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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

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Is this trve?


all gachas look the same


There's this saying that you lose a hoe how you got a hoe. Basically if a hoe got with you by cheating on another man she will leave you once she gets bored and greater slayer appears. This is how gachas work where a gacha lives for roughly 3 years then is abandoned for another gacha (Azur Lane -> Genshin -> maybe some other bullshit here idfk -> Blue Archive). The NPC insects win because they enjoy moving but the midwits who get attached to a gacha and think it will survive are left holding the bag like a Qtard and the 2 more weeks thing


facs prolly


Also Touhou is the only monogamous and sustainable option so tradcath touhou gooners won basically


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the greatest trick the devil pulled on humanity is convincing people that comparing everything to how animals (incl. norm cattle) act in the wild to everything is a mature way of looking at things.
Lord Snob touched on the topic of FOTMhood in his recent critical works. He said that people moving away and from interests is in the nature of people. But I digress as the only true way to lose interest in something is one's death, as people do not truly ever forget, or move on, but can at most just bury it away in their minds. Of course death does not free the world or you from what happens to you but that is too off the topic.


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me and bint


actually holy trvthnvke…


it's not dark souls or bloodborne if the director's pessimistic worldview isn't clearly reflected in the worldbuilding


It is though


then it must be the anti dark souls
since it's the only anti edgeshit out there


imblying any goonhitler who plays twphitlerpedobaldcelfaggotgoonchive can think about anything other than the present moment


Phrenapates is like Gwyn


cant believe that cacas just got obliterated like that

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