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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

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Why do soyjaks make so many trannies seethe? It's just a MS paint drawing.


Because transfolx are truchanners


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the sharty (filled with underageb& and trannies) gave them a bad reputation


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>My identity? Internet meme characters.




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I am ushiromiya battler


this is the only culture you need


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>Maybe if I post more about my porn addiction, the tourists will finally leave.


didn't you use to do this?


You did not cook


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No, my yapping about tourists and porn posting just coincide.


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im gonna buy sharty for real
i want to preserve the culture of jakking
sharty is the only place i feel sense of belonging
i have a compsci degree and technical skills but have no money
so i started fundraising here
please buy $COBSON now


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i remember you encouraging the porn spam to kick off the tourists back then


no i just said that so people would post more hentai


you also said were all about "i wont spamming the board n shiet until it dies and everyone leaves it"
what happened to that?


I succeeded.


when BBC.com gets less than 300 posts per day, it means the BBC has ED


*i wont stop spamming
succeeded? dylan and the other fags still post there, it is just that most people moved here
if i remember correctly, you used to think of religion more as a spiritual thing and hated the religious practices part
what changed in you? or youre still the same and are just larping now


no point in pointing that up cause he has zero genuine opinions in his posts beyond (you) bait


what the fuck is a “genuine opinion” 🤣🤣🤣


What's a non-genuine opinion


what is the etychanology of this spelling choice "weab" i keep seeing it in this site


It comes from weaboo but it became associated with kissu moe in 2017 then became a resistance term consequentially


lbl babble


Why are you posting urslef tho


shut up blud i saw your hairline


You still didn't answer my question




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One time the sharty went down and /bant/ was suddenly flooded with the brownest, swarthiest sudaca shitholes imaginable


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Soyjaks make the coomers, troons and pedos here seethe cuz Soyteens are anti-pedo and anti-troon, and the average bantculture.com user are both of these combined jej


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SHITjaks are so boring now.


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soytrannnies are in damage control now and searching for a new replacement if their glowsite goes radio off in the next days, do not let them here by any means




some jak memes can be funny if you microdose them for like an hour every month that way its fresh to you rather than spending all day everyday on the babarty

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