, 7000x4951, card7.png)


It's beautiful


File: 1703677304294.jpg (691.04 KB, 1690x2573, miko.JPG)

I have a Miko drawing, I hope it's not too late to submit this
I wanted to try something new, I hope it's good enough though


If you're running out of space to put more drawings on is it possible to increase the size of the canvas or is it already at the max?




you can leave it in the normal drawing thread if the card is over


spoooooooooooooc add this


File: 1703716551937.png (16.67 MB, 7000x4951, card8.png)

ok last one my tiny 16gb ram cannot handle the massive image i NEED upgrade to the STANDARD 32
i hope they dont mind squeezing in there yeah right there


Erm, there's a bounding box around miko


File: 1703716924647.png (16.67 MB, 7000x4951, card8.png)




I'll xeet that
congrats everyone




Hey where did the Junko drawing go?




File: 1703753083977.png (18.31 MB, 7000x4951, finalcard.png)

ok done
for real
pinky promise


The stickyroopy?? GONE.


its hohoever…




File: 1705978864933.jpg (36.07 KB, 720x713, 1705148531898.jpg)

im going to eat you



Moved to >>>/j3/349.

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