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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

File: 1716568284478.png (82.24 KB, 428x482, hanging 4cuck smugjak.png)


>(boring retard deported)


Well since you said something about it I can impart wisdom and unban you, basically internet communities are kept alive by treating people with "bad vibes" as dalits and giving them the boot even if they obey the rules, so I capped you there for creating a mundane race politics discussion


Thread was locked and I didn't get to say it but what you posted earlier was irrelevant to African opinions.


Well since this is le cancer board I can respond I think.

Couldn't find anything for North Africa, but the fact that the governments are actively deporting and arresting them is enough for me.
This is true but I feel like it should be more of a warning instead.

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