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/j3/ - Meta & Random

Methylene Blue
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/j3/ when?

File: 1705179308593.png (648.73 KB, 1129x850, IMG_6928.png)


p lwease add a blueness to the original filename part of the file description like they have in sjoipdfjpeohgk.pasjeiorjghfy so you can click that and get the file downloaded as with original file name there is so many pictures in my downloads folder with nonsense number names now


That encourages filename stealing and that's haram


File: 1705180917212.jpg (359.96 KB, 1425x2048, 11cc4463051b25e316289c8742….jpg)

medicine melancholy melanquickly


I'll make it a toggle in the options menu




File: 1705272462581.gif (622.54 KB, 255x127, 1703556281110.gif)


File: 1706144138993.png (363.88 KB, 576x741, 1706114764831-0.png)

My hobbies: seething at groypers


File: 1706183797029-0.jpg (438.95 KB, 1080x1403, Screenshot_20240107-135011….jpg)

File: 1706183797029-1.png (158.3 KB, 758x405, file.png)



nufrogexistas i thought we were above posting gay porn for the shock value?


File: 1707385615200.png (25.04 KB, 779x679, 471 - baby full_bodied han….png)

>just participated in 2 raids, feeling meepermy💪


File: 1707442449673.png (284.08 KB, 526x462, 2024-02-08_20-32.png)

the soibabas are calling us a splinter


It's a splinter of 4chuck/bant/, just like how the 'tardy is a splinter of /qa/ though (albeit most farteens were still fetuses when the latter was still around)


>He MAY be on BantCulture, but I haven't done research into this.


What's this from


/bant/ page on soywiki



will ac grant him refugee status?


Kek that was me
Hopefully he may convince him to stop deleting ON TOPIC soys


File: 1707525620153.gif (165.5 KB, 362x496, 1656306217669.gif)

Pretty sure it's a different Swede though


Yes I know but maybe xe is lurking


File: 1707681064450.png (66.7 KB, 800x550, 3687 - funny glasses kochi….png)

Trump deep fake porn
Can we not post porn please
Sorry for the perma forgot to set the time
are you that obsessed? you are doing nothing.
go back gore tranny
why do i gotta be the one to clean this shit up bruh!
pepe scat and piss

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