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 No.31879[View All]

>The first trailer for #ELDENRING Shadow of the Erdtree will be revealed in 16 hours. Join us at 15:00 UTC.
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Anyways do i need to progress the story more to get past the black gate in his arena or do some side exploring instead


have mercy for the spirited away shamans or something of that sort


hmm i see
well gonna do that once i wake up i guess and finish the game hopefully


Quelaag, Quelana, Najka and Romina should have a pillow fight with Wriggle, Eternity, Momoyo and Yamame


is my bro scorpion man tarkus invited


I have to read about alchemy and greek philosophy to understand what a "microcosm" is


moids killed on sight


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>Wiemy, że każda żyjąca, myśląca, dialektyczna istota ma we krwi to pragnienie i ten głód. Religia złota jest jedyną, która aż do tej chwili wprawia w ruch i pędzi naprzód całą ludzkość. Nie ma religii, która spowodowałaby więcej męki, bólu i cierpienia. Walka ludzkości toczy się o posiadanie surowców i rynków zbytu. A kiedy posiadanie zostanie już zdobyte, to instynkt pędzi nas dalej, ażeby to posiadanie udoskonalać i pomnażać. To jest pierwotny instynkt całego ludzkiego istnienia. To, czego człowiek w swej najgłębszej istocie pożąda, to jest posiadanie złota! Złoto jest cudem, boskim majestatem. Pierwotną substancją, w której i przez którą istnieje Nieruchome Królestwo Boga, jest złoto. Ciało praczłowieka, niebiańskiego człowieka jest stworzone z tej substancji. Cały boski wszechświat da się wyjaśnić z tego szlachetnego metalu. Ten szlachetny metal jest ponadto podstawą nieskończonej różnorodności wszechobjawienia. Ta prawiedza spoczywa jeszcze ukryta w najbardziej prymitywnym człowieku. Przy pomocy złota można zrobić wszystko! Nasz świat jest bardzo ubogi w złoto i jest też ono bardzo nierównomiernie rozłożone.


>finally got to the last boss
Holy hypebeast!


after you win, read the description of armor you can buy at finger reader then watch base game story trailer


The dodge timing on his gravity dive thing he opens up with sometimes is really awkward desu


that one attack where he pulls you in and does aoe damage is pretty bullshit too, i guess you have to just outrun it which sucks ass for melee builds


you can avoid damage by dodging like 3 times backwards but the timing for 1st dodge is very weird


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nvm he did not kneel


becoming gay after 2 grabs will give you a new gesture btw


btw never connected one of npcs talking about mohg's body disappearing and that one bloodflame attack


his meteorite shot is inconsistent as fuck too, sometimes you can sideroll it and sometimes it just hits you regardless, i suppose that depends on how close you are to him though
i didnt even last 10 seconds in the second phase desu, thought it was safe to punish his normal combo but apparently he has holy aoe to stop you from getting any hits in now
this is beastly lore moment


the holy aoe spam made me just do this >>69865 because I legit couldn't figure it out but watching videos now it seems much easier
the best way to dodge meteors seems to be running away


what the fuck are those moves
i cant see shit


this dlc is basically
first boss

middle bosses

final boss


Ok i can get him to the second phase semi-reliably now, seems like being hyper aggressive is the key here, cant do shit in second phase doe because suddenly all of his moves are completely safe now
yeah i`ll save da cheese for later, he seems pretty doable desu if not for the holy aoe in the second phase
Seems like he has infinite poise too though which is kinda gay
Ahhh i dunno, there was a lot of infuriating mid-game bosses too, Gaius, sunflower, not-Orphan to name a few. Mostly because they play hit and run with you doe or have really inconsistent hitboxes


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What the hell is that
Should i get grabbed again or something?


kirai kirai loving


Im just gonna get to his second phase and try to dodge everything to learn i guess
If i try to actually fight him he just murders me



the last hit on his 6-hit string keeps fucking me up
At least i figured out how to dodge the gravity pull more or less


DLC Boss rating:
Unholy niggerbeast: Dogshit camera, the enhanced version with deathblight is cancer too, 4/10
Rellana: I mean, shes alright? Has some obnoxious i-frames on her dodges, but fairly fun and fair fun nevertheless. 6/10
Messmer: Ugh what if we made a boss who just never stops attacking and has a trillion combo variations wouldnt that be cool? 6/10 because his second phase is somehow easier than the first
Midra: Alright i guess. Hits hard but its your fault if you get hit by him. 6/10
Bayle: Hardcarried by Igon. 7/10 just because of him, otherwise its just a normal from dragon fight.
Putrescent knight: Fuck this nigger from running away from me constantly, literally nigh impossible to punish with an UGS on most moves other than his combo ender and charge combo recovery, at least hes not too hard. 4/10
Romina: I mean, shes alright? Has a fun moveset and not too obnoxiously retarded like some of the other bosses. 7/10.
Metyr: some spazmatic ass attacks, cant really say anything else about it. 5/10.
Commander Gaius: Actually nigh dogshit fight, courtesy of the charge move, hit and run tactics of his, him flailig around like a spazzmatismo and unholy damage on his moves. 2/10.
Sunflower: Pretty gay 3 phases, thorns obscuring vision and wonky hitboxes but the music at last phase made me kinda sad so he gets an extra point :( 6/10
Radahn: The GOAT for me this dlc, epic music, doesnt have many really annoying moves, doesnt runs away from you, gives you enough room to punish, the only bad thing about that fight is second phase can be kinda obnoxious but otherwise an easy 9/10, aint even mad.


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>For pity's sake, your place is in the jar. Nigh-sainthood itself awaits you within. For shamans like you, this is your lot. Life were you accorded for this alone.




first and last boss are the same animal, zaki did it again :o


Whale not blendered enough


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niggas don't abuse sukusuku because they don't have enough human traits


One weird thing i noticed is that bosses sometimes go into a weird recovery cancel animation if you hit them twice or more after their moves and just immideately start attacking you


Hmmm i think my plan for the second phase is to parry his downward swing combo starter because its easiest thing in the world to parry and you want him to attack as little as possible and theres barely any windows to counter attack him anyways


Okay ive been at it for 4 hours already and im at a fucking LOSS on what to do with his second phase, he just doesnt have ANY openings whatsoever. Its a shame really because phase one is a pretty cool fight but its actively ruined by the lightshow and chains of aoe just snuffing out any potential to attack.


everypony's reaction to this boss


Im actually curious how do people even get through it not abusing barricade shield, ive only watched one other guy trying to fight him but he was a caster and even then he had a terrible time. Maybe i`ll just ape Afro`s build and just power through it.


I did this >>69865
3-4 hits and he'd get stunned and I could heal the tanked dmg after riposte


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Miyazaki tongues my anus


I like the hog rider fight but everyone seems to hate it :(


everyone is just wrong :)


I have come to realization that Fromsoftware artstyle is objectively inspired and exceptional because AI is not able to replicate it


maybe art design is the better word here because art style is the way you draw something


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Finally finished the game O<O


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>you;'re only; allowed to post at this thread when you're sleeepy


playing on ng+0 character instead of ng+1 one and damn these bosses are easy
ng+0 = you didn't beat the game


I started the dlc on ng+ again but i dont think theyre that much harder difficultywise

I guess thats because i still have 16 skibidilevels


nvm relly is still hard


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