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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
Password (For file deletion.)

Meta + Cancer

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 No.429Not Keyed

you can only post in this thread if you have a room temperature IQ and are easily distracted.




hey bb nice dubs


perma this cringe fucker already


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did your backseat modding work that time?


i am apperently/j/.


Bro is spitting


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Hello OP!


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Lube cola is the greatest


wait, is it a real thing?


New flag just puked.


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Make room for me lads


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gentlemen, i'm sure you're wondering why i gathered you all here today.
can you help me figure out why i'm here?
this was supposed to be a one off funpost to test the waters and somehow it's meta.


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Jannies moved us here because reasons I guess but that's fine, we can still have a comfy low IQ fun thread on /j/.


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very based very redpilled




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this is nicemark


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Me when I see a cute retard out in public, (me on the left).




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if true then i don't know what he expected to happen, i go abababa.
this world doesn't deserve the kindness you have.


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they don't have heiroglyphics disabled?
based, how about cuneiform?
𓁺 𓁺


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The ancient Persians really where one of the greatest civilizations back then.


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What's the password I need it to archive threads


The shartwall is only up while i sleep
webarchive can get through it but I'll try making the button archive work brb


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Great observation


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I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend lads.


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Where did everyone go?


opeyed wants us to go back to 4chan


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I don't wanna go back to the 4cuck doe, Hiro keeps B&ing me.


YOU JUST KNOW those bitches will trip over themselves to run in here in 2 more weeks.


not particularly, i'm just not here all the time.


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>YOU JUST KNOW those bitches will trip over themselves to run in here in 2 more weeks.
Perhaps, after a million more so 4troon B&'s anyway people will get fed up with Hiro's nonsense.


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^Teh strongest retard


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I’m on acholhil


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>Fallout: New Vegas consumables
>+1 Charisma for 4 minutes
>-1 Intelligence for 4 minutes
>+1 Strength for 4 minutes
>Hardcore mode only:
>+20 Dehydration


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*Lick, lick, lick.*


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Does anyone come here anymore or am I the last of the retards?


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i'm still here, just not online all the time.


Can I post here?


it does seem so
welcome to the club


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Oh thank goodness, I thought I was all alone on in this cold barren landscape.

Feel free to whenever you want buddy.


it do be kinda dead, like most internet places atm.


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Well we're alt image board users, we're like nomadic Turkic and Mongol tribes riding through the tundra and desert on horse and camel back. We're used to barren lands. We have no permanent residency, not since the great collapse of 8cripple and the cuckening and culling of the last few redeemable boards and moderators on 4georges being squeezed like that of a olive under a mechanical cold press.
But we endure, our culture and traditions endure, we're the remnants of the old Wild West Internetz. The boards may be dead but we aren't.
Fuck Cloudflair…


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i used to lurk this one 8 chan board where there was like 3 people who just used it as a chatroom
and like it was full of threads literally all of that nature with full catalog
was strangely nice




sounds like a similar vibe to when yahoo used to offer the ability to make and moderate your own public chatrooms.


I still lurk the 8Moe occasionally too, digi on zzzchan is pretty comfy to actually.


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Speaking of Yahoo god I heckin miss Yahoo answers. That was a goldmine of ancient Internet culture, a scope into the Wild West days of the Interwebz if you will. From what I remember someone archived the whole thing though so that's good.


Yahoo was one of the bigger things on the early internet before they slowly fell off on features and got out competed by other businesses, but it's still cool that they're alive enough to host my 23 year old e-mail account.


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Yup, not to mention they're still useful for tracking stonks (Yahoo finance). Also their 1TB cloud storage is neat though I sure as fuck would never store anything regarding my personal info on their cloud since yahoo has had several data breaches throughout the years, their security is kinda laughable honestly. Then again that's just my stance on cloud storage in general, I just use Yahoo's cloud for weebshit I've torrented in the past.


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wise choice, i don't really trust their security either, just look at all the spam i will never make the time for cleaning up at a rate of 30 a minute


As someone with a more recent yahoo account spam isn't actually much of a problem for me, at least not yet but I make various email accounts for single singular purposes rather than having one main email usually.
Perhaps I'm a bit to cautious given my line of work isn't really all that important but still redundant security is always a good thing.l


I certainly don't work for anyone like Nvidia or some government agency, non the less if more people practiced redundant security well there would be a lot less data breaches over all and probably less successful Nigerian prince scams going around. The fact that they don't teach this stuff in schools is rather disappointing honestly.


you know darn well i can't make a new one now that I'm one of the only ones not forced to put a number in their name.


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the modern education system is not there to teach independent thought, it is there to test the ability to comply with orders and label anyone who doesn't match the criteria with a label or disability.
they turn out drones who don't even realize they can work for themselves.


Moved to >>>/j3/486.

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