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File: 1710474772333.png (5.78 MB, 2011x3274, illust_111152302_20240315_….png)


>blonde hair
>blue eyes
Yup, Alice is aryan


would she be allowed in the ethnostate


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She is going to gas the kikes.


monkey's paw: a touhou sits on your face but there's farting involved


That's not a monkey's paw


File: 1710486657501.png (21.8 KB, 800x550, 7866 - crying double_deali….png)

we cant talk about nice things on this website, only ray peat and looksmaxx


That's why soibabas are banned


Visionary and intelligent soiposts are left up


She's a youkai!!! Not even human, not aryan


Do you remember the memerino the Jew afraid of samurai
That chink said that everyone can be a samurai because it just mean a noble good person
That's the reason why the third reich was an ally for Japan despite le not white honorary
So it makes alice honorary Lady even doe yoki


ofc she is shes romanian


She wants to eat humans, she says it directly in Touhou 7
Literal tribal african niggatry


Afrikans don't eat flesh it's the called aryans like Jeffrey Dahmer that do


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even though youkx folx need to eat humxns to be nourished and mentally healthy because not eating humxn meat would be malnutrition for them like a vegan diet for a humxn is also i would gladly let alice eat me


This actually confirms shes aryan since the caucasoid peoples need to subsist them themselves on human corpses which is the origin of imperialism


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Arisu is goku which makes her aryan


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she's a magician and not a y*kai. Just because ZOGmu takes away your human rights once you ascend above the GenZOGyo nigger cattle doesn't make you a subhuman on par with Chen or something.


File: 1710714165473.png (2.72 MB, 1470x827, file.png)

>she's a magician and not a y*kai. Just because ZOGmu takes away your human rights once you ascend above the GenZOGyo nigger cattle doesn't make you a subhuman on par with Chen or something.

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