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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

File: 1708553371372.png (129.61 KB, 1012x861, 4358 - SoyBooru.png)


Who are you again?

You're the guy who doesn't know how a patent law works right?

You're the mudrat that lives in a hole in some 3rd world country right?

Yea, these schizophrenia jokes are so corny - almost as corny as your username but you have a track record of making corny jokes that no one laughs at

Hop off my thread with this disrespectful trash kid

I could REALLY VIOLATE you if I wanted to but I don't enjoy making fun of people and I'm trying to become a better person

MY DOG is worth more than your life man, I wouldn't be trying to get disrespectful with me if I were you

Watch your mouth, You're way out of line and I don't deal with this disrespectful trash from a rodent who lives in some mudhole, the bathroom in my basement is probably nicer than your room, its sad really

Watch your mouth, I don't enjoy disrespecting people but if you come to my thread insulting me unprovoked, you'll get what you deserve


all threads deserve replies i suppose


oda went full julian assange style


here's one for you, friend


not yet


File: 1708748182564.webm (1.25 MB, 640x480, Sweden.webm)


File: 1708789825693.png (97.05 KB, 200x200, lutey loot.png)

>hm, it says right here that pedos make up 90 percent of my site's traffic. better not ban them then.


File: 1708790188099.png (40.39 KB, 900x1100, 1708691858208.png)

What's wrong with being a MAP


It deactivates hair follicles


File: 1708802409435.png (802.36 KB, 1280x720, file.png)


owari da


File: 1709153724171.mp4 (7.37 MB, 480x854, troon BTFO'd by Goku.mp4)



Toriyama is a pedophile




File: 1709164478221.jpg (136.09 KB, 664x680, GFbkAppWUAAZR32.jpg)


Also that interview where he says he wants to spy on girls bathrooms


This would imply he's into babies because Goku was in the nude during the first episode.
What is it with anime/manga creators saying weird shit, in the Naruto interview Kishimoto basically said he was into guys.


Toriyama just has the baby dick virus, it's not gay

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