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/j/ - Janny Board + Containment

Nigga, who farted?
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Meta + Cancer

File: 1719654697639.jpg (28.33 KB, 600x480, Tumblr_l_42115769473183.jpg)


the banter above will force the banter below to have estrogen


wtf i didnt finish writing my thread


well this works too me guesses




>>1 will force >>31879 to have estrogen


Average /bant/slvtta thread


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I have recently come to the conclusion that terfs are female versions of blackpillers so I'm with tqueens in this one


File: 1719660688347.jpg (232.47 KB, 1128x1128, [twitter] akico82hp—2024.0….jpg)

yes daddy ~


File: 1719661277463.webm (9.13 MB, 640x346, 1226893813116.webm)

I'm like a child taking first steps into the the larger and brighter world of the West, coming from a country in the dark with no such concepts, all ignorant. No terfs, no transqveens, no redpills or blackpills, no rizz, no rights… I hope one day this country will experience the "Meiji Restoration" of its own, progressively and open-mindedly, and I'll be able to shout proudly in the streets "DECAPITATE TERFS" to my beloved xisters and brothas and they'll shout back "HE'S RITE YOU KNO"



>having to inject yourself with weird chemicals so you dont kill yourself
people shit on scummy pharma executives and their predatory business deals but this is actually fucking ingenious. You literally have a bunch of free money printers giving you shekels 24/7


it's no different than men on trt but you would say that is based instead


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typical tumblr user mindset

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