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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

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 No.443ImportantNot Keyed[View All]

In this thread you may discuss the current state of /bant/: request, concerns, suggestion, thoughts, complaints, compliments to the staff (boot-licking), and contain your drama faggotry here. Thank you.
298 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


his doctor confirmed it was for hairloss.


Sleepy joe paid him for this


Sleepy Joe payed the Dr to make trump look like a high iq blackpilled neurotyoical winner? Weird


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wow I failed


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Umm… I thought the catty only stored up to 40 pages… why are there 56??


the website became active enough for good threads to die really often so I removed the cap, the amount of threads per page was increased from 8 to 15 too


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did the plan to rename to chireiden.org fall through ?


I realized most imageboard users are a poisoned well and that sanitizing the site in any manner is wasted effort since they're a dying breed of manchildren that will run away if they see a shitpost


Chireiden is a banger name tho


what's that have to do with a name


The idea was that the name would stop the website from growing because it's an obscure joke


make a board where 2hu isn't allowed


shounen board when


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I wonder if bbpog should support webp or if that's like supporting the NWO or whatever


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make /foul/ and /feet/


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bbcom needs /d/ so that fart agartha general can come back


you deleted a not confirmed nuenis, you just can't decide if a nuenis is a real nuenis if there's no 'enis showing, you have no proof and could be a nuessy and then you fucked up big time


I've seen man in my time, that's a man


why does it sometimes flash yotsuba b for a moment when loading the page while my theme is tomorrow, i thought the default is yotsuba a


I haven't seen that in a long time but at some level internally the default is yotsuba B


webp needs to be #killed
webp images should all be converted to jpg or png by the user with image magick or something


I figured that was the white whale's way, maybe this week


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I figured how that works is that the post with the smaller filesize appears 2nd when two are submitted at the same time


when i sometimes click on the catalog button, the bnat tab freezes entirely and i have to close it and reopen it so it stops freezing.
i'm on brave and i'm using 4chanx via violentmonkey


It's probably because 4chanx uses so much cpu, when spamming 4chan I would usually have to turn it off or risk freezing my pc
I'll limit the pages to 50 again pretty soon


I think we need to crack down on excessive 2nari jokes because it's really one of those "give an inch take a mile" in how obnoxious it is


I sure hope this doesn't provoke them or anything


I have downloaded several shemale gifs just to post them on bint but don't have the conscience to post them


Poland will throw you in jail because poland is based


all mentions of this site in int archive have pl flags



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They're fugitives


If I eat a whole bottle of aspirin will I get a brazillion dht or do I need to buy it


>niezły BFC bocchi *klepie w jajca*
nice bantculture reference


Aspirin would increase T and DHT in the long term by improving health and opposing estrogen but if you want to take something for DHT use Creatine since it's proven to increase DHT by over 50% and it has a long half life in the system


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Also liver is cheap asf and you can fry a cutlet of it in butter then cover it in shitloads of salt (eating tons of salt is important basically)
My DHT is being held in customs but it made me remember that creatine is controversial for increasing dht
Beef has a lot of creatine but 5g of creatine is equivalent to 2.2 pounds of beef
Also dumping salt on chocolate milk is kino


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>siostra zobaczyla touhou fiuty i zmusza mnie iść do psychologa XD jestem kurwa skończony



there was one complaining about an autosaged fiuty thread


>yfw it's real


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is it just me or the sighte has been boring af and lowkey dead for the past several days


Maybe a week ago


I haven't advertised it since sometime in February, I'm surprised the traffic didn't suffer more
The amount of activity went down but the number of posters is very high compared to before, and the day with the most activity was 2 weeks ago, so the chances of the website going anywhere are low
It suffers from not being advertised because it becomes more boring without new blood and controversy
I'll advertise it when I stop doing personal stuff, I treat this site in a sink or swim manner though, other people should be posting it on 4chan (through an image)






Moved to >>>/j3/1.

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